Fan Fiction
Rainbow Dash' Nightmare Adventure poster

Rainbow Dash' Nightmare Adventure

Introduction/Welcome To The Nightmares[]

It was on this nippy October afternoon that a blue clored body and a rainbow haired girl, Rainbow Dash, was walking home from Canterlot High. She made his way to the front door, opened it and announced her arrival.

"I'm home! Mom? Dad?" Rainbow Dash called out.

Strange. There was no one home, and yet the door was unlocked. She decided to check the kitchen just to be safe and to make sure that there was dinner on the table. On the fridge, there was a note in her mother's handwriting.

"Dear Rainbow,

I had to go pick up dad from work. I should be home by 7:00.

Love, Mom"

Looking up he noticed that it was still 1 in the afternoon. He had the whole place to himself for 6 hours!

"YES!" Rainbow Dash cried, happily, "Guess what? Free time eating junk food and playing video games!" She squeals, excitedly, to herself.

That was any teenage colored-blue-body & rainbow haired girl's dream! She stripped herself of her day clothes and put on a pair of PJs.

"Awesome!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

What a night! Not only was he able to have fun for once, but she was finally able to raid the fridge of sweets and play grown-up video games on their Super Nintendo. She was in the middle of playing Street Fighter as Zangeif, about to fight the notorious M. Bison when all of the sudden...

…Brown out. Lightning flashed outside the windows as everything was now illuminated by moonlight. The phone rang at the end of the hall. Rainbow Dash rushed to answer it. "Hello?" No response, just the dial tone. "No one answers." She shrugged.

Then she heard something breathing behind her. As Rainbow Dash turned around, she saw the shadow of a monster! "Aah!" She tried to run, but was caught. "It got me! Help! Help!" she shouted. But she realized that the phone was still off of the receiver and was now beeping, and the monster was not dragging her. "It's just me." she noticed. It was her own shadow lapped over that of a tree, "Phew. Just the tree." she relief, the islands can get creepy at night. She hung up the phone and started to think about the time. At the time of the call, it was around 6:00.

"Uhh... Well... I'm going to bed."

The hallway seemed to be longer than normal as he made his way to his room. As she walked, she did not notice that some of the shadows were following her. She turned around... nothing but her own shadow. She waved to it... it waved back half a second later. "Strange." she said, with pondered, while twitching her eye as she closed the door. What she didn't notice was that as she was shutting the door, the shadows had snuck into her room and posessed her quilt.

Rainbow Dash had the windows shut and blinds down as she tried to sleep through the storm. Seconds seemed more like hours, praying that this storm would come to an end.

*pound pound pound*

Rainbow Dash peeked from under the covers. "Huh? Mom? Is that you"? No answer.

…Two enormous ebony arms burst out of the wall and grabbed her! "Hey!" She cried, in surprised of shocked.

Rainbow Dash turned around to see the beast but was to overwhelmed with fear that she could not see its face!

"Lemme go!, you big, brute!" Rainbow Dash snapped, while struggling to be freed. As the the beast did lets Rainbow Dash go, she fell into a vortex that the monster had created out of her quilt. The shadows from before had returned now revealing themselves!

"Time to bury all of your troubles, little Miss R.D.!" said a thin Reaper-like shadow, in a voice similar to an old man.

"Don't worry... this-a won't hurt a bit!" said a clawed cyclopean shadow.

"Hey Rainbow Dash, I'm gonna teach you a lesson!" said a fat shadow. Wait was that Trixie's voice?!

"I have a hankering for a Rainbow Dash-wich" said a fat cyclopean shadow.

"Terrible... hideous... surprises!" said a two-headed shadow, in a girlish voice.

Rainbow Dash continued falling and hit the ground with a great thud, landing on a giant version of her bed. She was now, looking-beating & laying down on the ground.

"Rainbow..." Said a voice, echoing for her from distance, waking her up.

"Huh? Wh--wh----? Wh-who's there?" Rainbow Dash groaned and moaned as she gets up, dizzily, "Wh-where am I?"

"Rainbow..." Said a voice, echoing for her from distance, again.

Rainbow Dash looked around at the surrounding landscape. It was a dark wasteland that resembled his bed. A voice laughs evilly and spoke.

Voice: Welcome to the Nightmare, Rainbow Dash!

"Who are you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Voice: I am Maleficent, the evil darkest Disney Villain that resides in your heart. You see, being cooped up in your heart has made me restless, so I figured that it's time I take over your actions! (laughs evilly)

"What?! No!" Rainbow Dash cried out, in horror with fear, but suddenly, anger, "I'm gonna finish you off to your end, Maleficent!"

Maleficent: (chuckling evilly) Oh, it would be YOUR end, Rainbow Dash! Behold: Your worse evilest villainy enemies of your worse nightmares!

Rainbow Dash was about to beat Maleficent, when suddenly, someone blocks the girl's way. Rainbow Dash gasped in shocked.

"Randall Boggs?! It's you!" Rainbow Dash cried, as more villains came out of nowhere, as she continued, in horror, "Zeta?! Ratty and Molie?! Thunderclap?! Chef?!" The villains were all Rainbow Dash's old enemies from the movies, surounding her, suddunly the magic stops her enemies, they dissapear.

"Don't listen to her, Rainbow!" said a familiar voice.

"Sonic? Is that you?" Rainbow Dash asked, in surprise.

Sonic: Yeah, it's me. Look, the only way we can stop Maleficent is by overcoming your fears. You have to look fear in the eye and say, "I'm not scared of you."

"But what about when I'm alone?" Rainbow cried.

Sonic: The guardians of you; Bernard, Miss Bianca, Jake, Scamp, Angel, Edmond, Patou, Snipes, Peepers, Mordecai, Rigby, Bambi, Mervis, Dunglap, the Tank Gang, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and the Trolls, were all going along with you to be with you as your friends as your worlds in your dreams' famous guardian heroes.

Rainbow Dash looked ahead the sparkling light-blue, as Bernard, Miss Bianca, Jake, Scamp, Angel, Edmond, Patou, Snipes, Peepers, Mordecai, Rigby, Bambi, Mervis, Dunglap, the Tank Gang, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and the Trolls (namley: Poppy, Branch, Biggie, Mr. Dinkles, Cooper, Satin, Chenille, Guy Diamond, DJ Suki, and Smidge) show up out of the sparkling light-blue.

"HI, RAINBOW DASH!" Yakko, Wakko & Dot said, while waving at her.

"We're so happy to see you, and help you!" Beggie smiled.


Sonic: Yeah. And by the way, use this!

A large key materialized before the girl. The blue hedgehog appeared to be two shooting stars. The blade was blue and decorated with stars, while the teeth were a crescent moon and a star. The Keychain design was a crescent moon.

Sonic: This is a Keyblade of Loyalty, the Star Seeker in fact, the very weapon I used and one that you will be able to use one day. Not yet, you're not ready to use it now. You and the others are only able to use this one since we're in your dreams.

"Thanks, Sonic!" Rainbow Dash said.

Suddenly, there was an earthqake, the heroes gaspes in suprised of shocked.

"What was that?!" Cooper asked, panicking.

"I don't know!" Rigby gasped.

"We'd better get goin'!" Mordecai replied.

"Maleficent is up to no good!" Gil said, bravery.

"Rainbow, let's go!" Diamond Guy called out.

Rainbow Dash, Bernard, Miss Bianca, Jake, Scamp, Angel, Edmond, Patou, Snipes, Peepers, Mordecai, Rigby, Bambi, Mervis, Dunglap, the Tank Gang, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and the Trolls headed to a patch that had what looked like a gravestone with a spiral on it.

"Look!" Dj Suki cried, pointed ahead.

The reaper shadow appeared. "I'm just dying for you to visit! Come on, little girl! Let's get this nightmare rolling!"

"You asked for it!" Ranbow Dsh said, bravery.

Cooper gulped, nervously, "I'm not gonna like this."

"There is no time to be scared of, Cooper, and no time to quit. We must go into the graveyard." Miss Bianca said to Cooper.

"Let's go!" Gil said.

Rainbow Dash, Bernard, Miss Bianca, Jake, Scamp, Angel, Edmond, Patou, Snipes, Peepers, Mordecai, Rigby, Bambi, Mervis, Dunglap, the Tank Gang, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, and the Trolls  jumped, together, into the gaping hole and fell into a graveyard.

The Graveyard/Rescuing Snow White[]

They landed face-first into a freshly dug grave.

"Where are we?" Wakko asked, "It's a graveyard!"

Suddenly, the heroes heard a girl's screaming in terror from distance from the graveyard.

"There!" Gil called out, as the team hurried to through the graveyard.

"Look!" Mervis gasped, pointing at someone.

The groundskeeper dug someone out.

"Stop it. You're scaring the worms, and the girl, too! leave her alone!" Rainbow Dash said monotonously. On his left was a tall kid with a brown paper bag, on the right was a slimy hand holding two eyeballs.

"Ugh! Gross!" Wakko groaned. in disgust.

Rainbow Dash  headed to the hand, dodging the eyes it tossed. He swung the keyblade at it and it retreated back into the ground. Finally, the team rushed over to the crying, frightning girl, the girl's name was known as, Snow White. She was the Disney Princess.

"You okay?" Scamp asked Snow White.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked, walking towards Snow White.

"And why you cryin'?" Rigby asked, while confront Snow White.

"These horrible zombies," Snow White said, with a sob, "they were about to grab me and to tear up my shirt and--- you came to the rescue." She continued, "Thank you for saving me."

"No problem. No worries. Don't worry. No need to cry about those zombies." Dunglap said.
