Fan Fiction

A Klip from Random Klips.


Release date: June 2021

length: 0:12

Cast Amanda Leighton (Poppy), Ron Funchees (Cooper)

Characters Present
Cooper, Poppy

Summary Cooper decides to eat a snack under his bed.

Themes: Food & Drink

Allusions: DreamWorks' Trolls



  • [Scene: Cooper's living pod, where he has his head under his bed. Poppy peeks her head into the window]
  • Poppy: Hey, Cooper! [Cooper takes his head out from under the bed and looks at her with white powder on his nose]
  • Cooper: Hey, there Poppy!
  • Poppy: Um, what were you doing?
  • Cooper: Um... eating a powdered doughnut.
  • Poppy: Under your bed...? Well, you do you. [she leaves]
  • Cooper: [sticks his head back under his bed and pulls out said powered doughnut and takes another bite, revealing the jelly filling inside as he happily chews]