Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction

In the year 2246, humanity was on the brink of extinction. After a series of wars, caused by rapid climate change, overpopulation and competition for resources, the world was in ruins, with only a few pockets of humans having survived.

The future of humanity rested on the shoulders of one brave leader, known to the world as Dr. David Storey. Through his tireless efforts, he and his team were determined to find a way to save humanity from certain destruction.

Dr. Storey had been working on a revolutionary technology known as the “virtual-stasis capsule”. The technology uses a combination of robotic and nanotechnology to place a person in an artificial state of suspended animation, in which their body and mind can remain in a state of perfect preservation for centuries, allowing them to sleep while the world changes around them.

Dr. Storey’s plan was to put humanity into a state of virtual stasis, allowing them to sleep until the world becomes inhabitable again. His team had built capsules that could carry 10,000 people at a time into stasis, allowing them to be stored for centuries and awoken in a much changed world.

His plan was graciously accepted by world leaders and the project was approved for what would be the largest act of extreme hibernation ever attempted by a species.

The ultimate goal is to save and preserve humanity, but exactly what the future holds for the human race remains to be seen. Will humanity rise again or will its destiny be sealed in its collective sleep? Only time will tell.
