Fan Fiction

This is a list of characters from Life of Brandon Towo.

Main characters[]

  • Brandon Towo (born June 21, 1999) is a student at Cornett Performing Arts Academy. Many generations ago, his relatives came from Spain. Brandon's favorite foods are pizza, ice cream, and fries. He is strong and independent, but sometimes he has anger problems...
  • Oskari Stefansson (born April 26, 1999) is Brandon's classmate. He is somewhat naive and dim-witted, but he is good at singing. He has known Brandon since he was four. Oskari is ½ Danish and ½ Korean.
  • Elliot "Smelliot" McKenna (born December 7, 2001) is a friend of Brandon Towo. He is in fourth grade, but he still goes to Cornett Performing Arts Academy. Matthew and Ruthie nicknamed him "Smelliot" (because he rarely showers), so most people call him that. Smelliot likes making jokes, but sometimes he laughs at unnecessary times.
  • Joannie Caruana (born July 11, 1999) is another classmate of Brandon and Oskari. She is good at dancing, and has won eight dance competitions before. She has curly black hair that goes down to her shoulders. Joannie is very smart, but she hates math, reading, and science (especially science!).

Major characters[]

  • Mrs. Belle Towo (born August 19, 1967) is Brandon's mother. She signed Brandon up for a performing arts academy because she thought it would be a great experience for him, and she likes the arts. Brandon's friends refer to her as "Mrs. Towo", but Brandon refers to her as "Mom".
  • Miss Pizarski (born October 3, 1984) is Brandon, Oskari, and Joannie's teacher. She is seen in most episodes drinking grape soda, because she says "Grape soda tastes G-O-O-D!"
  • Matthew Azzopardi (born January 7, 1999) is the sworn enemy of Brandon, Oskari, Joannie, and ESPECIALLY Smelliot. Matthew hates rainbows, dogs, graham crackers, cats, balloon animals, Ke$ha, Hannah Montana, laptops, Facebook, jazz music, Bella Thorne, bras, ugly hats, sweaters, Russia, electro-pop music, Brandon, Oskari, Smelliot, and Joannie.
  • Ruthie Grybay (born May 8, 1999) is Matthew's best friend. She, like Matt, hates the main characters. Ruthie's outfit consists of a light blue shirt, a red bandanna, and jean shorts. Her reddish-brown hair is always in a ponytail, except for the pilot episode.
  • Julianne McKenna (born February 18, 2004) is Smelliot's "annoying" little sister who ruins his things sometimes. Julianne goes to a regular elementary school, fortunately for Smelliot.