The following is a list of characters appearing in any fanfiction on this site whose last known status was alive.
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All items (1554)
- Aaron
- Ace (Mugen Souls Z)
- Ace Ventura
- Adonna Otter (Skeeter and the Otters)
- Adorabeezle Winterpop
- Aelita Schaeffer
- Aero the Acro-Bat
- Agent Smith
- Aiko Krackle
- Akane Ryuuzouji
- Akari
- Aku Aku
- Aladdin
- Alder
- Alejandro
- Alex Norwood
- Alex Russo
- Alexavier
- Ali
- Allan Sanders
- Alligator (Haunted Mansion)
- Alex Amadore
- Amani
- Amy Rose
- Cody
- Andrew McCutchen
- Angelica Pickles
- Angry Video Game Nerd
- Annoying Orange
- Annoying Orange Profile 1
- Aqua
- Aragh
- Archer (Pokémon)
- Archie (The Land Before Time)
- Argit
- Ariel
- Ariel Tweto
- Armadillamingkat Berkowitz
- Arnold Schortman (Flame Icejin universe)
- Asgaarth
- Ash Ketchum
- Ashcan and Pete
- Ashley
- Atsuko Chiba (Magical Girls Unite)
- Aurora
- Aurora (Sorceress)
- Awesome Possum
- Ayako Hiiragi
- Ayame (Bouncer Tetralogy)
- Ayane Ikuse
- B.O.B.
- Babydoll
- Baloo
- Bam Margera
- Bambi
- Bandit
- Bando
- Barack Obama
- Barf (Spaceballs)
- Bart Simpson
- Bartholomew
- Basil
- Batly the Bat
- Batman
- Mary Baxter
- Beast (Disney)
- Beauty
- Ben
- Ben Ali Gator
- Beni
- Bentley
- Berlioz
- Bertha(International Heroes)
- Bessie Higgenbottom
- Bianca
- Big Al
- Bill and Ted
- Bill Grey
- Bill Harding
- Billie and Thea
- Billy
- Billy (Billy & Mandy)
- Billy Biggle
- Binomes
- Bio Rex
- Brendan Birch
- Blanc (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
- Blaze the Cat
- Blinx
- Bloo
- Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Blossom (Total Drama Before Time)
- Blue Jones
- Bo' Rai Cho
- Bob
- Bonko Otter (Skeeter and the Otters)
- Bonnie Swanson
- Bowser
- Bowser Jr.
- Bread Drivenish
- Brian Griffin
- Brian Griffin (Brian and Vinny universe)
- Brian Griffin (Flame Icejin universe)
- Brian Laurence
- Brianna Schortman
- Bridgette (Total Drama)
- Brock
- Bron
- Bruce BlazeStar
- Bruno Mars
- Brycen
- Bubble
- Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Bubbles (Total Drama Before Time)
- Bubsy (Character)
- Buffy Summers
- Bugs Bunny
- Bumblebee
- Burgundy
- Burt Lemming
- Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
- Buttercup (Total Drama Before Time)
- Buttercup (Total Drama Cartoon)
- Buzz Lightyear
- C-3PO
- Cameron
- Candice
- Candlehead
- Captain Copernicus Leslie Qwark
- Captain Syrup
- Carly Shay
- Carly's Bulbasaur
- Carly's Infernape
- Carly's Tepig
- Carolinus
- Heidi Carroll
- Carter Pewterschmidt
- Cassie Cage
- Celia Cumani Aintree
- Cera
- Chad Kaplan
- Chance (Homeward Bound)
- Chang the Firefox
- May Lin Chang