Cowards are characters who are very prone to run away from a fight or confrontation or even their own problems, or who pick on those who they know are weaker or who have less authority. Sometimes being a coward motivates evil as they will do anything to save only their own hides and do not care if others get hurt (providing they don't get harmed themselves), other times it serves as a comedic relief while at other times it simply makes a person dislikeable and/or weak in the eyes of a viewer or another character (and sometimes the victims as well).
Due to the fact most cowards will try to run away if they are in danger or even surrender entirely, they are rarely the leading villains (though exceptions do exist), tending instead to be bumbling sidekicks or henchmen. In addition, should these villains die, it is often in disgrace, unless they redeem themselves to die with honor.
Princess Peach -
Iris -
Billy (Billy & Mandy) -
Daffy Duck -
Chance (Homeward Bound) -
Hatenna -
Zazu -
Shere Khan
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