Fan Fiction

The Cornellian Treaty was an accord that created the Alliance to Restore the Republic, or the Rebel Alliance.


Garm Bel Iblis, having consolidated the resistance forces on Cornellia under one command structure, called Bail Prestor Organa of Elderaan and Mon Mothma of Chdrila, who had discussed potential revolution at the Cantham House Meetings, to Cornellia for a new series of discussions. These Cornellian System Meetings proved more successful, and the three resistance leaders drafted the Cornellian Treaty as a codification of their common ideals and goals. Bel Iblis, Organa, and Mothma’s signing of the treaty formalized the relationship between the Cornellian, Elderaanian and Chadrilan resistance forces, respectively, from a loose coalition to an organized rebellion.

The treaty itself provided a command structure for the Alliance intended to allow each force to govern itself while providing a strong centralized component to coordinate all efforts. It organized the civil aspects such as diplomacy, transport and supply into one tree, bundled all military operations into another, and placed the Commander-in-Chief and Advisory Council at the top.

The treaty inspired dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of resistance cells across the Universe to join the Alliance. Emperor Palpatine knew of the Rebellion, making this quote:

All of my opponents will finally be destoryed.
