Fan Fiction


  • Mr. Fantastic: Is he dead?
  • Invisible Woman: Victor, why? How?
  • Dr. Doom: This ends now!
  • Invisible Woman: Ben, can you read me? We need your help on the rough. Ben!
  • Ben Grimm: Susie, I'm coming. I've got a problem here. How in the name of sweet aunt petunia did I get here anyway? Reed Richards. He's the reason I was flying shotgun out there. I don't believe that guy. Even make a deal with Doom. Reed wanted to study the cosmic cloud and he needed money and the space shuttle. Victor had both. Reed said that his research could save lives. But Victor was seeing dollar signs. Then she walked in. Sue Storm was the whole package. Looks and brains. Reed almost married her. But he married his work instead for a smart guy. He was not so smart. Now Sue was looking closely back there. His arch-rival. Ouch. They made the deal. They changed our lives forever. Johnny Storm. Astronaut. Stupid, you know. He was lucky his sister was running the show. I thought dealing with Johnny would be the worst of it. Boy, I was wrong.
  • Reed Richards: Ben, you there, big guy?
  • Ben Grimm: Sorry, Reed. Daydreaming again.
  • Reed Richards: The Cosmic Cloud is gaining speed. We need to get those anamtaum shields before it hits.
  • Victor Von Doom: Please, hurry, Mr., Grimm, our futures depend on it.
  • Reed Richards: Ben, the manual overrides for the shield controls are near each observation window.
  • Ben Grimm: Spin the wheel and close the shields?
  • Reed Richards: Exactly. The station's safety is your hands.
  • Ben Grimm: That ain't good. Oh, that was close.
  • Sue Storm: The storm has accelerated.
  • Reed Richards: Ben, you've got place those shields and get back inside.
  • Ben Grimm: Hear loud and clear, Reed. Damn it. It broke loose. I'd better grab it before it floats away.
  • Johnny Storm: Ben, you're gonna make it. You're gonna have to jump.
  • Reed Richards: Victor's Medical Compound? I have to find the others.
  • Voice: Unknown DNA substance. Security Bots activated.
  • Reed Richards: Victor's Security Drones were powerless. I have to get them.
  • Security Drone: Good morning, Victor. I will escort you to safety.
  • Reed Richards: Looks like I made a new friend. Sue. I need to find her right away. She must be close by. I'll unlock the door using the main security system. Done.
  • Nurse: (Screams)
  • Johnny Storm: Wait. I'm okay! Weirdly... I'm okay....
  • Doctor: I've should've gone to private practice.
  • Guy: Freaks and robots.
  • Nurse: Johnny, look out!
  • Johnny Storm: Locked in? Maybe I can spot there. I'd better find Sue.
  • Sue Storm: I'd better find Reed and the others. Security bots. I should probably avoid being seen...
  • Reed Richards: Sue. I've been trying to find you. Are you all alright?
  • Sue Storm: I'm fine, except I'm turning invisible. What's happening to me?
  • Reed Richards: The cosmic storm must have changed our DNA somehow. Now Victor's security system doesn't recognize us.
  • Sue Storm: Are you turning invisible too?
  • Reed Richards: Not exactly. You'll see.
  • Sue Storm: Look out!
  • Reed Richards: I can access that control panel to unlock the door. Now to find Ben and Johnny.
  • Thing: This better be a hell of a bad dream.
  • Voice: DNA does not recognize.
  • Thing: Are you talking to me? Authorize that.
  • Voice: Ultra Security Bot deployed. All human personal are advised to evacuate. Thank you for using VDI security.
  • Sue Storm: Ben, it's Sue! Open the door!
  • Thing: No! You can't see me like this!
  • Reed Richards: Ben, we've all changed. Please, let us help you.
  • Johnny Storm: Ben! Let us in!
  • Thing: ...Hang on.
  • Sue Storm: Ben, it's that really you?
  • Johnny Storm: Give me have one?
  • Thing: Don't hurt me, Sue. What the hell is HAPPENING to me?...
  • (Thing runs away)
  • Sue Storm: Victor, you all alright?
  • Victor Von Doom: Just a scratch. I'm fine. Reed, I want some answers.
  • Reed Richards: The Storm. The Cosmic Rays altered our DNA somehow.
  • Victor Von Doom: We need to know more right now.
  • Reed Richards: No.
  • Victor Von Doom: What?
  • Reed Richards: Now, we need to find Ben. And I think I know where he's going.
  • Sue Storm: Where?
  • Reed Richards: He's going home.
  • Guy: Be careful, Alicia. The subways can be very dangerous.
  • Alicia: Don't worry. I'll be fine.
  • Guy: I'm always worried about you, my dear. Good night.
  • Alicia: Good night.
  • Thug: Hey, lady, this street ain't safe at night.
  • Thug 2: Yeah, so we came for protecting.
  • Alicia: I already told your boss. I don't need any protection.
  • Thug: Everyone needs our protection on Yancy Street..
  • Thing: And who's going to protect you, punk?
  • Thug 2: You can't touch me up here.
  • Thing: Oh, yeah?
  • Thug Boss: Hey, you messin' with my boys?
  • Thing: You want some more?
  • Thug Boss: Boys, take care of this clown. You're gonna regret the day you came to Yancy Street!
  • Thing: Are you alright, ma'am?
  • Alicia: I'm fine. And it's just Alicia. Alicia Masters.
  • Thing: Ben Grimm.
  • Alicia: The astronaut? You're a local hero.
  • Thing: Yeah, that was a long time ago. Well, I gotta get outta here.
  • (Thing runs away)
  • Reed Richards: We've got to protect the civilians and get Ben under control...
  • Sue Storm: ...or the military will.
  • Guy: Halt! This is the National Guard. Get down on the ground or we'll open fire!
  • Thing: Move that tin can or, so help me. I'll move it for ya!
  • Sue Storm: My forcefield might keep the tracks together. Reed, my forcefield can't hold the chest so much longer. Get the broken longers in place.
  • Reed Richards: I'm just trying to help you, Ben.
  • Thing: You've already done enough.
  • Sue Storm: We need to work through this together. Well, that could have worked out better...
  • Reed Richards: If I know Ben, he's just off sulking somewhere. Come on, let's go find him.
  • (Sue Storm and Red Richards runs away)
  • Woman: I'm too pretty to die! Get me out of here!
  • Thing: I've gotta save the firefighters.
  • Sue Storm: Johnny! Come on, we've got to save that civilian!
  • Reed Richards: Sue! We need your help over here!
  • Sue Storm: I'll use my force shield and you'll could carried them to safety.
  • Guy: Help! I'm trapped. Holy smoke. I can't breath. (Coughs)
  • All: (Cheers)
  • Thing: I'm sorry I lost the bet there.
  • Sue Storm: We understand, Ben.
  • Reed Richards: But, we need to stick together from now. We need to be a team.
  • Thing: A team.
  • Nick Fury: They are a potential dangerous, sir. But they saved a lot of lives today. Yes, Mr. President. I will keep my eye on them.
  • Mr. Fantastic: You're about to go supernova. Shut it down.
  • Human Torch: Got it.
  • News Reporter: Breaking News: This just in. Strange creatures are swarming through the grand Central Station. Comminutors are in panic. Police are battled.
  • Human Torch: Sweet. It's hero time. Flame already on.
  • Thing: You want me to bounce on sense to him, Reed? I can follow him down there.
  • Mr. Fantastic: No, Ben, we need to work together now.
  • Moleman: Rise my children! The surface world will be ours! Destroy anything that gets in your way!
  • Thing: Does that include destroying the ever-lovin' blue-eyed Thing?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I believe it does.
  • Moleman: You're no match for the Moleman, fantastic freaks!
  • Mr. Fantastic: We've got to protect the civilians. Find a way to get to Moleman's tunnel.
  • Police Officer: There's more of them things down in the lower levels. I'll open up the gates for ya.
  • Thing: Alicia? What are you doing here?
  • Alicia: I was trying to take the train home to Brooklyn 'til I was attacked.
  • Thing: Saving you is becoming a habit. Let me get you out of here. Me and my big mouth. You okay, Alicia?
  • Alicia: I am now, thanks again.
  • Human Torch: Hey, Reed, these comm-links working?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes, Johnny. Where are you?
  • Human Torch: Underground. These crazy mole things are laying eggs! It's ugly, dude.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I'm on my way down to you. Ben, get Alicia to safety. I'll find Johnny.
  • Construction Worker: Help! These nasty creatures are everywhere!
  • Mr. Fantastic: What are you doing down here, sir?
  • Construction Worker: I work here! It used to be a good job until that Mole Guy moved in!
  • Moleman: Hurry, my children! The time to strike from below has arrived!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not so fast, Moleman.
  • Moleman: Working alone, Mr. Fantastic? BIG Mistake! You are as resilient as you are flexible, Reed Richards!
  • Mr. Fantastic: You're insane, Moleman. You cannot win.
  • Moleman: Don't bet on it! I found their hideout, but the Moleman escaped. Meet me on the surface.
  • Invisible Woman: Copy that, Reed.
  • Human Torch: I found some kind of Moloid nest filled with their eggs.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Johnny, you must destroy the nest. If they hath.....
  • Human Torch: The eggs have been cooked!
  • Mr. Fantastic: I just hope we weren't too late. Meet us up top.
  • Moleman: Now I will take my little pet for a walk!
  • Human Torch: That's no little pet.
  • Thing: I had a beagle once. THAT was little.
  • Invisible Woman: His claws are down. Go down for his throat.
  • Mr. Fantastic: So much for the mighty "Moleman".
  • Moleman: My worked... ruined! My family... lost! I will avenge myself on the Fantastic Four someday....
  • Human Torch: That day ain't comin'.
  • Victor Von Doom: What's this? Another one of Reed Richards' Cosmic failures?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I didn't created. We destroyed it.
  • Victor Von Doom: Sue could've been killed. What were you thinking?
  • Invisible Woman: Stop. I can take care of myself. the only one who need your help. It's Ben.
  • Mr. Fantastic: She's right, Victor. Will you help us? With Victor's satellite network, we can track down sources cosmic energy.
  • Victor Von Doom: Ben, we can use your reversion chamber to harness the energy. And recreate the cosmic cloud.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Welcome to the jungle. We need to split up and gather as many cosmic samples as possible.
  • Human Torch: Sue and I are on the case, Boss.
  • Thing: Ever seen a rock pick up a rock before?
  • Invisible Woman: Very funny. just get all the meteorites you can.
  • Thing: Will do. Holy cow. That's a big spider.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The cosmic rays must have created some anomalies in the Localigel System.
  • Thing: That's what I said.
  • Diablo: Who dares to tempt the wrath of Diablo.
  • Thing: Hey buddy, just give me the big glowing rock, and there won't be any trouble.
  • Diablo: Never! Soon I will harness the power of Gods to rule all Mankind!
  • Thing: So much for diplomacy...
  • Diablo: Cut the ropes.
  • Thing: I need to across that bridge fast.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Need a hand?
  • Thing: That's Diablo. This is his jungle. Those are his friends. They don't like us.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Got it. I'll use this to stun tougher foes.
  • Thing: So, should we leave now?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I need that meteor to power the reversion chamber. I'll squeeze through here. See if you can find another way around the ruins.
  • Thing: Before Diablo find us again...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, it looks like the meteor hit the through from the temple.
  • Invisible Woman: It must be inside. Meet me there.
  • Diablo: Exterminate the eight-legged pests!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Those giant spiders are attacking Diablo's warriors. I must get inside that temple. The main entrance is clear. I'm going in.
  • (A few minutes eariler...)
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, looks like the meteor hit the rough of the temple.
  • Invisible Woman: Then it must be inside. Meet me there.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I thought I was a team leader.
  • Invisible Woman: It doesn't always take a rocket scientist to make a plan.
  • Mr. Fantastic: (Laughs) good one.
  • Invisible Woman: Diablo, we did not come here to fight you.
  • Diablo: Then you should not have come here at all.
  • Mr. Fantastic: There it is!
  • Diablo: This meteor and its power are mine!
  • Thing: No, I need it and I'm willin' to fight ya for it!
  • Diablo: Then you and your friends will DIE! You think you can win? Behold the power of Diablo!
  • Invisible Woman: Is he gone?
  • Thing: I hope so.
  • Human Torch: Let's not wait around to find out.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Agreed. Ben, load up that cosmic meteor. Ben, I'm gonna activate the chamber.
  • Thing: Hit me.
  • Victor Von Doom: Another failure, Reed?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We're closed. I just need more cosmic power.
  • Victor Von Doom: I expect you. This evening at the museum. Von Doom Industries is proud to be endowing this magnificent new Egyptian wing.
  • Human Torch: Sure Victor is rich and handsome. But, he can bend himself to a pretzel?
  • Alicia: Ben!
  • Thing: I'm going to rip this place apart!
  • Mr. Fantastic: No, Ben. I'll find a way to hack the security grid.
  • Thing: These mummies are coming to life, boss.
  • Mr. Fantastic: That's impossible.
  • Thing: Seeing as believe. Let's pound him back into dust.
  • Security Guard: They don't pay me enough to fight mummies.
  • Thing: Me neither, pal.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Where does that trap door lead to?
  • Security Guard: The main safe. You'll need to shut down the security grid to get down there. Take my security key: it will open the west elevator that goes to the control room.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ben, escort the guards and civilians to safety. I'll head for the control room.
  • Thing: You got it stretch. Hey, Reed, why do I gotta baby-sit the snobs while you get to have all the fun?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Can you hack the museum's security systems?
  • Thing: Yea, yea. I gotcha.
  • Security Guard: Hurry! Up here! I owe you one, pal.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Good, because I need to get into the control room.
  • Security Guard: Take my key and use the elevator at the end of this hall. Good luck.
  • Thing: Hey, Reed, why do I gotta baby-sit the snobs while you get to have all the fun?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Can you hack the museum's security systems?
  • Thing: Yea, yea. I gotcha. More mummies. Sweet. Gotta go, stretcho.
  • Guy: What? Where are you going?
  • Thing: I'm going for a girl like any superhero would. Are you alright, ma'am?
  • Woman: Please don't hurt me!
  • Thing: Aw, nuts. I'm a good guy. I swear. Follow me and I'll get us all outta here.
  • Woman: I don't know how to thank you!
  • Thing: Try not to screaming the next time you see me. Now go on, get out of here.
  • Human Torch: Wait! You can thank me too!
  • Thing: (Sniffs) What's that smell?
  • Human Torch: Burning museum?
  • Thing: Well, pyro boy, you better get those sprinklers working fast! I saw a maintenance room upstairs.
  • Human Torch: I'm on it! I've got to fix the sprinklers and stop this fire. How ironic.... The sprinklers are working. The fires are being doused.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Excellent work, now meet us back in the Egyptian wing. That statue of Horus is emitting strange energy readings.
  • (Invisible Woman arrives)
  • Invisible Woman: What'd I miss, anything good?
  • Human Torch: 'Bout time you got back.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's vulnerable. Attack.
  • Human Torch: That was insane.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Perhaps our cosmic powers cause some kind of reanimation effect.
  • Victor Von Doom: What other explanation could there be? You're dangerous to everyone in this city.
  • Human Torch: Well, where were you when the monsters were smashing stuff?
  • Invisible Woman: Victor, be reasonable.
  • Victor Von Doom: I could not be reasonable when it comes to your safety. As for you, Johnny, I hope you're insurance can pay for the fire damage.
  • Thing: You can put it on my tap, bub.
  • Invisible Woman: Fine, Victor, I'll be in your office tomorrow morning to straighten this all out.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue.
  • Puppet Master: Next time, Fantastic Fools. The Puppet Master will not fail. (Laughs)
  • (Puppet Master runs away)
  • Invisible Woman: Reed needs me now more than ever. I'm sorry, Victor.
  • (Invisible Woman walks away)
  • Victor Von Doom: So am I. Reed. Always Reed. If there is no Reed. Then, what would you do?
  • Mr. Fantastic: So how did it go with Victor?
  • Invisible Woman: I don't want to talk about it.
  • Robot: Target acquired.
  • Mr. Fantastic: That mech's shield matrix is impenetrable. Run!
  • Guy: Hurry! I need help! I'm up here!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Nothing worked. The mech is still in predict.
  • Invisible Woman: We need backup. Ben, Johnny, we're under attack and we need your help. Meet us at Times Square. ASAP.
  • Victor Von Doom: (Grunts) What am I becoming?
  • Human Torch: So, Ben. If you rolled downhill would you gather moss?
  • Thing: One more crack and it's flame off for you, pal.
  • Human Torch: Easy, big man. I'm just saying you really ROCK.
  • Thing: It's go time.
  • Human Torch: This move will cut through shields like utter!
  • Thing: Let's see if these tin men got any hard, Dorsey.
  • Human Torch: Dorsey? Well, that makes you tough. Why are the bots are attacking the gas station?
  • Thing: Hope isn't just doesn't working. Just smashing with the gas station go boom. We still gotta find Reed and Sue.
  • Human Torch: Next stop. Times Square!
  • (Thing and Human Torch runs away)
  • (Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman arrives)
  • Invisible Woman: Boy, am I glad to see you, guys.
  • Human Torch: Save the assist, sis. Who's your friend?
  • Mr. Fantastic: An advance small tech robot. I designed similar this one.
  • Nick Fury: With great power, comes great calamity damage.
  • Thing: You got a problem, pal?
  • Nick Fury: Actually, I've got four problems.
  • Mr. Fantastic: These VDI max attacked us.
  • Invisible Woman: You'll need to talk to Victor Von Doom.
  • Nick Fury: I will. As soon as I have the Fantastic Four under quarantine.
  • Human Torch: Who is this guy anyway?
  • Nick Fury: Nick Fury, agent of SHIELD. And I'm taking you to the vault for your own protection. Til' I could terminate the extend of your powers.
  • Voice: Warning: Security Systems Offline. Initiate Emergency Lockdown Protocol. Warning: Security Systems Offline. Initiate Emergency Lockdown Protocol.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, can you read me, come in. Are you alright?
  • Invisible Woman: Yes, Reed. I'm with Johnny. We're fine...
  • Human Torch: Where are we?
  • Mr. Fantastic: The Vault. An underground prison designed to hold criminal super-beings. The system has gone offline, the inmates are rioting, and the security robots are attacking anything that moves.
  • Human Torch: Sorry I asked.
  • Invisible Woman: Where's Ben?
  • Mr. Fantastic: You two need to free Ben. He's in a special containment cell on your level.
  • Human Torch: Time to kick some butt!
  • Invisible Woman: Slow down, sparky. The scanners can't see me when I'm invisible. I'll go scout ahead... That had to hurt. I better get those thugs back to their cells. Ben! Ben, can you read me? Ben!
  • Mr. Fantastic: He can't hear you, Sue! There seems to be a unique power source generating the force field around him.
  • Invisible Woman: Not for long. It's Cloberin' Time!
  • (Human Torch arrives)
  • Human Torch: How did your stealth ninja plan work out?
  • Invisible Woman: Umm... It could have been worse?
  • Thing: (Groans) I feel like I got beat up... by me! Where are we?
  • Human Torch: We're trapped underground with a bunch of psychos. We need to get out - now.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not so fast, Johnny. We need to contain these criminals before they escape.
  • Invisible Woman: Come on, Johnny, remember that superhero thing you love so much?
  • Human Torch: Alright, I'm in. What's the plan?
  • Mr. Fantastic: You and Sue need to stop Dragon Man from destroying the lower levels. Ben and I will go to the security center to get the vault back online.
  • Thing: What about the inmates?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We'll try to get them back in their cells. The mainframe is on the other side of that door. I need to hack the system and get it back online.
  • Thing: What is that? I'm still woozy. Can you handle him, rubber band man? I swear, pal. I'll get the door. It's Clobberin' Time! Lasers? Why does it have to be lasers?
  • Blaststaar: I am Blastaar. Release me. But together we can destroy this place.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Time to play with the robots...
  • Thing: Nice work, pal. I'll get the broom.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Damn. Those shields are protecting the mainframe. Sue, do you copy?
  • Invisible Woman: Roger that.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I'm inside of this security system. Soon as I access the mainframe. Head to the surface room. Maybe I can activate the systems help.
  • Human Torch: Oh, no! The elevator door just flew open...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Whoops.
  • Human torch: ...and closed again! Dragon Man escaped!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hang on, Johnny. I need to get to a local terminal to get the doors open. There's one by the main security door.
  • Blastaar: Free at last!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Johnny, your elevator door should be open now.
  • Human Torch: Excellent. Going up? We'll meet you on the surface.
  • (A few minutes eariler...)
  • Human Torch: Nice work back there springing ol' brick-butt.
  • Invisible Woman: Why do you sound so surprised?
  • Human Torch: Easy, Sis...just givin' you props.
  • Invisible Woman: That didn't sound so good. Dragon Man, right ahead!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, do you copy?
  • Invisible Woman: Yeah. We're on Dragon Man's tail literally. It's not free.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not free? You'll have seen Blastaar.
  • Invisible Woman: Who?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Never mind. I'm inside of this security cell. As soon as I access the mainframe head for the surface room.
  • Invisible Woman: Roger that.
  • Human Torch: Oh, no! The elevator door just flew open... ...and closed again! Dragon Man escaped!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hang on, Johnny. I need to get to a local terminal to get the doors open. There's one by the main security door.
  • Invisible Woman: I hope I never see another robot...
  • Human Torch: We'll destroy the machine.
  • Invisible Woman: Look. Another elevator.
  • Human Torch: Get over to her, Nancy. Four old friends together again.
  • Invisible Woman: Speaking of old friends.
  • Thing: I wonder why they called it Dragon Man.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I think there's been a misunderstanding.
  • Nick Fury: You're leaving quite a trail of destruction, Mr. Richards. First, New York, now Colorado.
  • Thing: Put it on my tab.
  • Human Torch: There was a riot down there. We've had no choice.
  • Nick Fury: I'm on your side, Mr. Storm. But my boss has some doubts.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Alright, Fury, what do you want from us?
  • Nick Fury: So, you are the smart one? Our scientists were recovered some shielding from the BDI Space Station. Turns out that supercomputers advance bio tech cosmic radiations. Do not mix.
  • Mr. Fantastic: What were your results?
  • Nick Fury: I want every results in that lab killed on sight.
  • Human Torch: What lab?
  • Nick Fury: The facility is five miles down. The Teleporter will take you there. The levels of cosmic radiation could be fatal.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not to us.
  • Nick fury: Exactly. That's why I need you. Undo the damage down there and I won't send you back to the vault.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fascinating.
  • Invisible Woman: Where are Reed and Ben?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We've been teleported to different paths of the lab.
  • Invisible Woman: Wow. Somebody gave this lab a serious makeover.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Not somebody, something. The cosmic radiation had affected both the organic and inorganic matter inside the facility.
  • Thing: Less lecturing, more smashing. Get a load of that guy.
  • Annihilus: This energy source belongs to me, Annihilus! Leave or die! My cosmic powers cannot be defeated!
  • Thing: I've got your cosmic powers right here, pal! Finish him off. That doesn't sound so good.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fascinating!
  • Invisible Woman: Yuck. Why are we standing in?
  • Mr. Fantastic: What's left of the shields fury took from the space station. It's a plasma pool made from cosmic rays.
  • Human Torch: Gross!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Amazing! The genetic possibilities for mutation are endless...
  • Thing: I can see that. LOOK!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Let's get out of here.
  • Nick Fury: Great work, Richards, you're free to go.
  • Mr. Fantastic: One more thing. I need the rest of those shields from the dvi space station.
  • Nick Fury: Oh, that's a tall order.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's the only way can save ourselves.
  • Nick Fury: I'll have the shuttle standing by in the morning.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fascinating. My plan samples must have been infected by the storm.
  • Invisible Woman: Let's just get those shields and get out of here.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The sooner as you'll get the station back online. I can dock the shuttle.
  • Human Torch: No problem, boss.
  • Thing: Make it quick, kid. The only get so much air in that force bubble.
  • Human Torch: I'm inside. Now what, Reed?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Find the central control room and activate the Station.
  • Human Torch: Control room, here I come. Emergency life support just came on, but that's not all, folks.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Damn. The main generator must still be offline. Find it, get it back online, then you can activate the docking clamps.
  • Invisible Woman: Hurry, Johnny.
  • Human Torch: Main power back online. Anything else I can do for you?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Great work, Johnny. We're docking now. Team, this is Reed. I'm entering the reactor complex.
  • Invisible Woman: What if we don't find the shield panels in time?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We will. We must. The station's fuel cells are quite vulnerable.
  • Invisible Woman: The fuel cells exploding on impact. Good to know. Crazy yacks these plants are nasty.
  • Thing: Victor needs a new floor or something. Works for it everything.
  • Mr. Fantastic: More mutations are fascinating.
  • Invisible Woman: I think this is Cargo Bay 1...
  • Thing: Look, the shields! Right where we left 'em. Now that just ain't right.
  • Invisible Woman: Doesn't look happy to see us.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The self-destruct countdown has begun! Meet back at the hanger!
  • Thing: Time to leave.
  • (A few minutes eariler...)
  • Mr. Fantastic: This place... where everything went wrong. I hope it holds the key to set things right again. Team... this is Reed. I'm entering the reactor complex.
  • Invisible Woman: What if we don't find the shield panels in time?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We will. We must. This isn't good. The power systems have already overloaded, creating a miniature cosmic storm! But that terminal within is the only one that can trigger the self-destruct sequence! I have to hack into all these systems to reach the self-destruct controls.
  • Voice: Terminal operators, proceed at your workstations in sequence. Reactor power re-routed. Power overflow dissipating. Back up generators coming online. sub-shield performances fluctuating. Primary core shield generator deactivated. Maintenace ramp activated.
  • Invisible Woman: You did it.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We did it.
  • (Mr. Fantastic kiss Invisible Woman on the lips)
  • Dr. Doom: How romantic. Well, Reed, I'm guess you won the battle. But, I will win the war. Today it's doomsday.
  • Thing: These defense turrets really kick butt! Wait, no-- they're going offline!
  • Mr. Fantastic: The Baxter Building is under attack! Our security mainframe has been hacked.
  • Human Torch: All clear in front, boss...
  • Thing: Kid spark too soon, Reed. Robots at twelve o'clock.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Get those turrets. So Sue and I could handle it. Few more seconds. Done. Turrets back online.
  • Thing: Nice job, Torchie. Let's get upstairs and help Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The security doors are still locked. You'll have to find your own way inside.
  • Human Torch: Allow me...
  • Thing: Aw, nuts. More like ducks and shooting gallery.
  • Human Torch: We've gotta get them off that thing and fast.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I need you to keep the lock secure.
  • Thing: Hero do will ya?
  • Dr. Doom: Hello, Ben.
  • Thing: Victor? Is that you?
  • Dr. Doom: I have something that might interest you. Come with me and I will explain everything.
  • Human Torch: Ben, no - wait!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Have you seen Victor?
  • Thing: I'd follow him to the lab. But Victor ain't himself. Geez. Just might work after all. Aah!
  • Dr. Doom: Be careful what you wish for. This is a man in bracing it destiny.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We need to get past my security grid and reprogram the mainframe.
  • Invisible Woman: I can't believe we're breaking into our own home...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Only Victor could have done this...
  • Invisible Woman: Why did I ever trust him?
  • Mr. Fantastic: He had us all fooled. Look out. The automatic defenses are activated.
  • Invisible Woman: I'm being attacked. You built that into the living room?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Four does caught in fraction. The main access door is sealed shut.
  • Invisible Woman: We'll need to find another way around. You are truly amazing. You surprise me every day.
  • Mr. Fantastic: The day is young, Susan. I have a feeling Victor might have a few more surprises of his own...
  • (Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic runs away)
  • Invisible Woman: Victor!
  • Dr. Doom: The name is Doctor Doom now!
  • Human Torch: Your name's gonna be TOAST!
  • Mr. Fantastic: What have you done with Ben?
  • Dr. Doom: Thanks to your reversion chamber, Reed. I have absorbed the power of the Thing!
  • Mr. Fantastic: You'll pay for this, Victor.
  • Dr. Doom: (Laughs) Don't worry, Reed. You will be joining him shortly... in the AFTERLIFE!
  • Invisible Woman: Shields are down.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's over, Victor. You lost.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's he dead?
  • Invisible Woman: Victor, why? How?
  • Dr. Doom: This ends now!
  • Invisible Woman: Ben , can you read me? We need your help on the rough. Ben!
  • Ben Grimm: Susie, I'm coming. I've got a problem here. How in the name of sweet aunt petunia did I get here anyway? All I wanted was my freakin' life back. Now the team is paying for it. The lab's sealed off... but there's an elevator to the ground level at the other end of the wing! What?! For cryin' out loud! The robots sank the whole damn elevator! Aw, nuts. Finally! Stinkin' security systems! The lab doors should be open and STAY open now. I'm on my way, guys... sit tight! You and the Doc are 'bout ta get a visit from... the ever lovin' blue eye'd THING!
  • Dr. Doom: I know what you're planning, Ben... ...and I cannot allow it!
  • Ben Grimm: Doom's on ta me! His robo-punks are tryin' to destroy the chamber! If they blow it, it's ALL OVER!
  • (Ben Grimm transform into Thing)
  • Thing: THE THING IS BACK, BABY! It's clobberin' time! I guess I'm stuck with the cosmic sunburn for good. I gotta fight my way outta here so I can save him and the others! ...and they're ya have it.
  • Dr. Doom: I've waited a long time for this Richards. I'm going to take great pleasure in killing you. the mighty have fallen before me. (Laughs) Johnny Storm, too young to die. Reed Richards, too smart to die. Sue Storm... My Susan... too beautiful to die. But die you must!
  • Thing: DOOM!
  • Dr. Doom: The Thing lives? The Thing DIES!!!
  • Thing: Not if I have anything to say about it. IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!
  • Dr. Doom: You'll pay dearly for that. Now I will destroy the Thing once and for all! Susan! You expect to stop me all by yourself?
  • Invisible Woman: Whoever said I was by myself?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Give it up, Doom, you don't stand a chance.
  • Dr. Doom: Enough! I will destroy you all! Die, Fantastic Four!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue! You need to contain the blast in the force field!
  • Dr. Doom: Is that the best you can do?
  • Invisible Woman: Reed, it didn't work. Do something.
  • Dr. Doom: No!
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's basic really. Four is greater than one.
  • Invisible Woman: Now, I remember what I missed about you.
  • (Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic kiss on the lips)
  • Human Torch: I could definitely get used to this.
  • Thing: Oh, yeah?
  • Human Torch: Flame already way on.
  • Thing: Show off.

  • Reed Richards: How are those fixes to hull coming along, Ben?
  • Ben Grimm: Not a problem, Reed. I should have this finished soon.
  • Susan Storm: Good, Ben. We'll need to hurry it up though. That cosmic storm our scanners picked up earlier is moving this way fast.
  • Johnny Storm: Just don't go floating away on us, big guy.
  • Ben Grimm: Yeah. Thanks, "dude".
  • Susan Storm: Ben, the storm is accelerated!
  • Reed Richards: You've got to get inside!
  • Victor Von Doom: We've got to shut down the shields right now!
  • Johnny Storm: Hurry up, big guy. Quick!
  • Susan Storm: Ben...please hurry...
  • Victor Von Doom: The shields are stuck!
  • Johnny Storm: The storm is right on top of us!
  • Reed Richards: Ben! Bennnn! Noooo!
  • (Victor Von Doom arrives)
  • Victor Von Doom: Good morning, Sue. How are you feeling?
  • Invisible Woman: Good morning, Victor. I feel fine.
  • Victor Von Doom: Sue...
  • Susan Storm: Yes, Victor?
  • Victor Von Doom: We have known each other for a long time.
  • Susan Storm: Are you sure you're okay? That cut looks serious.
  • Victor Von Doom: I'm fine, it's just a scratch. Sue, I have to come realize that...
  • Announcer: fire reported in Room 401.
  • Victor Von Doom: I'd better go. Get some rest. We will continue this conversation later.
  • (Victor Von Doom walks away)
  • (Mr. Fantastic arrives)
  • Invisible Woman: Reed!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, how are you feeling?
  • Invisible Woman: I feel great.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Your room's nice. I don't have any windows...or flowers.
  • Invisible Woman: Well...Victor has been very hospitable.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I suppose he has.
  • Invisible Woman: What are you getting at?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, you've...
  • Invisible Woman: Hey...why are you looking at me like that?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, you've disappeared!
  • Invisible Woman: Oh my... I can't see myself!
  • Mr. Fantastic: You're completely invisible. This is remarkable.
  • Invisible Woman: Remarkable? Help me!
  • Mr. Fantastic: You are back to normal. We must find the others...Now! Why is this blocking the door?
  • Invisible Woman: I have no idea. Let's just move it.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We're locked in! Maybe I can reach through those bars.
  • Invisible Woman: Reed! You...stretched like a...rubber band. Are you okay?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes, I'm fine. It must be the effects of the cosmic storm. Incredible!
  • Invisible Woman: ...And rather odd.
  • Mr. Fantastic: These must be the new medibots Victor has been bragging about. I can finally get a closer look.
  • Invisible Woman: Reed, I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We need to clear the area in front of the door.
  • Invisible Woman: The door is locked!
  • Mr. Fantastic: I think I can jack into that computer terminal.
  • Invisible Woman: But what about that debris? Did I do that?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Victor's medical robots are acting strange. It must be our new powers...
  • Invisible Woman: I hope Ben and Johnny are oaky. They could be in danger.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Exactly. But before we can find them, we have to get past this security camera.
  • Invisible Woman: Maybe if I turn invisible... I don't think you can hack your way out of this one, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I'll try something else.
  • Invisible Woman: Be careful, Reed. That edge looks dangerous!
  • (Candy arrives)
  • Human Torch: Well, hello nurse.
  • Candy: How are you feeling, Mr. Storm?
  • Human Torch: A lot better. Now that you're here. And you can call me Johnny.
  • Candy: My name's Candy. Now, Johnny I need...
  • Human Torch: Yes...
  • Candy: To take your temperature. Wow! It's unusually high! Are you sure you feel okay?
  • Human Torch: I feel fantastic! Now, back to where we were... What's this? Some kind of robotic trash can?
  • Candy: This is a Medi-Bot, silly! Mr. Von Doom invented them. They're very intelligent and helpful.
  • Human Torch: What is it doing? Hey, stop! It's malfunctioning!
  • Candy: Aaaaaaaarrrgh!
  • Human Torch: What's wrong?
  • Candy: Your whole body is on fire! Aaaaarrrgh!
  • (Candy runs away)
  • Human Torch: I am on fire. I'd better find the others... This is crazy!!
  • Thing: Aaaaargh!
  • Human Torch: Are you okay, Ben? What's going on?
  • Thing: Aaaaargh!
  • Human Torch: Ben?! Is that really you?
  • Thing: I'm disfigured. I'm a freak...I'm...Johnny! You're on fire!!
  • Human Torch: I'm okay. This happened after a medi-bot attacked me. I feel fantastic!
  • Thing: Well, I'm a circus freak! And that ain't fantastic!
  • Human Torch: We need some answers! We have to find Reed.
  • Thing: I hope Reed has answers, 'cause this is a revoltin' development!
  • (Candy arrives)
  • Candy: Aaaahhh!
  • Thing: Aaaahhh to you!
  • (Candy runs away)
  • Human Torch: We're trapped!
  • Thing: Trapped! So, they're trying to cage the freaks are they?!
  • Human Torch: Another locked door. Let's see if I can melt my way through. Where are we? Some kind of storage room?
  • Thing: Don't know, don't care. But these boxes are good fer one thing...smashin' down that door!
  • Human Torch: Hmmm. These barrels might come in handy.
  • Thing: What is it with the security system in this place?
  • Human Torch: Maybe we should smashing things.
  • Thing: And wait for those bots to attack again? No thanks, I'm finding my own exit out of this place.
  • Human Torch: Maybe we can work together. What the?! These bots have gone crazy. You seem to be setting them off.
  • Thing: Me? You're the one on fire.
  • Human Torch: And you're a giant talking rock!
  • Thing: After I smash up these bots you're gonna eat a rock sandwich!
  • Human Torch: These bots didn't stand a chance! Now let's find Reed.
  • Thing: You find him. I need some time to think.
  • Human Torch: Ben sure is angry.
  • Guy: It's a monster! Run for your lives!
  • Thing: What's the matter? Was it something I said?
  • (Invisible Woman arrives)
  • Invisible Woman: Ben! Are you okay?
  • Thing: Do I look okay?!
  • Invisible Woman: Well, you certainly sound like Ben.
  • Thing: That seems to be the only part of me left.
  • Invisible Woman: Ben, calm down. Come with me and we will talk to Reed.
  • Thing: How can I calm down? It was Reed's cosmic storm that caused this!
  • Thug: What a pretty lady! It's a shame you can't see how handsome I am!
  • Alicia: Can you please step aside?
  • Thug: I don't think so.
  • Alicia: Please...
  • Thing: What's going on here? Step aside for the lady, ya creeps!
  • Thug: Hey, what is that thing?!
  • Thing: That's it... time to get better acquainted! Are you okay, miss?
  • Alicia: Yes, I am now, thanks to you. How can I ever repay you?
  • Thing: You ain't gotta do that. my pleasure...
  • Alicia: Don't be silly. It's not every day yoy get saved by a real hero. Can we meet again sometime?
  • Thing: Me? Like this?
  • Alicia: Of course! Come by the gallery when you get a chance. It's just down the street.
  • Thing: ...
  • Invisible Woman: Aww, Ben. You're so shy!
  • Thing: ...What? Me? No way! And just to prove to you I ain't a big softie, I'm up for some more clobberin'!
  • Invisible Woman: Ben, what out for those thugs on the fire escape!
  • Thing: I'll handle those chumps, Sue. Well thanks for the walk Sue but I have to get out of here.
  • Invisible Woman: Haven't you calm down yet?
  • Thing: My life is ruined. Look at me, I'm a monster!
  • Invisible Woman: Stop being so dramatic!
  • Thing: Dramatic? Aaargh!!
  • (Human Torch arrives)
  • Human Torch: Hey, sis! Have you been making friends?
  • Invisible Woman: Hardly. These goons have been chasing me ever since Ben disappeared.
  • Human Torch: Perhaps! I can help get this fight warmed up!
  • (Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch and Invisible Woman arrives)
  • Invisible Woman: Ben! What's happened here?
  • Thing: That fire truck chased into me.
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's about to fall of the edge!
  • Thing: Okay. I'll see what I can do.
  • Invisible Woman: What's that noise?
  • Human Torch: Sounds like a chopper.
  • Invisible Woman: It's a police chopper...armed with...missiles!
  • Human Torch: Ha! It's after Ben... the orange menace!
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Put the truck down or we'll fire!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Listen up, guys! We've got to protect Ben from the missiles.
  • Thing: I'm going to have a word with those knuckleheads after this! Nice work, guys.
  • Human Torch: I think we just saved the day...from the orange menace!
  • Thing: That's it, Flame Brain! I'm gonna knock you into next week.
  • Mr. Fantastic: How are you feeling now, Ben?
  • Thing: Feeling? Oh, I'm wonderful, Reed. I'm walking on sunshine... How do you think I'm feeling?!
  • Invisible Woman: Hey Ben, calm down. There's need for that.
  • Thing: Says you! At least you look normal. I'm stuck like this all day. Every day! Why am I the one who has to look like a monster?! This is all your fault!
  • Mr. Fantastic: I am truly sorry Ben, but I may be able to help all of us. I've been toying with the idea of a transformation chamber.
  • Victor Von Doom: A noble sentiment, Reed. But nevertheless, one destined to fail like your last plan.
  • Human Torch: Victor, that scar on your face looks like it's gotten bigger.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fail? What are you talking about, Victor?
  • Victor Von Doom: I've been reviewing the analyses of our ill-fated trip. Your timing calculations of that cosmic storm were innocent.
  • Invisible Woman: Surely there's a mistake. Reed would never...
  • Victor Von Doom: The only mistake is the one made by Reed. And now look what's happened to Ben as a result. You're destroyed everyone's lives and I suggest you fix it, now!
  • (Victor Von Doom walks away)
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ben... I'm...
  • Thing: Don't worry about it. that guy doesn't know when to shut up. I know you'll do right by me.
  • Invisible Woman: Hey, guys! Something's coming up on the screen.
  • Human Torch: Oo! It's gameshow time!
  • Thing: That's one ugly lookin' host.
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Ahem. Hello? The Fantastic Four, I presume? It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Police Commissioner Burke.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Good afternoon, Mr. Commissioner. How may we help you?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Well, that's just it. We do need your help.
  • Invisible Woman: Why? What's happened?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: We picked up reports of a disturbance in the museum of science and history earlier today, We went in squads of our finest, and haven't heard from them since!
  • Thing: Let me get this straight. Your 'finest' shoot at me, hit me, chase me... and now you want our help?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Ah... well...yes. A minor misunderstanding, I'm sure you understand.
  • Thing: Understand? My big orange b...
  • Mr. Fantastic: I believe Ben accepts your apology and says we'd be happy to assist.
  • Thing: I better get a deputy sheriff badge or somethin' for this. I have a strange feeling about this place, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Me too, Ben. There's an odd smell in the air. The chemicals in the air are unlike any I've smelled before.
  • Thing: Er... Why are the exhibits walkin' around?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hmmm...
  • Thing: That's all you have to say? They don't look too friendly. But it ain't feeling very friendly either.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Careful, Ben.
  • Thing: They are the ones that should be careful! This doesn't look good.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ben, those exhibits are after the museum guard. We've got to help!
  • Museum Guard: Help has arrived!
  • Mr. Fantastic: What's happened?
  • Museum Guard: The exhibits are coming to life...all across the museum!
  • Thing: Tell us somethin' we don't know!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Those appear to be lots of little vials around the building. Are these part of any exhibit?
  • Museum Guard: No...I've never seen them before. Also, the main exhibition room has been locked...from the inside! I don't know what's going on but I don't like it!
  • Mr. Fantastic: How do we access the main exhibition room?
  • Museum Guard: You'll need to access the security room. You'll need two security cards. Here's one, and Bill has the other. I haven't seen him since lunch.
  • (Museum Guard runs away)
  • Bill: Help has arrived!
  • Thing: Wow. Deja vu.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Wow. We need your security card to access the main exhibition room. Apparently the person responsibile for this is barricaded in there.
  • Bill: Okay you go.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Thank you. Let's go, Ben.
  • Thing: There was a quicker way to handle that situlation, Reed. We do have super powers, you know.
  • (Bill runs away)
  • Mr. Fantastic: Aha. There's the door we're looking for. The security cards we obtained should let us in. Right! I just need to hack into the security system to open the main exhibition room. Sue...apparently the cause of this mess in the exhibition room. Meet us at the entrance as soon as you can.
  • Human Torch: You know, he could told us sooner, sis. We're at the other end of the building!
  • Invisible Woman: What is that strange smell? It reminds me of my old chemistry classes.
  • Human Torch: Wow. It's been a while since I went to the museum...automated exhibits!
  • Invisible Woman: They're very life-like. And a little too scary, don't you think?
  • Human Torch: Time to test our powers further! Flame on!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Be careful, guys. The exhibits have come to life!
  • Human Torch: Ummm...Thanks, Reed.
  • Invisible Woman: We found the key! Now let's get to the exhibition room.
  • Thing: Hey, fancypants! What do you think you're doin'?
  • Diablo: Hahaha! Fantastic Fools! Why, am I searching for my chemicals, of course! I had hid them away inside a vase, and now after returning from my long banishment I find someone has stolen them away to here!
  • Invisible Woman: So you're here for an artifact? And you don't care what gets destroyed or who gets hurt in the process?
  • Human Torch: Let's get him already!
  • Diablo: You can't stop the alchemy of Diablo! Aarggh! How can this be? My potions have failed me. Hundreds have crumbled to my will! The vase was to be mine, all mine! This defeat will not stop Diablo. I shall have my revenge! Feel the wrath of Diablo! Hahaha! Urk...
  • Invisible Woman: He fainted!
  • Thing: I thought that chump would never be quiet. Any of you seen where I left my comic book?
  • (Candy arrives)
  • Candy: Hey Johnny! I heard you were here so I thought... Aaargh!
  • Thing: Aaaaaarrrggh!
  • (Candy runs away)
  • Human Torch: Come on, Ben! I liked her...
  • Invisible Woman: The transformation chamber is coming along nicely Reed, but you really need to rest.
  • Thing: Yeah Reed, take a breather. You don't want to make any miscalculations with this baby. I want to get back to my own handsome self.
  • Human Torch: I hope you're speaking for yourself, big guy. The people on the streets love me.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Knock it off, guys. We've got an incoming message. Main screen, turn on.
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Fantastic Four, thank you for your work in the museum. But I'm afraid we now need your help again!
  • Human Torch: What now? Another lunatic?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: We're not sure. A mysterious figure called the Moleman is threatening grand central station.
  • Human Torch: Seems to fit the description of lunatic to me.
  • Mr. Fantastic: We can't let that happen. We're on it, Mr. Commissioner. Wow. Those civilians sure are leaving in a hurry.
  • Invisible Woman: Yes they are. So why are we talking into this place again?
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's our responsibility, Sue. We have special powers.
  • Invisible Woman: Right.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue... What is that?
  • Invisible Woman: I don't know, and I don't like the looks of it.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hmmm... It appears as if someone...
  • Invisible Woman: ...or something...
  • Mr. Fantastic: ...has climbed through the concrete pavement. Someone with powerful tools...
  • Invisible Woman: ...or powerful those!
  • Guy: Aaargh! Help! Please help! They're after me! Aaaaarrgghh!!
  • Invisible Woman: I think that can be translated as "Thank youuuu!!" Watch out, Reed! The moloids are in the train.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Thanks. They clearly are some higher form of...
  • Invisible Woman: Okay Reed. Let's just get them before they see us!
  • Thing: Why do we have to enter the station through the tunnels?
  • Human Torch: Because Reed and Sue are covering the main entrance.
  • Thing: Why wouldn't they come this way?
  • Human Torch: Maybe Reed thought you would feel more at home amongst these rocks.
  • Thing: That's it, torchie. It's go time! Look out!
  • Human Torch: You look out!
  • Thing: Not me! Those mole creatures! That Moloid is hiding on the other side.
  • Human Torch: You're too big to get over that gap. I'll handle this.
  • Thing: By my Aunt Petunia! Get a load of this room!
  • Human Torch: No kidding!
  • Invisible Woman: Um, guys. Perhaps we can stop looking at the cavern for now, and start focusing on that giant mole creature?!
  • Moleman: What have we here, my pet? An odd bunch...
  • Thing: Who you callin' odd?!
  • Moleman: Hmm...yes. A bit sensitive that one. Nevertheless, they cannot ruin my plans. Destroy them! Ayyiieee! Stay away from us!
  • Thing: Hey, come back here ya coward!
  • Invisible Woman: Don't bother, Ben. I don't think we'll be seeing him again anytime soon.
  • Thing: Hey, Reed. Get your coat on. We're going out for pizza.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Probably not a good idea, Ben. We've got an incoming call.
  • Thing: If it doesn't involve getting lunch, I ain't gonna be happy.
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Fantastic Four, we're in dire need of your help.
  • Human Torch: Well, I guess that's what we're here for. What's going on?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Our systems are showing someone has hacked into the security system at the vault.
  • Invisible Woman: The vault? You mean the prison complex where the city's super-villains are locked away?
  • Police Commissioner Burke: Exactly. So you can see what kind of emergency what we have.
  • Mr. Fantastic: You can count on us, Mr. Commissioner.
  • Thing: Do we have time to stop for a slice?
  • (Victor Von Doom arrives)
  • Victor Von Doom: Where do you think you're going? If you hadn't noticed, that transformation chamber isn't finished.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes, I know, Victor. And it is coming along. But we also have lives to save.
  • Victor Von Doom: Don't be a fool, Richards. You have more pressing matters - like fixing your mistake. Now get back to work!
  • (Victor Von Doom walks away)
  • Human Torch: Wow. Someone sure woke up in the wrong side of bed this morning.
  • Thing: And did ya get a load of that scar? I swear it's getting bigger.
  • Invisible Woman: Come on, team. We've got more pressing matters...namely those escaping prisoners! Johnny, we'll need to head down the exhaust shaft to access the main prison.
  • Johnny Storm: Oh, is that all? No problem. Well that's an experience I'm not in a hurry to repeat.
  • Invisible Woman: Perhaps the main prison halls would be more to your liking?
  • Human Torch: Um, no thanks! Let's do this!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Sue, Johnny! Ben and I seem to be having some difficulty entering the facility.
  • Thing: Yeah. Stretcho finally found something he can hack.
  • Invisible Woman: Okay. We'll head straight for the security room and get you inside. This looks like the security room.
  • Human Torch: By the looks of those guards, I'd say you're correct.
  • Invisible Woman: We need to clear the guards out of this room! Reed, we destroyed the interfering guards. The entrance to the prison should be clear.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Good work! Ben and I will head to the cellblocks below us. Just have to find the right way in.
  • Thing: There ain't nothing I can't make a dent in, so we'll smash our way down if we have to!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Why don't we just take those elevators at the end of the hall?
  • Thing: Right that's what I said!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Here we are...the elevator!
  • Thing: Hey! What are those tin cans doin' over there?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Looks to me like they are guarding the elevator. Hmmm... We'd better put them out of commission. The elevator seems to be slowing. We must be reaching the cellblocks.
  • Thing: Next floor...clobbering time!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Whoever is behind this must be in the cellblock room. And we've got to rioting prisoners so keep an eye out.
  • Thing: No problem. Just let me at 'em.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hold on, Ben. We've got to return the prisoners to their cells, not hit them.
  • Thing: Alright.
  • Blastaar: Who dares to face Blasstaar?!
  • Human Torch: Whoa... Who is that?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I don't think he's from around here. Here being Earth...
  • Thing: Now that's a mug even a moter couldn't love.
  • Invisible Woman: He must be behind the prison break.
  • Blastaar: You puny humans dare to stop me?!
  • Thing: Got that right!
  • Mr. Fantastic: We cannot let you continue Blastaar!
  • Blastaar: This is a weak, primitive planet and I will conquer it! No, it can't be. It... can't... be!!!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Oh yes it can. We humans aren't so weak after all.
  • Blastaar: Gaaaaarrrr!! Raaaaar!! Nooooo!!
  • Thing: Ah, quit your whining. It's time to meet your new cell.
  • Invisible Woman: I know you've been working really hard on the chamber, Reed. But I can't believe it's almost finished!
  • Human Torch: Yeah, what she said. I'm impressed!
  • Thing: And don't think we don't appreciate it, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Thanks, everyone. But I'm going to need to make a trip to pick up some final supplies.
  • Human Torch: Okay, I'm about to head out. What do you need me to pick up?
  • Mr. Fantastic: It's not quite that simple, Johnny. I need some cosmic debris...from the VDI Space Station.
  • Invisible Woman: You're going to need some help. Count us in!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Alright then, let's get to the pogo plane.
  • (Later, at Von Doom Industries...)
  • Victor Von Doom: What... What is this? What is happening to me?!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Okay, we're in.
  • Human Torch: Thanks for that observation, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Now we need to get to the control room and restore oxygen to the internal sections.
  • Human Torch: Just one problem, Reed.
  • Mr. Fantastic: What's that?
  • Human Torch: Judging by the unfriendly welcome wagon, we're not alone on the space station!
  • Mr. Fantastic: That door appears to be locked, Johnny. We'll have to find the control for it. There! That should solve our locked door problem. A piece of meteorite must have punched a hole through the wall we need this sealed off or we lose our air!
  • Human Torch: Just leave this to me. Er, Reed. What are those?!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Extraordinary! They must be a part of the spider colony we brought up for testing. They seem to have undergone a reaction to the cosmic rock as well.
  • Human Torch: They also seem to be rather annoyed about it.
  • Mr. Fantastic: There. It should take about one minute for the oxygen levels to return to normal.
  • Human Torch: We've got company... ugly company.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Quick! We've got to keep them away from the terminal! Alright, Johnny. Sue and Ben are waiting for access to the upper section of the station so they can dock.
  • Human Torch: Let me guess. There is an internal and external door, so we'll need to find two terminals, correct?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Well...yes. How'd you know that?
  • Human Torch: Hey, you're not the brainiac here, you know. Besides, we've been on this station before. Now let's open those doors!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hmm. Let's see if that robot can be of any use to us. There. That's one door open.
  • Human Torch: Right, one more to go! And there's the other door open.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Great! Now Sue and Ben will be able to dock the pogo plane now to find those cosmic rock samples... Sue, Ben! We've searched the lower levels of the station and can't find any rock samples.
  • Invisible Woman: So that means the samples we need are on this research lab level, right?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Right.
  • Thing: Leave it to us!
  • Invisible Woman: that's all five rocks accounted for.
  • Thing: 'Bout time. Not long now and I'll be back to my normal handsome self.
  • Human Torch: What took you so long?
  • Thing: Watch it, flame brain.
  • Human Torch: Reed told me to inform you that we can't leave just yet.
  • Thing: Yeah? And who's gonna try to stop me?
  • Human Torch: Apparently someone activated a gravity field that's keeping the pogo plane from taking off. You'll need to destroy the gravity generators near you to get it going.
  • Invisible Woman: Someone? Who else could be here?
  • Thing: I ain't waiting around to have a chat with 'em.
  • Invisible Woman: That's the last of them, Ben.
  • Thing: Alright then. Let's get to the docking bay and get off of this floating scrap heap! What the...? Who is this giant freakshow of an insect?
  • Human Torch: This guy makes Blastaar look like a beauty queen!
  • Invisible Woman: Be careful. We don't know what he can do...
  • Mr. Fantastic: ...Or why, umm... "it" is here.
  • Annihilus: I am Annihilus and I am here for what you hide.
  • Thing: You ain't getting any part of me, you sorry excuse for a bug.
  • Annihilus: Quiet! I have no time for this insane critter!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Hey now...
  • Annihilus: Enough! I need the cosmic rocks you possess to power my cosmic control rod. Noooo! the cosmic control rod...Aaargh!
  • Thing: Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  • Human Torch: Look...he's disappearing...
  • Annihilus: Nooooooo...
  • Invisible Woman: I'm glad that's over with.
  • Voice: Attention! Reed Richards! Baxter Security Droid reporting...zzt...truder in...zzrrt...Baxter Buil...zrrrkkktttt...
  • Invisible Woman: Reed...?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I don't think it's over with yet. We've got an intruder inside the Baxter Building!
  • Thing: Well, what are we standing around here like daisies for? Let's get down there! Gah. Never thought I'd be on this end of Reed's security measures. We need to get to that switch so we can open this barrier.
  • Human Torch: Okay, I'll handle this one. I can fly over Reed's traps. Well, we made it. So I guess we just sit back and...
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ben! Johnny!
  • Thing: Aww... What now?
  • Mr. Fantastic: We need one of you to meet us on the roof. A terminal I hacked is reporting that Victor is up there.
  • Thing: You go, hothead. I gotta rest my achin' footsies.
  • Dr. Doom: Ah, just the... thing... I was looking for.
  • (Dr. Doom arrives)
  • Thing: Victor?! Is that you in that crazy get-up? I got a bone to pick with you!
  • Dr. Doom: Now, now Ben. Is that any way to treat a friend?
  • Thing: Huh? What are you babbling about?
  • Dr. Doom: I am here, Mr. Grimm, because I picked up Reed's slack and finished the transformation chamber. Your "esteemed leader" was taking far too long in cpmpleting it.
  • Thing: What?! So why all the breaking in and stuff?
  • Dr. Doom: Merely a precaution so Reed would not interfere. I, like you, wanted this chamber completed as soon as possible.
  • Thing: Well...makes sense, I guess. So you're saying I can get in now, and change back to normal?
  • Dr. Doom: Exactly. Why wait any longer?
  • Thing: Yeah... good point. Why wait any longer? ...Hmm... kinda tickles. Hang on... This ain't feelin' right... It's startin' to hurt!... Arggghhh... ...So dizzy...
  • Dr. Doom: Ha, ha! Fool! Your power is now mine! Behold! This is a man embracing his destiny.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Okay, Sue. Johnny will meet us on the roof.
  • Invisible Woman: Reed... What do you think Victor is up to?
  • Mr. Fantastic: I'm not sure, Sue. But whatever it is, we've got to put a stop to it.
  • Invisible Woman: I know...I just don't like that...
  • Dr. Doom: Well, well. What have we here? A not so Fantastic Three. It's about time you showed up!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Victor, what are...
  • Dr. Doom: Quiet! The name is Dr. Doom!
  • Human Torch: What?
  • Invisible Woman: Vict...Dr. Doom. What are you doing? Why all this...destruction?
  • Dr. Doom: You've ruined me!!! All of you!!!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Doom, please be reasonable, we've all been changed, we can help...
  • Dr. Doom: Quiet, Richards! I don't need your help. You see, through my own genius, I am now better than ever! I have no need for the weak Victor Von Doom! I have unlimited power! And now, I have no need for you.
  • Human Torch: You're crazy Doom! Just wait until Ben gets a hold of you.
  • Dr. Doom: Ahh. Ben won't be getting a hold of me, you see, he's locked up and unconscious...not to mention back to his old self! How do you think I finished my ultimate transformation?
  • Invisible Woman: Doom, you won't get away with this...
  • Dr. Doom: Ah there, Dear Susan, you are wrong. I have already gotten away with it. And now, all that's left to destroy you all!
  • Mr. fantastic: Arrgh! I can't move! Johnny... quick get out of here!
  • Invisible Woman: Johnny, go find Ben! You can't defeat Doom alone.
  • Human Torch: Sue, I'm not leaving you here...
  • Invisible Woman: Johnny, we'll be okay. Just go find Ben, hurry!
  • Human Torch: Okay, okay. I'm gone. Hold tight!
  • (Human torch runs away)
  • Mr. Fantastic: We can't do anything but hold tight...
  • Dr. Doom: You really believe that child of a spark can save you? From me? Fools.
  • (Thing transform back into Ben Grimm)
  • Ben Grimm: Ugh... My screamin' head... What the heck happened... ...Victor...I remember.
  • Human Torch: Ben? Ben!
  • Ben Grimm: Johnny, that you? Get me outta here!
  • Human Torch: Okay, big guy. Just stand back from the door. I'm going to melt the lock. Ben, quick, we've got to...hang on. Look at you! Doom was right, you are human!
  • Ben Grimm: Yeah, don't remind me.
  • Human Torch: But I thought this is what you wanted.
  • Ben Grimm: It was before. But getting kicked to the curb by Victor sure changes a fella's mind.
  • Human Torch: Victor's calling himself Dr. Doom now.
  • Ben Grimm: Oh yeah? Well, I'll be sending him to the doctor soon enough come on, let's get moving.
  • Human Torch: Ha! I knew you'd have something to say about that. Wait...where are we heading?
  • Ben Grimm: To get my old orange tan back.
  • Human Torch: Okay, we're here. Now what?
  • Ben Grimm: I step in that big ol' hunk o' junk and get back to my handsome rocky self.
  • Human Torch: Wait a sec...Do you even know how to use it? It's a Reed invention, after all.
  • Ben Grimm: There ain't nothing a good kick to the can won't fix. See? I told ya.
  • (Ben Grimm transform into Thing)
  • Thing: All right, here we go! Never thought it would be good ta get back behind this ugly mug.
  • Human Torch: You've never looked better, big fella!
  • Thing: Now, where's Doom?
  • Human Torch: He's on the roof. And he's got Sue and Reed.
  • Thing: Is that right? You know, it's something to mess with Ben Grimm, but it's another matter to mess with his friends! Doom better have his bags packed because...'s clobberin' time! Hey, tin man! How's about picking on someone yer own size?
  • Invisible Woman: Ben!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ben!
  • Dr. Doom: You!
  • Human Torch: I believe the word you're looking for is "Ben".
  • Dr. Doom: Ben, we thought you were...
  • Thing: ...Human? Yeah, I tried that. Didn't like it, so here I am. You two alright?
  • Invisible Woman: We're fine, now that you and Johnny are here.
  • Thing : Well, Doom, I hope you don't mind me crashing your party!
  • Dr. Doom: Speak all you want, Ben Grimm. It only delays your inevitable death. I think I shall enjoy breaking you apart, after you've seen your friends destroyed.
  • Human Torch: This isn't gonna happen, tinhead.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Johnny is right. All four of us, working together, will put a stop to all this.
  • Invisible Woman: You must be stopped, Victor. This is crazy.
  • Dr. Doom: Crazy? Crazy is letting your four get away with what you've done to me. And now that I harnessed the cosmic power... will all suffer at the hands of Dr. Doom!!!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Great! Johnny, supernova him! Sue, now you! My turn! Cool off, Victor.
  • Dr. Doom: No! What are you doing?! Nooooo...
  • Guy: Awesome! Yeah! Go Fantastic Four!
  • Mr. Fantastic: I think we proved that four is definitely greater than one.
  • Invisible Woman: Reed, I love you.
  • Mr. Fantastic: I love you, Sue.
  • Human Torch: You know, big guy, I could really get used to this.
  • Thing: Oh, yeah? Why's that, squirt?
  • Human Torch: Flame On!
  • Thing: Show off.

  • Reed: ...there's no time! It's right on top of us! Quick, we have to... Look out! Nooo!
  • Human Torch: Hey! Where is everybody? I can't be the only one still kicking in this place. And would somebody turn down the heat in this room? It's like... No way! What's happening to me? Woah. I likey. This is awesome! I've got to find someone to show this off to!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Johnny? Is that you?
  • Human Torch: Reed, you will not believe what just happened!
  • Mr. Fantastic: From the looks of you, Johnny. I might believe. Are you alright?
  • Human Torch: Alright? I've never felt better! Where are you, Reed? I can't see you.
  • Mr. Fantastic: In the control room. Listen...
  • Human Torch Hah! Check me out!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Yes, yes. It certainly is...interesting. But we need to know more. Johnny, I want to run some tests. We have to determine the extent of your transformation.
  • Human Torch: Now you're talking.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Okay. Try waiting...well...hovering around a bit.
  • Human Torch: Come on, Reed. How about something a bit more challenging?
  • Mr. Fantastic: Fine. Let's see how you do in the air. My calculations show you should be able to fly. Next I want to test your strength against some of these robot drones. Try punching them. Excellent. How about an attack that blasts through multiple enemies? Impressive. Note that you will also be able to perform this move in the air. It will allow you to dive-bomb your enemies from above. Also note the scanner up ahead. It will copy your DNA and allow you to replicate there in case of an emergency. Now for something different: let's try a ranged attack. In some instances, ranged attacks are more effective than hand to hand combat. That's good. The readings you are putting out...
  • Human Torch: Reed. Less talking, more action!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Alright. These next maneuvers will be your most impressive - Let's call them cosmic moves. Have you noticed that gauge above your head? It slowly fills up after defeating an enemy. That gauge represents your Cosmic Power Level and allows you to perform your cosmic moves. The first cosmic move, your Inferno, is a huge blast of fiery plasma. Your second cosmic move, the Supernova, can damage enemies all around you. Use some cosmic moves against this next wave of robots. Excellent, Johnny. I'll need to carry out some additional tests and then...
  • (Candy arrives)
  • Human Torch: Why, hello. Who do we have here?
  • Candy: I'm Candy. And you are...?
  • Human Torch: ...taking you out. Top of the mountain, half an hour, bring your skis.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Johnny, I still need to run some diagnostics and...
  • Human Torch: Reed, you've got to get your priorities sorted out. Call this my own little bit of research. 9 minutes late. Where could she-- What in the...? It's coming right for me! FLAME ON! Who? No, what are you? I haven't seen anything this bizarre since... well... since never!
  • Skrull: Insolent human! Your painful capture will entertain me well! This isn't over! I'll be back!
  • Candy: Johnny! Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere.
  • Human Torch: Did you just see that? Tell me you just saw that!
  • Candy: All I see is someone who is begging to get beaten to the bottom of the mountain.
  • Human Torch: That sounds like a challenge. You're on.
  • Candy: This isn't your average run, Johnny. Thick trees, rocks, cliff please be careful!
  • Human Torch: Last one to the bottom springs for dinner.
  • Candy: Then you'd better hurry up, hotshot!
  • Human Torch: Hey, how about a kiss for the winner?
  • (Skrull arrives)
  • Candy: AHHHH! Johnny!
  • Skrull: You want her, earthling? Come get her! Hah, so you fell for our trap!
  • Human Torch: What makes you think you didn't fall into my trap?
  • Skrull: Fool! Do you not know the gravity of your situlation?
  • Human Torch: I must have been napping during class. Why don't you fill me in.
  • Skrull: It will bea pleasure to take your body back to the General so he may have study your cosmic power he so craves.
  • Candy: Johnny, there are others that have been captured!
  • Human Torch: ...And so then I torched his green hide back to space.
  • Woman: Oh, Johnny. You're such a kidder.
  • Human Torch: Kidder? Hey, would I lie to you?
  • Woman: You already have-- Twice in the 10 minutes I've known you.
  • Human Torch: Ouch. Well, what do you say to us heading on back to... Skrulls! Well this just really puts a damper on my flame. I'll catch you later- I've got to fly.
  • Guy: LAAAADIES AND GENTLEMENNNN! Look who has arrived outside, no doubt wishing to enter out moto-x competition... The highness of hotness, the prince of plasma, the man who will give you a tan - the Human Torch himself, Johnny Storm!
  • Human Torch: What? Ahh, why not? It's not every day you get to make a professional eat your dust.
  • Guy: This is it, folks! the race of the millennium! Can Johnny Storm out-trick our undisputed leader with a high score of 20,000 style points? It's showtime in 3... ...2... ...1...
  • Human Torch: I can't believe I'm out searching the streets for little green men. I could be back in that stadium with my new fans! Those elves from outer space have a lot to answer for. Wow, these New York rats are getting worse. They're huge and they fly now! Oh, the silent but deadly type, I see. So, you're the unidentified flying oddity behind all this Johnny because I'm jealous thing? Hey, buddy. Them's fighting words! What? Come back here! Don't make me fly after you! Finally. He looks like he's slowing down. What do you have to say about that now, huh?
  • Monster: Vol...can...o.
  • Human Torch: Hold on a second, what? You can talk? What do you mean? Volcano? There's only one volcano anywhere near here, but that's a day's flight! Man, I had better get some frequent flyer miles for this. Why didn't anyone tell me there were at least 5 volcanos nearby?! Hmm. My torch-sense is telling me this is the one.
  • Skrull Scientist: Hah! What do we have here?
  • Human Torch: Well, I'm thinking about changing my name to Johnny of the Jungle. And you are?
  • Skrull Scientist: I'm the one who will collect the bounty on your head! The General will be very pleased to have you at last.
  • Human Torch: Look, if it's a signed picture you're after, or perhaps if this Genral of yours is a really hot woman...
  • Skrull Scientist: Silence! You filthy humans may not even speak of the General! Now, you'll come with me...dead or alive! This isn't over! I'll be back!
  • Human Torch: So, a volcanic island, bad guys, and a mysterious plot. You're not a secret agent in a really ugly disguise, are you?
  • Terrax: So, are you must be the one they are after.
  • Human Torch: Judging by the freaky fanclub chasing after me, I'd say you're right. And just where do you fit in all of this?
  • Terrax: I am Terrax the Untamed! I have seen the births and deaths of countless civilizations! Worlds are trembled at my pressence! And now, on behalf of the Skrulls, I have come for you and your power!
  • Human Torch: So, basically you're saying you're a hired thug who travels a lot? I hope they offered a good dental plan.
  • Terrax: Enough! I come not for them, but for myself. They may have found you, but it will be I who drains the power from your broken bones!
  • Human Torch: Ewww. That's just nasty. FLAME ON!
  • Terrax: N...No. It can't be! They said you were too powerful, but...
  • Human Torch: Yeah. I've been working out.
  • Terrax: Those pathetic weaklings...They used me! I will have my revenge!
  • Human Torch: What are you going to do? Bore them to death?
  • Terrax: You, human. Go to your planet's largest factory. There you will find them, and you may tear them apart!
  • Human Torch: Uh, thanks. I guess. But you've really got to work on anger issues.
  • Mr. Fantastic: ...been days now. We should start looking for him.
  • (Human Torch arrives)
  • Human Torch: My ears are burning. Are you talking about me?
  • Invisible Woman: Johnny! Where have you been? We've been worried sick about you.
  • Human Torch: Talking to a brick wall for the past day. I thought it was Ben!
  • Thing: Laugh it up, match-head.
  • Human Torch: Nah, seriously, I've been fighting green men from outer space! They've laughed a scale war against me!
  • Mr. Fantastic: Look, Johnny. We know it's been difficult and the accident was traumatic for all of us...
  • Human Torch: No, Reed. It's been a blast! But now I need to know where the world's largest factory is.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Well, that would be in the Gobi Desert, but...
  • Human Torch: Great, thanks Reed. I'd love to stay and chat about sciencey stuff, but I've got people to save and aliens to flame.
  • Thing: I still think he was being chased by some girl's jealous boyfriend.
  • Human Torch: Well, no building can be larger than this one. This must be it. This thing...whatever it is...has got to be what the Skrulls are hiding out here for. And whatever it is they want chained up is probably something that shouldn't be... Maybe if I break it free it will take some of the Skrulls' attention off of me. ...! Ding! That third floor. Bed linens, ladies shoes, and humongous giant alien heads!
  • Galactus: Stop, human.
  • Human Torch: You're telling me to stop? You're the one trying to nuke me!
  • Galactus: Why have you set Galacus free? Do you not know your actions? Do you not hear the planets once again tremble?
  • Human Torch: Listen, bigfoot, I'm not sure what I understand. In the last days I've discovered I'm a human matchstick, I've been shot and skewered, and I've been chased across half the planet by angry green men who want to study me. And to stop it off, I'm talking to a not-so-jolly purple giant. So why don't you tell me what you're doing?
  • Galactus: You too are being haunted by those known as the Skrulls? Then, I Galactus, shall not kill you. After searching the cosmos for my next source of energy I became weak. As I approached death, the Skrulls captured me and have kept me prisoner. Experiments, they call their actions.
  • Human Torch: Yeah, there seems to be a lot of that going around.
  • Galactus: I shall leave you and your planet alone...for now. You shall find your answers on the Skrull City Ship to the cast. Now, you must leave. The Skrull missile aimed at you will be here soon.
  • Human Torch: The what now?! Man, why am I always the last to find out about these things? Okay, Johnny. Keep it cool. This has to run out of fuel sometime. I hope... Well, after that welcome wagon, there's no way I'm just knocking nicely on their front door.
  • General: Muahahaha!!
  • Human Torch: Your costume too tight or something, chuckles?
  • Paibok: I was just thinking about how satisfying it will be to finally drain that tremendous power of yours. I'm very, very hungry and I've been waiting a long time for this.
  • Human Torch: So you're the one headlining the freakshow?
  • Paibok: Allow me to introduce myself. I am the General of the Skrull Expeditionary Force. And you shall suffer for the harm you have caused my troops. For I am...Paibok the Power Skrull!
  • Human Torch: Is this where you strike a pose and yell It's Paibok time!?
  • Paibok: I shall enjoy draining your body of its energy.
  • Human Torch: You can forget all about your Johnny smorgasbord because this chase ends now. Ouch. That's gotta burn.
  • Paibok: You, you idiot! You think this is... *gasp*... the end? That I'm finished?
  • Human Torch: Maybe, maybe not. It doesn't really matter. I've put a stop to you and your plans, and I'll always be ready for you and any Skrull force. You know, what with having this awesome power and all.
  • Paibok: Fool! The... *gasp*... rest of the Skrull force will find this shipand they will find you!
  • Human Torch: Not after I take out the control system and destroy this baby for good.
  • Paibok: We will find you! You cannot... *gasp* ...hide! Your power will be mine! Mine! Ahahaha!
  • Human Torch: Me and this much sought after body of mine are out of here. I feel like I might need a check-up. Especially if a certain nurse is there. Have fun going down with your ship, General.
  • (Invisible Woman, Mr Fantastic and Thing arrives)
  • Mr. Fantastic: Ah, Johnny. I'm glad you made it.
  • Human Torch: Wouldn't miss it for the world, Reed. Victor needs to be stopped, and we're just the team to do it.
  • Invisible Woman: Where have you been anyway?
  • Thing: Frolicking with his little green friends, I'd wager.
  • Human Torch: First of all, they're ugly green aliens. And second, I was putting an end to their evil.
  • Mr. Fantastic: Okay. Whatever you say.
  • Invisible Woman: If you didn't want to tell us, just say so, Johnny.
  • Human Torch: Hey! Would I lie to you guys?
  • Thing: Yeah, yeah, enough already. Let's go teach Victor Von Doom a lesson or two. What in the blazes? By my sweet aunt Petunia, what is that?!
  • Human Torch: Ahh, it's nothing. You must be seeing things, big guy. Let's go, Doom awaits!