Fan Fiction

Darkrai and the Midnight Patrol is a fanmade crossover that features Darkrai from the Pokémon franchise and the Midnight Patrol from the Hanna-Barbera animated series, Midnight Patrol: Adventures in the Dream Zone (known as Potsworth and Co. in the UK) as the main protagonists.


(The story starts with two siblings, a 5-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl, being tucked into bed by their mother. The siblings both have blonde hair and brown eyes. The girl wears her hair in two pigtails. Their mother has short brown hair and blue eyes, while their father has combover blonde hair and green eyes. They're all wearing their pajamas as they get ready for bed)

Mother: Good night, you two. Pleasant dreams. (kisses her children on their foreheads)

Brother: We want a bedtime story.

Sister: Dad, will you tell us a story?

Father: Alright, kids. But just one.

(The brother and sister hug their teddy bears and smile at their father as they prepare for their story)

Father: This story is about four children, a dog and a living nightmare. The children and the dog are best friends. They live in the Dream World and are all part of a team called the Midnight Patrol. Their job is to protect everyone's dreams.

(As the father tells the story, a set of different-colored buildings in the Dream World fades into view. They're floating in the clouds under the night sky with bright twinkling stars and a crescent moon. The buildings bear a resemblance to the ones in Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz. There are blue brick roads that are surrounded by clouds and lined with stylish blue lamp posts with star-shaped lights. The members of the Midnight Patrol are in a park with a fountain decorated with a golden star on top. Cuts to Carter drawing a big stack of steaks into existence)

Father: There's Carter. He's a talented artist who has a magic brush that can bring anything he draws with it to life.

Carter: What do you think, Potsworth?

(Potsworth steps in)

Potsworth: Splendid work, Carter. (he starts eating the steaks)

Father: Then there's Potsworth, Carter's talking dog.

(Keiko rides high in the sky through the clouds on her skateboard)

Father: Next is Keiko, who's very optimistic and likes to be seen as the leader of the group. She rides through the Dream World on her flying skateboard.

(Keiko flies around in figure eights and other fancy flight patterns. Cuts to Nick, with Murphy on his head)

Father: Then there's Nick. He's a superhero and the youngest member of the Midnight Patrol. His best friend is his stuffed dinosaur Murphy.

(Nick lifts a big boulder, flies up with it, tosses it up and smashes it with his fist as it falls back down. Murphy cheers. Nick then flies around through the air. At one point, he flies upside-down, causing Murphy to fall off. Cuts to Rosie admiring herself in a hand mirror)

Father: And last but not least, Rosie.

(Murphy lands on Rosie's head, making her mad)

Father: Nick's sister.

Rosie: Nicholas!

(Nick flies down)

Nick: (takes Murphy off Rosie's head) Sorry, Rosie.

Father: Rosie's often bratty and fussy, but she's not too bad once you get to know her.

(Cuts to a house in the real world at night. Darkrai enters a bedroom in his shadow form)

Father: And the living nightmare is Darkrai.

(Darkrai emerges out of the shadows. As the father narrates, Darkrai slowly floats over to a little boy fast asleep in bed)

Father: Darkrai is the enemy of the Midnight Patrol and the reason why people have nightmares.

(Darkrai now floats right over the boy's bed. He eyes the boy and forms an orb of dark energy in his claws. He then throws the dark energy orb as his Dark Void attack at the boy. It turns into a sphere of blackness that envelops the boy and disappears. Darkrai disappears back into the shadows. Meanwhile, the little boy is dreaming of joyfully skipping through a meadow full of flowers, birds and butterflies. Suddenly, the skies become extremely dark. The butterflies change into bats, and the peaceful birds transform into vicious ravens. The flowers become man-eating plants. The bats, ravens and man-eating plants attack the boy. Frightened, he screams and tries to run away. He only runs a short distance and is captured by a man-eating plant)

Boy: Help! Help me!

(Back at the home of the Midnight Patrol, an alarm rings)

Keiko: Someone's having a nightmare!

(The gang rushes into a blue building. They now stand at a big computer with numerous buttons, some of which look like stars and crescent moons. It also has what appears to be a globe of the Earth in it with a red flashing light in the United States, indicating that someone in the United States is having a bad dream. Keiko pushes a crescent moon button. The screen shows the boy caught by the man-eating plant)

Keiko: That kid needs our help! Let's roll, Midnight Patrol!

(The team races to five different colored circles on the ground, each with a yellow star in them: a purple one for Carter, an orange one for Potsworth, a blue one for Keiko, a red one for Nick and a pink one for Rosie. The stars start glowing and the Midnight Patrol magically disappears. They enter the boy's nightmare and see him about to be eaten by the man-eating plant)

Carter: We gotta do something, or this kid's dream won't end too happy!

(The Midnight Patrol flies in to help. Nick flies in front of the boy and blows a raspberry at the plant. This makes it angry and try to catch him with its vines. Nick flies around the plant with its vines chasing him, causing the plant to tie itself up, immobilizing it. Nick's friends help the boy out of the plant's grasp. Carter draws a spray bottle of weed killer. Keiko then flies him closer to the man-eating plant, allowing him to spray at it. The plant withers and dies. The Midnight Patrol then flies around, killing the rest of the man-eating plants in the boy's nightmare. The sky turns sunny again, the friendly birds and butterflies come back and new flowers bloom)

Boy: Thanks.

Carter: No problem, kid.

Rosie: I always hated weeds. But man-eating plants are worse.

Potsworth: Sometimes, I wonder if protecting everyone's dreams from Darkrai is worth all the trouble.

Keiko: It wasn't that bad, Potsworth. Besides, we're the Midnight Patrol. There's no nightmare Darkrai can throw at us that we can't handle.

Potsworth: Apparently not.

Nick: We should celebrate!

Carter: Good idea, Super Nick.

(Back in the real world, Darkrai stands atop a church steeple, overlooking a town. He flies off into the night)

Father: Even though Darkrai gives people bad dreams, he's not exactly evil.

(Darkrai suddenly pauses when he notices a strange red glow with red lightening that briefly appears in the night sky)

Darkrai: Do not come here.

(The glow fades away. Suddenly, it reappears and its lightening gets stronger. Darkrai flies at it)

Darkrai: Go away!

(Darkrai uses Dark Pulse to attack the glowing light. It vanishes again when his attack hits it)

Father: In fact, he's good deep down. But he can be misunderstood.

(Darkrai continues flying to the town. As he does, he looks back briefly as he senses that something bad is coming)

Father: And one night, he knew that something bad was about to happen.

(As Darkrai enters the town, he changes into his shadow form, blending into the darkness of the night. He moves past a policeman on patrol. He spots Darkrai for a brief moment and rubs his eyes. After that, he no longer sees him)

Policeman: I think I'm seeing things.

(Back at the home of the Midnight Patrol, the team is standing together in a bakery)

Keiko: What should we make?

Carter: How about Sweet Dream Cookies?

Keiko: Great idea.

Rosie: No way, Keiko. Let's make Sweet Dream Cake.

Potsworth: I prefer Sweet Dream Dog Biscuits.

Nick: But I like Sweet Dream Cookies.

Keiko: Okay. We'll make them all.

(Keiko's friends cheer. The team then splits into different groups. Carter works with Potsworth, Nick works with Rosie, and Keiko works alone. In the real world, Darkrai flies through another city at night. He pauses again and looks at the sky. He sees nothing but stars, clouds and the moon up above. But he just knows things are not as they seem as there is something evil coming. He flies on. He later extends his leg-like appendages and stands on top of a flagpole. He overlooks the city from where he stands. It looks peaceful and quiet enough, but Darkrai knows something that not even the Midnight Patrol does. Just then, the same strange red glow reappears in the sky. This time, it's accompanied with swirling dark-red clouds. Darkrai flies towards the clouds as they unleash red lightening. One bolt of lightening hits him and sends him falling down to earth. He quickly recovers and flies at the clouds again, evading more lightening bolts as he gets closer. He then blasts the center of the swirling clouds with his Shock Wave attack. The clouds clear away, but one more bolt of lightening appears. Darkrai shields himself before the lightening hits him. He's sent hurtling down again. He crashes into a car, but is still in one piece. As he gets back in the air, he watches as the glow fades away from view once more. He growls as he glares at where the strange glow was. He then flies off quickly to an apartment building not too far away. He assumes his shadow form again and goes inside one of the apartments. He enters a little girl's bedroom and circles her a few times. He then comes out of the shadows in his regular form and uses Dark Void on the girl before vanishing back into the darkness. In the home of the Midnight Patrol, everyone is reading their cookbooks as they work to make their treats. Keiko is making Sweet Dream cookies, Carter and Potsworth are making Sweet Dream dog biscuits, and Nick and Rosie are making Sweet Dream cake. They all wear baker's hats and aprons)

Rosie: Now we need three cups of sugar.

Nick: Okay, Rosie.

(Nick flies to a high shelf to grab some sugar. He grabs some and flies back down to help Rosie finish their treat. They add 3 cups of sugar, and Nick mixes away. Rosie sticks her finger in the batter and tastes it)

Rosie: Mmm. I think it's ready to go in the oven.

(Nick pours the cake batter into the cake mold. Rosie then places it in the oven and starts baking it. Keiko finishes rolling out the bread dough for the cookies and presses cookie cutters in it. The cookie cutters are shaped like a circle, a star and a crescent moon. She puts the cookies on a baking tray and places it in the oven to bake. Meanwhile, Carter and Potsworth are done with the dog biscuits and begin baking them. The alarm goes off again)

Carter: Oh, no... not another nightmare...

Keiko: Come on, gang. We've got work to do. I'm sure the cake, the cookies and the dog biscuits will be okay when we get back.

(The Midnight Patrol takes off their baker's hats and aprons as they leave the bakery, revealed to be pink on the outside. They head into the blue building again with Keiko pressing a button on the computer. The screen displays the little girl Darkri used Dark Void on earlier riding a flying horse while trying to get away from five giant horrific monsters. Each member of the Midnight Patrol rushes to their respective teleport pads, and they enter the girl's nightmare. The nightmare is set in a barren wasteland with red and black clouds in the sky and tall, pointed rocks growing out of the ground in the flying horse's path. The monsters are all black with dripping fangs, sharp claws, big horns and one eye. Suddenly, the flying horse that the little girl is riding transforms into a nightmarish black horse with sharp teeth, red eyes and a mane of snakes. The girl screams in fright as the horse turns to face her. The nightmare horse flies straight up, causing her to fall. Nick catches her and sets her on a tall rock with a flat top. But just as he's about to go fight the monsters, one of them catches him. He struggles, but he can't get free)

Nick: Help!

Carter: Hang on, Super Nick!

(Carter draws a sack of tomatoes. Then he and his friends fly at the monster and throw them into its eye. The monster roars from being blinded. As it's distracted, Nick flies away and rejoins his friends. The monster wipes its eye clean and grabs at the Midnight Patrol, but they evade his grasp with ease. But then, they run into another one of the monsters. Every time they try to fly away, another one of the monsters blocks their path. Soon all five monsters have the Midnight Patrol surrounded. The friends land on a small floating island as the monsters close in on them)

Rosie: Oh, great! Now we're having a nightmare!

Nick: We're trapped!

(Murphy whimpers)

Potsworth: This isn't how I thought things were going to be.

(All the monsters change into giant versions of Darkrai)

Carter: Darkrai!

(The giant versions of Darkrai circle around the Midnight Patrol)

Nick: I'm scared...

Keiko: I don't think it could get any worse...

(The five giant incarnations of Darkrai fuse into one Darkrai that is five times bigger. He glares down at the Midnight Patrol, with lightening flashing in the nightmarish sky. The Midnight Patrol cowers in fear as they stare up at their enemy. The island they're standing on transforms into one of Darkrai's claws and gets a hold of them. Then, it brings them closer to his face. The Midnight Patrol struggles in vain to get free. They are then greeted to a vision of the people in the real world enslaved by hooded figures. These hooded figures are led by one who is even bigger than all of them and has horns. The vision fades, the giant Darkrai is gone and the dream is returned to its original state: floating mountains in the clouds and rainbows everywhere. The five friends are once again standing on the floating island, which now has a garden on it)

Rosie: Wow... Darkrai is nightmare city.

Potsworth: Who were those strange hooded figures we saw in Darkrai's nightmare?

Keiko: We'll probably never know.

Rosie: Well, whatever it was, I'm glad it's over. Besides, weren't we making treats in the bakery?

Carter: Oh, yeah! I forgot!

(The Midnight Patrol is then warped back into the mission room. They rush out and race to the bakery)

Nick: I hope we didn't burn the cake!

(The team arrives back in the bakery and find their treats in perfect condition. Rosie and Nick cover their Sweet Dream Cake with light-blue frosting and decorate it with gold-colored icing, drawing stars and crescent moons. Keiko decorates her Sweet Dream Cookies with frosting in various colors. Everyone then sits at a table. Carter, Keiko, Nick and Rosie share cookies and cake, while Potsworth enjoys his dog biscuits)

(to be added)
