Fan Fiction

This a special buliting up to Hero Wars 2.


Scooby is having nightmares with "the magic man", and Annunaki Nova. When suddenly his dreams get worse he runs into the once defeated Freak of Crystal Cove—now more scary than ever.

The next morning, Scooby wakes up, and panics to the gang about his dream. The gang shows Scooby a book about "supernatural curses", with a picture of a cat wearing magician's choltes. Scooby recognizes him as "the magic man" in his dreams.

Later on, they drove down to see the magic man to see if he could shed some light on Scooby's nightmares. Velma thinks the idea is crazy; she never believed in real monsters, to which Fred said they see some real monsters with Velma saying those are just dreams she have. When the gang arrived at the mansion, he first tried to sell good luck cards to them. But when Scooby told him that he was in his nightmares, he let them come in.

In his mansion is Hrtao Soma, Kamen Rider Wizard, who's eating with the Doraemons. The 2 group meet and the Mystery Inc. saw that Dorapan had pictures of "the Monstrous Freak" on his walls, seeing them in his nightmares. Dorapan's use then best part of himself to think, which is the man Scooby sees in his dreams. Then, he told the gang about "the Sitting room", a waiting room between time, space, and different dimensions. He said that they would find the answers "to whatever it is they need to find" there. Hypnosis was the way to enter the Sitting room. He also warned Scooby that if "the Monstrous Freak" got him in his dreams, he'll die of a heart attack. He pointed out to the gang that they need to find the monster's "true identity" and it will be defeated and that he and Harto will be with them. Harto then changes into Kamen Rider Wizard.
