Fan Fiction

Actors: Calvin is Luke Calvinwalker...Dad is Darth Dad...Ronald (a classmate of Calvin's) is Ron Solo...Moe is Moebacca...Susie is Princess Saia...Hobbes is H-3PO...a Drawing of Calvin's is R2-D2...Uncle Max is Mobi-Wan Kenobi...

the film: princess saia's ship is attacked by darth dad. h-3po and r2-d2 escpe to desert planet tatoonie. jawas capture them and sell them to luke. luke's family is killed by imperal schooltroopers. mobi-wan comes up to luke and tells him his true destiny.

then, all 4 escape in a spacesip commanded by ron and moebacca. they are then sucked all 6 onto the death school. then they rescue the princess, a prisoner on the death school.

rebel jets then pick them up. the death school is then destroyed, strikeing a blow for freedom in the galaxy...
