Fan Fiction
Shantae and Aladdin Arabian Dreams logo

Chapter 14 is the fourteeth chapter of Shantae and Aladdin: Arabian Dreams written by MarioFan65.

This chapter is called "Training".



  • Shantae: Feather God!
  • Feather God: Aw. Shantae. It is great to see you and your friends. I was expecting a lot of benefits from you and some of your weaklings.
  • Aladdin: I'm not weak. I'm a prince.
  • Squid Baron: That's not a prince. That's a fuzzy maraca.
  • Genie: What a hater.
  • Rottytops: That squid love to talk a lot like everything he see is a joke.
  • Bolo: How are we going to take all of them down?
  • Jasmine: Just knock them down like wrestling.
  • Sky: Me and Wrench know what we're gonna do to these raiders.
  • Risky Boots: You crossed the line, party freaks. You got nowhere to go now.
  • Jafar: What are we gonna do to these guys?
  • Ammo Baron: Kill them all. That's what we're gonna do like we did to those barbarians in the last ten years.
  • Hypno Baron: I'd like to give them a little spook to their fears and run away like wolves.
  • Techno Baron: Heh heh heh heh heh. No one is gonna survive this battle.
  • Twitch: Prepare the weapons.
  • Vinegar: We got our eyes on the sand people.
  • Cassim: Who you calling sand people?
  • Tuki: We're just far-travelers! What point of a person don't you understand?!
  • Genie: You guys are mean!
  • Risky Boots: Let me know if we're ready to battle, boss.
  • Feather God: When we say go.
  • Jafar: I'm waiting.
  • Iago: Hurry up! We got chores to do at home.
  • Squid Baron: *yawns* I'll rather watch a movie in IMAX.
  • Shantae: Heads to heads.
  • Aladdin: Tails to tails.
  • Risky Boots: Dead or alive.
  • Jafar: You're coming with us.
  • Feather God: Let the battle begins. *thunderclap and begin the fight*
  • Shantae: *tail whip at Risky Boots* Ha!
  • Risky Boots: Ugh.
  • Jafar: *shoot dark beans at Aladdin* Where are you going?
  • Aladdin: You can’t catch me.
  • Bolo: *punch and kick Ammo Baron* Hey.
  • Ammo Baron: Men, after the boy! *send his soldiers to shoot Bolo*
  • Bolo: *dodge the shots* Ah!
  • Jasmine: *spin at the soldiers and tail whip at them* Leave him alone!
  • Bolo: Thank you Jasmine!
  • Jasmine: Don't thank me just yet. *fight Ammo Baron*
  • Ammo Baron: Ladies, a little help here?
  • Twitch: We'll teach this cutie a lesson.
  • Vinegar: It's time to shoot out the trash.
  • Bolo: I am so screwed now.
  • Iago: *dodge every hit* 'Scuse me! Coming through! I'm flying here!
  • Techno Baron: *fight Tuki* Come here!
  • Tuki: Not a chance. *tail whip at Techno Baron*
  • Techno Baron: My face!
  • Tuki: Where is your face?
  • Techno Baron: It's hiding underneath on my helmet, naga girl.
  • Tuki: Play your manners correctly.
  • Hypno Baron: *shoot dark beams everywhere* Eat my dark magic!
  • Cassim: Look out above!
  • Sky: Keep dodging!
  • Squid Baron: Here we go! Big CG-animated fight coming up!
  • Sky: *run and fight Squid Baron* Hey!
  • Squid Baron: *hop everywhere* Oops. You can't catch me.
  • Sky: Wrench, after him!
  • Wrench: *attack Squid Baron* Caw!
  • Squid Baron: Aah! Angry Bird! Get away from me!
  • Sky: *annoyed* I hate this guy so much.
  • Bolo: *dodge every hit* Whoa! Watch it!
  • Twitch: Where are you going?
  • Vinegar: Come back here!
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Men, let's go after these fools! *send the Tinkerbats to go after the heroes*
  • Rottytops: *use her leg to knock some Tinkerbats down* Ha! Ooh! Take that.
  • Genie: *shoot some Tinkerbats* Pew pew pew! Another one bite the dust.
  • Shantae: *dash and kick Risky Boots* Ha!
  • Risky Boots: Moron.
  • Shantae: *hold her sword* No one touches the sword.
  • Risky Boots: Keep your hair away from me. *fight Shantae by hitting the swords*
  • Aladdin: *spin kick at Jafar* Is that all you got?
  • Jafar: Why won't you go away? *use his staff to shoot everywhere*
  • Aladdin: *dodge* Whoa! Watch it.
  • Jafar: *chuckles* You'll never learn.
  • Aladdin: *roll and jump to kick Jafar* Gotcha!
  • Genie: *he and everyone fight the Tinkerbats* So many Tinkerbats!
  • Rottytops: *hold her head and bowl a bunch of Tinkerbats* Strike!
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Hey! No cheating! That shouldn't count!
  • Genie: Excuse me? We're not cheating. *teleports in and out by knocking every Tinkerbat* Over here. Over there! I see you! I saw you! I found you! *teleports at Tinkerbat Captain* There you go. *pinch Tinkerbat Captain*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: *crash on the ground* Barnacles.
  • Genie: Ah ha. In your face.
  • Rottytops: Way a go, blue genie.
  • Genie: You never had a friend like me.
  • Tinkerbat #1: Monster!
  • Tinkerbat #2: Pop that Genie!
  • Tinkerbat #3: You must go!
  • Genie: Oh. You try to beat me? I'll show you! *use a armor box and transform in a suit, light up with the montage of Snap!'s "The Power" playing and hold his hands toward the Tinkerbats* Yeah! *shoot at the Tinkerbats*
  • Rottytops: Whoa! What are you?
  • Genie: I am... Iron Genie! *fly and shoot many rockets toward the Tinkerbats*
  • Rottytops: Woo!
  • Genie: Yeah! Feel the wrath of me!
  • Tinkerbat #4: Move back!
  • Tinkerbat #1: Get outta the way!
  • Feather God: *glare* Well, well, well. They're playing like children.
  • Shantae: What the?
  • Risky Boots: Master, if you may. Give us an assistance to take down these fighters.
  • Feather God: As you may. *shoot everywhere*
  • Aladdin: Look out!
  • Bolo: Run!
  • Twitch: You haven't gotten your shot yet!
  • Vinegar: Weirdo!
  • Ammo Baron: Watch the shots from the master while we fight!
  • Genie: Ah! Ooh! My tail!
  • Rottytops: Oi! So many shots!
  • Iago: Watch the feathers! You’re making me hot as a fried chicken.
  • Tuki: *fight Ammo Baron* You ain't going anywhere.
  • Ammo Baron: Move.
  • Cassim: *jump and kick Techno Baron* Back off!
  • Techno Baron: Grr. You ain't a croc like me.
  • Cassim: Neither is a alligator.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: *keep shooting at the heroes* Give up all you got, dumplings.
  • Genie: Tinkerbat alert! *shoot at the Tinkerbats*
  • Rottytops: *punch a Tinkerbat* Do your thing, Genie!
  • Genie: Alright! I am the mighty! Feel the power of... *transform into a viking with thunder powers and hold a hammer* GENIE THOR! *slam the hammer with lightning into the Tinkerbats*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: *crash with the Tinkerbats* Whoa!
  • Genie: I'm a god!
  • Rottytops: Way a go Genie!
  • Genie: All this thunder is making me wanna shock. *thunder shock at the Tinkerbats*
  • Sky: After that feather mask! *throw feather razors at Feather God*
  • Wrench: *scratch Feather God* Caw!
  • Bolo: *throw some Tinkerbats at Feather God* Gosh, his face is so scale.
  • Jasmine: *throw some blocks at Feather God* Take that.
  • Feather God: *shoot on the rocks* Don't diss on my face.
  • Cassim: Oh, you're getting it now. *use a cannon to shoot a cannonball at Feather God*
  • Feather God: *smash a cannonball* Weak.
  • Cassim: What?
  • Tuki: *hiss* Cheater. *use a slingshot to shoot some beakers at Feather God*
  • Feather God: *get hit by the beakers* You are worthless of a saleswoman.
  • Tuki: Salesnaga! *growl and throw a TNT bomb at Feather God*
  • Genie: Ooh. He got boom!
  • Squid Baron: Bombing like a tiki mask from Hawaii.
  • Shantae: *jump and spin kick at Risky Boots* Woo!
  • Risky Boots: Watch the face!
  • Jafar: *shoot with his staff* Ya!
  • Aladdin: *dodge* Miss.
  • Bolo: *kick Squid Baron* Eat some.
  • Jasmine: *hair whip at Squid Baron* What a big baby.
  • Squid Baron: Ah! Get away from me, trainees!
  • Bolo: Who are you calling trainees?
  • Jasmine: How old is that guy?
  • Squid Baron: I'm a man! What do you expect?
  • Bolo: Bring it on.
  • Jasmine: Show us what you got.
  • Squid Baron: I have maximum effort and I am the best character in the franchise! *spin and bump Bolo and Jasmine* ¡Arriba, arriba! *bounce and slam Bolo and Jasmine* Yeah baby! *he imagine like he's in a video game to get a achievement reward*
  • Voice: *open up a achievement unlocked with a coin* Achievement Unlocked! *Squid Baron grab a coin* You got a coin!
  • Rottytops: *fight Twitch and Vinegar* Leave me alone.
  • Twitch: Where are your brother?
  • Vinegar: Are you going to cry to your mommy? Aw? Where's your daddy at?
  • Rottytops: I'm not a kid anymore. What is wrong with you?
  • Twitch: You should have been dead in the first place.
  • Vinegar: Time to go back to the fiery world where you came from? *she and Twitch point her gun towards Rottytops*
  • Rottytops: Ah! Genie!
  • Genie: Emergency alert! Leave my best friend alone! *clash with Twitch and Vinegar by destroying the guns and knocking them down with his hammer* Feel the Flash!
  • Twitch: *she and Vinegar crash on a shard rock* Ow! My hair!
  • Vinegar: We look twisted. We're so screwed up today.
  • Genie: Woo! Feel the wrath of the Genie! *spin* Wee! *hammer slam on the Tinkerbats and soldiers* Oh yeah!
  • Ammo Baron: My people!
  • Hypno Baron: What have they done?!
  • Jafar: My lord, we need some assistance!
  • Feather God: Coming at your way! *open a portal to summon the common shards in from the floating island* Common shards, it's play time!
  • Risky Boots: Rip them like ribs and steak!
  • Shantae: Shards on the loose! *hair whip at the shards*
  • Aladdin: *hold his sword to cut the shards* One swing ahead!
  • Bolo: *use his flail and hit the shards with a spikeball* Oh yeah!
  • Jasmine: *kick the shards* Get out.
  • Genie: Shards?! Time to kill them all. *glow with lightning and slam at the shards*
  • Rottytops: *roll to knock the shards* Did I do good?
  • Genie: *thumbs up* You did great!
  • Rottytops: Awesomesauce.
  • Iago: *drop some bombs at the shards* Die you cockroach wannabes!
  • Abu: *bite some shards* Grr!
  • Sky: *throw some feather razors at the shards* Eat some feathers.
  • Wrench: *fly and claw all the shards out* Caw!
  • Cassim: *slash some shards* Killing like a chicken.
  • Tuki: *throw some beakers at the shards* Buy ssssssome. Get sssssome. *tail whip at the shards*
  • Genie: *use his hammer to power blast at the shards* Yeah! I'm getting the good feeling of a thunderbolt. *throw a thunderbolt at the shards*
  • Feather God: Fighting like children.
  • Hypno Baron: Idiots.
  • Ammo Baron: We need assistance!
  • Hypno Baron: *shoot Ammo Baron* I'll do it myself. *fly and fight Genie*
  • Genie: *punch and slap Hypno Baron* Go away.
  • Hypno Baron: You back off, blue ghost! *dark blast everywhere*
  • Genie: *use the hammer to block the dark magic* Steady, don't move.
  • Hypno Baron: You've been tricked. *use his other hand to dark blast at Genie*
  • Genie: *crash on the ground with his clothes damaged* Ow! My armor! *see his hammer break* Not the hammer!
  • Rottytops: Genie!
  • Hypno Baron: You're next, zombie girl!
  • Rottytops: Uh. *take off her leg to hit Hypno Baron* Eat this. *take off her hand to hit Hypno Baron* Eat that!
  • Hypno Baron: Useless. *snap Rottytops and make her body fall apart*
  • Rottytops: Tartar sauce.
  • Squid Baron: Yeah! My man Hypno Baron!
  • Hypno Baron: Shut up! You don't tell me what to do!
  • Squid Baron: Um, you didn't heard what I said.
  • Shantae: *fire blast at Feather God* Burn!
  • Feather God: *use some fire and power blast everywhere* Enjoy!
  • Aladdin: Not again.
  • Jafar: *laugh* You'll never win, street rat.
  • Aladdin: I am not a street rat. *spin and kick Jafar* I'm a prince.
  • Squid Baron: *stretch* Okay. Head, check. Tentacles, check. And character and personaity. Check. Let's get this power trait going. *dash and bump Sky* Woo!
  • Sky: Ugh! Wrench, help me!
  • Wrench: *fly and attack Squid Baron* Caw!
  • Squid Baron: Ah! Your screams are so intense. You even sound like a cocktatoo bird that came from Rio de Janeiro even though birds like you are so rare to find like Spix's Macaws when people think they are extinct like the dinosaurs!
  • Hypno Baron: Ugh! This octopus squid is so annoying like a manchild!
  • Squid Baron: In fact, birds are dinosaurs while the apes are primates!
  • Wrench: *drop Squid Baron* Caw!
  • Squid Baron: *crash* Ah!
  • Hypno Baron: What a fool.
  • Shantae: Ha. Look like you won't have to deal with an annoying squid of yours.
  • Risky Boots: Oh really? Thank you for asking. *shoot Shantae*
  • Aladdin: Shantae!
  • Shantae: Oh, wow? Really? That all you can shoot to a half-genie with special abilities?
  • Risky Boots: If you can ground Ammo Baron, I can ground you. If I was mommy, I'll say this. You, are, grounded! *kick Shantae to the ground*
  • Sky: Shantae!
  • Aladdin: No!
  • Bolo: *get up* Ugh.
  • Jasmine: *get up* What happen here?
  • Squid Baron: Oh Shantae. My sweet little baby princess. *"You're the Inspiration" by Chicago play in his mind as he dreams of Shantae while rabbits, ponies, horses, dragons and bears come from his imagination and mourn Shantae while he make a peace sign as rain comes and kill the animals as he is being hold by Aladdin* Oh, Jesus, is that you?
  • Aladdin: You think it is funny to hurt people like this?
  • Squid Baron: I'm sorry, who are you again?
  • Aladdin: I'm the prince of the kingdom you son of a ink. *about to throw Squid Baron*
  • Squid Baron: Wait, I wanted to get an autograph from you and the half-genie hero! *get thrown by Aladdin and crash on the garbage cans* Ow! You want to dance? Let's dance!
  • Aladdin: Come on! *fight Squid Baron*
  • Sky: *hold a feather sword to fight the shards* Eat feathers!
  • Wrench: *bite and swallow some shards* Caw! *spin to kill the shards*
  • Techno Baron: *throw some shard pieces at Tuki* GRR! Why won't you die?!
  • Tuki: Thanks for the gift. *spin and whip Techno Baron*
  • Techno Baron: *defeated* Dummy.
  • Tuki: What a weirdo.
  • Cassim: In fact, he is a creep toward female humans.
  • Tuki: And use them as mermaids to sell in cans like rotten cheese.
  • Iago: *fly* You're my lunch! *get hit by Squid Baron* Oi!
  • Squid Baron: Sorry! *bump Aladdin* Woo!
  • Aladdin: *drift* I'm not done messing with you yet.
  • Squid Baron: Oh yeah. I bet you haven't beat this ghostly guy yet.
  • Hypno Baron: Yo. *shapeshift to Aladdin*
  • Aladdin: What the what?
  • Hypno Baron: Splendid! *fight Aladdin*
  • Squid Baron: Go get him, tiger!
  • Aladdin: *kick Hypno Baron* Grr.
  • Hypno Baron: *shapeshift into Jasmine* Hello, baby.
  • Aladdin: Jasmine?
  • Jasmine: *annoyed* That is not me.
  • Hypno Baron: Dance, baby, dance!
  • Aladdin: *punch and kick Hypno Baron* You're not her!
  • Hypno Baron: Feel the power of my thighs! *bump Aladdin and crash Squid Baron*
  • Squid Baron: Ah! *crash with Aladdin as the song stop in his mind* That not what I expected in my bingo card.
  • Hypno Baron: *transform into Genie* Ah ha ha ha ha! Who's next to lose!
  • Sky: Not the Genie!
  • Cassim: We're gonna lose.
  • Tuki: What kind of ghost can form into people like us?
  • Hypno Baron: Take this! *power blast everywhere and laugh*
  • Risky Boots: He's really scary in my book.
  • Jafar: And I thought my Genie form was scary.
  • Cassim: *use a knife to cute Hypno Baron* Come on.
  • Hypno Baron: Heck off. *blast Cassim*
  • Tuki: *bite Hypno Baron* Errrr.
  • Hypno Baron: I'm not a meat!
  • Tuki: Yes you are. *twist Hypno Baron's head*
  • Hypno Baron: Aaaah!
  • Bolo: *hold a gun and point at Hypno Baron* Alright outlaw. Time to get shot.
  • Jafar: *laugh* Heh heh heh. Not so fast. *hit Bolo with his staff*
  • Bolo: *trip* Hey.
  • Risky Boots: We got the kid.
  • Jafar: *put his staff on Bolo* Stay.
  • Bolo: Dude.
  • Jafar: Wanna see your friends say goodbye before your fate?
  • Bolo: No...
  • Jafar: Then watch like a man.
  • Tuki: *scratch Hypno Baron* Why won't you die?!
  • Hypno Baron: *choke Tuki* Ha ha ha ha ha. Got you now.
  • Bolo: No!
  • Jafar: Yes! Let's watch the horror!
  • Risky Boots: Crap, we should have brought in some popcorn for the show.
  • Aladdin: *get up* No. It's... not... over... yet.
  • Risky Boots: Oh, now what the boy want?
  • Jafar: Hypno Baron, behind you!
  • Hypno Baron: *drop Tuki* What?
  • Aladdin: You step aside and leave my friends alone.
  • Hypno Baron: Oh, you wanna dance? *shapeshift to Shantae* Let's dance.
  • Aladdin: What the? You can't be her.
  • Hypno Baron: Shake it my dear. We'll dance!
  • Aladdin: Stop fooling around. *fight Hypno Baron*
  • Hypno Baron: *dodge* Miss me. Miss me more. Miss me twice.
  • Aladdin: Pick on somebody your own size. *punch and kick Hypno Baron*
  • Hypno Baron: Ooh. My belly.
  • Aladdin: You're a shapeshifter, remember?
  • Hypno Baron: I am a somebody.
  • Aladdin: Well you're not. *beat up Hypno Baron*
  • Cassim: *get up and hold his sword* This is for you buddy. *slash Hypno Baron*
  • Hypno Baron: *shake and deform back to his normal form* Aah! Who slash me.
  • Risky Boots: No!
  • Jafar: You got to me kidding me!
  • Aladdin: Dad!
  • Cassim: Glad I could help by one hit.
  • Tuki: *hold some beakers to mix some beakers with a power one* Eureka. Take the boom of light! *throw two beakers at Hypno Baron*
  • Hypno Baron: What, the, fu- *explode with the two beakers and crash with all the shards and Tinkerbats*
  • Squid Baron: Holy sheet! Holy, freaking, sheet!
  • Aladdin: Yahoo!
  • Jasmine: Way a go, Aladdin boy.
  • Bolo: Ah ha! You're all screwed up!
  • Jafar: Impossible.
  • Risky Boots: How could this be?!
  • Aladdin: You ain't going to end a single fight.
  • Genie: *get up* Ooh wee. I feel so numb. Let's go heal some fighters here. *heal all of his friends*
  • Shantae: Wow.
  • Sky: Hey-a.
  • Wrench: *shake his feathers* Mmm.
  • Iago: What happen?
  • Abu: Ooh?
  • Cassim: Is anyone alright?
  • Tuki: We are okay.
  • Iago: Today I feel numb.
  • Jasmine: Same.
  • Genie: Rotty! Have anyone seen Rotty around here?
  • Sky: Uh... *point at a unassemble Rottytops* She's right there.
  • Genie: Rotty! I found you!
  • Rottytops: Uh... *"In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel plays in her mind as Genie show up to her and assemble her in a mix*
  • Genie: Nope. That's not right. *unassemble Rottytops and put the parts by making her right* Perfect. Don't worry bestie. I got you.
  • Rottytops: *use her fingers to make a peace sign and make her hands act like sccosiors in a cut as she hug Genie* Thank you bestie.
  • Genie: *hug Rottytops* You never had a friend like me.
  • Iago: Blah blah! Cut the romance. We have a fight to continue!
  • Rottytops: *the song stop in her mind* What?
  • Genie: You heard him.
  • Risky Boots: You beat all of my henchman in battle.
  • Jafar: We really have to deal with these fools?
  • Risky Boots: Well yeah. You know their job.
  • Jafar: I hate dealing with idiots like a prince and half-human, half-genie being.
  • Feather God: These guys always bore me.
  • Shantae: We're about to take you down properly.
  • Risky Boots: I've been waiting for the moment to come.
  • Aladdin: You're getting screwed, Jafar.
  • Jafar: Why do I dare to ask?
  • Feather God: You guys know what to do.
  • Shantae: It's on the clock.
  • Aladdin: Settle it in brawl.
  • Risky Boots: Let's dance.
  • Shantae: Ret-or-not, here we go! *fight Risky Boots*
  • Aladdin: *kick Jafar* Yeah!
  • Jafar: Watch where you're going, boy!
  • Jasmine: *hair whip at Risky Boots* Take this!
  • Risky Boots: Watch it!
  • Bolo: *punch and kick Risky Boots* You like him?
  • Risky Boots: No. But thank you for asking. *shoot Bolo*
  • Bolo: *trip* Aah.
  • Sky: *throw feathers at Jafar* Take this.
  • Wrench: *attack Jafar* Caw!
  • Jafar: Get off me you eagle!
  • Sky: She ain't a eagle.
  • Iago: You heard the girl! *attack Jafar* Get lost!
  • Abu: *throw some shard pieces at Jafar* Ah ah ah!
  • Jafar: Idiots!
  • Rottytops: *punch and kick Jafar* In your face!
  • Genie: Take a slap! *slap Jafar*
  • Jafar: Son of a blueberry.
  • Iago: Ha! You're screwed.
  • Cassim: *slice Jafar's suit* Gotcha.
  • Jafar: Hey!
  • Tuki: Hi-ya! *bite Jafar*
  • Jafar: Ah! It bite me.
  • Risky Boots: Go try to kill it.
  • Jafar: You wouldn't risk me when I turn into a snake! *transform into a snake and hiss*
  • Tuki: Oh fangs.
  • Aladdin: He's a snake again.
  • Genie: Spoiler alert! He has a transformation in which he can transform into a snake!
  • Jasmine: We know that Genie!
  • Genie: I'm not surprised.
  • Jafar: *flame breath everywhere* You can't get a shift of my flame power!
  • Shantae: Dodge!
  • Aladdin: Look out!
  • Genie: *fight Jafar* Yeah! Boom! Take this! Take that!
  • Risky Boots: Master, a little help here?
  • Feather God: Playtime will never end until you learn how to quit! *shoot magic zappers everywhere*
  • Rottytops: *dodge* Watch out!
  • Cassim: Not this stupid boss battle again.
  • Tuki: *throw some beakers at Feather God* Beakers are good for you.
  • Iago: *punch Jafar* Boom boom boom boom. *Jafar whip him out* Aah!
  • Genie: Ouch! He got whipped.
  • Bolo: *throw some bombs at Feather God* Come on!
  • Feather God: You fight weak.
  • Bolo: Now? *use a flail to swing a spikeball at Feather God*
  • Feather God: Gah! Not the face!
  • Bolo: Now I fight good.
  • Jasmine: *throw some vases at Feather God* Are you done now?
  • Feather God: No. Until you learn how to quit! *shoot Jasmine*
  • Aladdin: Jasmine!
  • Shantae: Fighting through the danger! *dash and fire blast at Feather God*
  • Feather God: Enough. *shoot fire comets everywhere*
  • Shantae: *master some fire and shoot fire beams at Feather God* I love bending fire.
  • Feather God: Rain fire! *shoot rain fire everywhere*
  • Aladdin: *hold Jasmine* Rain fire!
  • Genie: *his hair caught on fire and fly* Oh no! The Genie's on fire! Is it really true?
  • Rottytops: You are actually on fire.
  • Genie: What?! *run fast* Aaaaahhh! I am on fire! Make a hole, make a hole, make a hole! *fire blast at Jafar* Boomtastic!
  • Bolo: Piece of wood.
  • Genie: Man, that was so fiery, I could have burn myself like wonton soup.
  • Jafar: *burn and transform into his genie form* YOU CAN'T GET PASSED ME!
  • Genie: Oh crap. He transformed into his genie form like in the first Aladdin movie!
  • Rottytops: How do we beat his genie form?
  • Jafar: You won't win tonight!
  • Shantae: Let's... do this! *run and fight Jafar*
  • Bolo: *jump and kick Jafar* Ha!
  • Sky: *throw sword feathers at Jafar* Eat feathers!
  • Wrench: *scratch Jafar* Caw!
  • Jafar: Not the bad!
  • Iago: *punch Jafar* Ah ha! You got Iago'd!
  • Risky Boots: No. We cannot lose like this. *shoot everywhere*
  • Cassim: *use his sword to cut the bullets* Not today.
  • Risky Boots: You ain't trespassing my spot.
  • Cassim: Pick a leg.
  • Risky Boots: Never! *knock out Cassim*
  • Tuki: *spin and trip Risky Boots* In your face.
  • Risky Boots: Ugh!
  • Bolo: *dodge and punch Jafar* Hey!
  • Jafar: Boy! You leave me no choice!
  • Rottytops: *hold a gun and shoot Jafar* Die die die!
  • Jafar: Grrrrrrrrrrrr.
  • Genie: *shoot at Jafar* Boom boom boom boom.
  • Wrench: *scratch Jafar* Caw!
  • Jafar: *flame breath everywhere* Aaaaaaah!
  • Aladdin: Oh, he's a dragon now?
  • Genie: The fire! The fire is everywhere!
  • Tuki: Feel the burn!
  • Iago: Burn baby, burn!
  • Abu: *throw a watermelon at Jafar* Ah.
  • Jafar: Grr.
  • Shantae: Who's mad now?
  • Rottytops: Word.
  • Genie: That was funny.
  • Iago: Funny as getting thrown by pie in the face.
  • Abu: *giggle* Ha ha.
  • Feather God: You're not going easy today. *shoot magic zappers everywhere*
  • Aladdin: Not today.
  • Tuki: Keep attacking!
  • Shantae: *throw some shards at Feather God* Yeah!
  • Aladdin: *throw bombs at Feather God* Woo!
  • Genie: *zap at Feather God* Ping poom pang!
  • Rottytops: *throw a bomb at Feather God* Boom!
  • Cassim: *jump and slice at Feather God* Pam!
  • Bolo: Yippie-yo-kai-yay. *hold a blaster and shoot a rocket at Feather God*
  • Feather God: *get blasted* Aah!
  • Iago: Oh ho ho. He's screwed.
  • Risky Boots: Master!
  • Jafar: What have you really done?
  • Shantae: We're just getting rid of your master, duh.
  • Genie: You guys are screw-looses.
  • Iago: Eat a finger and make it hurt.
  • Feather God: I have a surprise for you.
  • Shantae: What is it?
  • Feather God: One of you will join my empire, for free. You will be cursed and join my reballion on destroying the heroes.
  • Shantae: What are you talking about?
  • Sky: Is this a joke?
  • Iago: Yeah. We're not falling for your tricks, old lad.
  • Shantae: You're not going easy on me. *run and jump as Feather God freeze her by the force*
  • Bolo: Shantae.
  • Shantae: What are you doing?!
  • Feather God: Well, well, well. You seem like a good candidate for my league of bad people. You look like one.
  • Shantae: I am not a bad person.
  • Feather God: You are worthy of a person to be controlled by the hands of my dark magic.
  • Genie: Don’t listen to him, Shantae! He’ll turn you into one of his cronies.
  • Shantae: Let go.
  • Risky Boots: Use your dark magic!
  • Jafar: Turn her evil!
  • Feather God: Yes. The power of my dark magic will pertain and transfer! Bring my dark magic to her! *control Shantae*
  • Shantae: *controlled* Aah!
  • Aladdin: No! Shantae!
  • Bolo: Shantae! Can you hear me?
  • Sky: Can you hear us?
  • Rottytops: She's not hearing anything.
  • Iago: Her ears are not working.
  • Risky Boots: She will rise. Nega-Shantae will rise!
  • Jafar: Her dark corrupted form will soon take action and teach these fools a lesson.
  • Feather God: Nega-Shantae, rise! *transform Shantae into her nega form*
  • Nega-Shantae: *land down* Ah, yeah.
  • Aladdin: Aladdin!
  • Jasmine: No. What have he done?
  • Bolo: She's cursed again.
  • Nega-Shantae: Aw. What a lovely day. I feel so pale in here.
  • Bolo: Shantae, this isn’t you! Get out of there.
  • Jasmine: That’s not Shantae.
  • Nega-Shantae: Aw, are you feeling poor? People like you are always silly.
  • Bolo: No. I will not turn back by a friend!
  • Aladdin: We’re gonna get you out of the curse, Shantae!
  • Genie: But how? Didn’t she turn evil already like Iago earlier?
  • Sky: The only way to hear us is to fight her back.
  • Jasmine: We’ll snap you out of the curse, Shantae.
  • Nega-Shantae: Shantae is no more. Now it’s Nega-Shantae!
  • Feather God: There’s no more good in her. She has bad all over her body. Ha ha ha ha ha.
  • Sky: This isn't funny. Look what you done to Shantae.
  • Risky Boots: *giggle* He he ha ha ha! Try to accept some change and move on.
  • Jafar: At least, he look all purple, much like you.
  • Risky Boots: Posessed with dark magic and cursed with it at a young age. Corrupted at a later age with the power of my dark powers.
  • Aladdin: We don't need another villain in our side.
  • Nega-Shantae: Let's get to some dancing. Shall we?
  • Bolo: You're not Shantae, but you are evil on the inside! *fight Nega-Shantae*
  • Nega-Shantae: *dark blast at Bolo* Ooh.
  • Aladdin: *jump and kick Nega-Shantae* Get lost.
  • Nega-Shantae: Fools. *power blast at Aladdin*
  • Jasmine: Aladdin! *look at Nega-Shantae* You'll pay for this. *fight Nega-Shantae*
  • Sky: *use her feather swords to fight Nega-Shantae* Come on. We don't got all day to stand here and do nothing.
  • Wrench: *scratch Nega-Shantae* Caw!
  • Iago: *scratch Nega-Shantae* Ooh. The dark magic hurt me.
  • Nega-Shantae: Ugh! You guys fight like trainees.
  • Genie: *pop fireworks at Nega-Shantae* Fireworks! Get the sparkles. Get the magic. You've been twisted!
  • Rottytops: *use her leg to fight Nega-Shantae* Yeah! Eat this! Eat that! Leg kick!
  • Risky Boots: She's running low.
  • Jafar: Why not help her?
  • Risky Boots: That's what we should have done in the first place!
  • Jafar: Let's go get the heroes! *shoot everywhere*
  • Cassim: Not them again.
  • Tuki: Come on! They always have to ruin our biggest moment to fight the fallen.
  • Feather God: You guys are being distracted and soon will face your end.
  • Aladdin: Not a chance. *fight Risky Boots and Jafar*
  • Jasmine: Back up on the way. *fight Risky Boots and Jafar*
  • Genie: *punch and slap Nega-Shantae* Snap out of it Shantae!
  • Nega-Shantae: No! *power blast at Genie*
  • Genie: *crash on the shard rocks* Aah!
  • Sky: Shantae, this isn't you. *punch and kick Nega-Shantae* You're cursed!
  • Nega-Shantae: I am me. I am worthy!
  • Rottytops: That is totally not her. She's cursed!
  • Bolo: Phew. I'm lucky to still be in one piece. *fight Nega-Shantae*
  • Cassim: *use his sword to slash Nega-Shantae* Take this, dark one!
  • Tuki: *bite Nega-Shantae* I got her!
  • Nega-Shantae: *in pain* No! How dare you?!
  • Genie: Alright, now you snap out of it! *punch Nega-Shantae on a shard rock*
  • Nega-Shantae: *crash* Ugh.
  • Genie: She's down. Now all we gotta do is express her feelings.
  • Nega-Shantae: Feather God... help me.
  • Feather God: I'll heal you.
  • Genie: No! *wind blast at Feather God* Now let's talk.
  • Risky Boots: You can't do that.
  • Jafar: Not in our battle.
  • Genie: *wind blast at Risky Boots and Jafar* Pause! Friends, go!
  • Bolo: Shantae, can you hear me? You gotta snap out of it. Darkness isn't going to be around you. You gotta show your passion and heart to the world.
  • Nega-Shantae: I'll never be you.
  • Sky: We have so much fun together riding on birds and taking down guards in deserts. You're a true bird friend to me and Wrench.
  • Wrench: Wrench!
  • Aladdin: Shantae, I can see the good in you. You are our friend. A true friend.
  • Nega-Shantae: Who do you think you are?
  • Jasmine: We all make mistakes in the past. My biggest mistake I made, is not being your friend. You are indeed my friend.
  • Rottytops: I may be a rotten friend, but I am always here to jump up the day. We are more than best buddies.
  • Nega-Shantae: Rotty.
  • Rottytops: Shantae.
  • Iago: Snap out of the evil!
  • Cassim: You are kind and brave.
  • Tuki: You're my best customer, howsoever.
  • Aladdin: None of our words are working. What should we do?
  • Genie: Any ideas?
  • Bolo: Hello? You're the one that told us to comfort her.
  • Genie: You love Shantae? Is she the love of your life? Have you ever kissed her before?
  • Bolo: No. I barely have a crush on her when we were kids, grewing up in school together. She was the only girlfriend I had.
  • Genie: Make some amends on her, silly!
  • Nega-Shantae: What do you really want?
  • Bolo: Shantae, it's me. Bolo. You don't have to do this. You're a good person and you are talented, courage and heartful of mysteries. You are the bravest hero Sequin Land ever have to offer.
  • Nega-Shantae: What... the?
  • Genie: Kiss, please kiss.
  • Bolo: One day if we ever get married, we'll get a house together, have kids and live happily ever after like in the fairy tale books.
  • Nega-Shantae: You are something.
  • Bolo: Shantae. All I have to say... I love you. *kiss Shantae*
  • Everyone: Aw.
  • Genie: It worked! It really worked!
  • Iago: Blah! Cut the kissing! You got kids watching!
  • Rottytops: Come on. Even the princess movies made for kids have a lot of kissing in it, so does the 2000s animated movies.
  • Bolo: You're the heart of my sunshine.
  • Nega-Shantae: No! What am I doing? My darkness? My curse? My dark power! *kneel as her nega form disappear and back to her original form*
  • Bolo: The nega form in her is gone.
  • Rottytops: She's good again.
  • Genie: Shoot. What a relief. She's a good guy again.
  • Shantae: *get up, knowing what happen* What happen? Where, am I? How did, I get in here?
  • Aladdin: Shantae! It's you!
  • Bolo: You're okay! *hug Shantae* Thank goodness you're here.
  • Shantae: Bolo, My Bolo.
  • Bolo: You're the bestest best girlfriend I've ever had.
  • Jasmine: And now, he got a girlfriend. *cross arms* Nice.
  • Iago: Hey look, the real Shantae is here.
  • Sky: Shantae! Bird-brain, you're back in your normal self!
  • Rottytops: Oh Shantae. My Shantae. The good you has returned in your heart.
  • Shantae: Aw. You guys are kind.
  • Genie: Told you, you were going to live forever like me.
  • Risky Boots: *get up* No! How dare you turn good again by your friends?
  • Jafar: *get up* Now we have to start all over by using all of our dark magic to curse you.
  • Feather God: *float* How about we don’t waste time and smash them all like cookie crumbs!
  • Risky Boots: I'll slaughter them all.
  • Shantae: It's time to dance through the danger.
  • Aladdin: For Agrabah and Sequin Land.
  • Genie: Let's boogie doogie do it!

(The background song "Dance Through the Danger" by Cristina Vee plays again as Shantae and Aladdin's gang regroup together as they fight Risky Boots, Jafar and Feather God one last time as they use some punches, kicks and power blasts through the villains as well throwing feathers and shard pieces at Feather God)

  • Shantae: *roll over and jump to kick Risky Boots* Ha!
  • Risky Boots: *punch and kick Shantae* Come on, she-brat.
  • Jafar: *shoot plasma everywhere* Why won't you go?!
  • Aladdin: Not on my watch. *jump and spin kick at Jafar*
  • Genie: I'll take the Feather God down myself. *shoot bubbles at Feather God* Ah ha.
  • Feather God: *pop the bubbles* Useless being.
  • Genie: Kazoo! *blast magic sparkles at Feather God*
  • Feather God: *close his eyes* I can't see!
  • Genie: Ha! Here come the pain! *blast as a rocket to Feather God*
  • Feather God: *crash on multiple shard astroids* You don't touch me, blue ghost! *control some astroids and throw them at Genie*
  • Genie: Tornado! *spin as a tornado*
  • Feather God: What are you really doing now?
  • Bolo: *punch and fight Risky Boots* Is that all you got?
  • Sky: *dash and kick Jafar* Oh yeah.
  • Jasmine: *hair whip at Jafar* Ha!
  • Cassim: *slice Jafar* Gotcha.
  • Jafar: Back off. *wind blast at Cassim*
  • Tuki: Not anymore! *bite Jafar*
  • Jafar: Ah! Stupid snake!
  • Abu: *attack* Ah!
  • Jafar: Not the monkey!
  • Iago: *beat up Jafar* Pow pow pow! That's for malpulating me!
  • Wrench: *scratch Jafar* Caw!
  • Rottytops: *throw her head at Jafar* Goal! *her head beat up Jafar and put herself back* Piece of cake!
  • Shantae: Fire! *fire blast at Jafar*
  • Jafar: *crash* Enough! Is enough!
  • Shantae: Accept to lose, will ya?
  • Risky Boots: No one is losing but you. *keep shooting at Shantae*
  • Sky: Not-uh! *fight Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: Let go of me.
  • Sky: You're so over it.
  • Tuki: You're finished! *bite Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: Ugh! *knock out Tuki*
  • Cassim: Tuki, no!
  • Tuki: Cassim, I'm okay.
  • Genie: *fight Feather God* Ha ha ha! Are you finish yet?
  • Feather God: No. Not anymore! *punch Genie to the ground*
  • Genie: *crash on the ground* Ooh.
  • Feather God: Time to drain your powers away.
  • Genie: *turn giant and transform into a tiki god* I have immortal powers! Come at me, bro!
  • Feather God: You're ain't fast for a rocket. *punch Genie*
  • Genie: *punch and slam Feather God* Boom!
  • Feather God: *transform into a tiki god with a body* I'll rip you apart!
  • Genie: Tiki god fight! *punch and kick Feather God*
  • Feather God: *punch and fire slam at Genie* Grr.
  • Bolo: Whoa. Look at the giants fighting.
  • Rottytops: That must be Genie in his giant tiki god form!
  • Cassim: Gosh, he is as big as a golem.
  • Genie: *flame blast at Feather God* Feel the fire!
  • Feather God: *crush Genie and smash him* You'll never learn.
  • Genie: Not! *twist Feather God's body*
  • Feather God: You're spinning me right round.
  • Genie: I spin you right there! *crush and spin Feather God*
  • Feather God: Stop!
  • Shantae: *charge with fire and fight Risky Boots by shooting fireballs everywhere* Ya!
  • Risky Boots: *use her sword to block the fire* Stay away where you are.
  • Shantae: I'm Ret-2-Beat-You! *fire blast at Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: *crash on the shard rocks* Ugh!
  • Jafar: Risky!
  • Rottytops: Boy, you really put your life on risk more than a zombie apolocalyse.
  • Jafar: You could have been more of a apolocalyse than being an annoying character! *fight Rottytops*
  • Cassim: Last one call. C'mon! *throw bombs at Jafar*
  • Tuki: *throw a beaker at Jafar* Eat one!
  • Jasmine: *hair whip at Jafar* Shantae taught me everything about whipping hairs.
  • Shantae: All rights reversed. Copyright me.
  • Aladdin: You got it. *wink eye*
  • Genie: *fire blast at Feather God* Woo!
  • Feather God: You're burned out! *fire blast at Genie*
  • Genie: Ow! Watch the sunburn!
  • Feather God: You're not in the sun. *slap Genie*
  • Genie: Ooh. That does it! *slap Feather God*
  • Feather God: *hold Genie* I don't play games with you.
  • Genie: Well, you're screwed. *laser at Feather God*
  • Feather God: *scream* Aaaaaah!
  • Genie: *crush Feather God's tiki body* Get ready for a slam dunk!
  • Feather God: No! No!
  • Genie: Everyone move back!
  • Shantae: Genie about to throw!
  • Aladdin: *he and everyone run back* Make room!
  • Jafar: Where do you think you're going?
  • Rottytops: *punch Jafar in the guts* Have a rotten day. *run away*
  • Jafar: Ooh. Get back you son of a brain.
  • Genie: Basketball slam! *slam Feather God to the ground*
  • Feather God: I can't feel the light!

(Feather God's blast crashes over Jafar and blast the whole floating island as everyone is winded from the blast by moving the heroes and villains to the other side as Feather God's tiki form is destroyed after it crash on Jafar by damaging the ground. The background song end as everyone get up on what happen.)

  • Shantae: Ooh, what happen here?
  • Aladdin: Is everyone okay?
  • Iago: My back. Oh, my back. And my feathers.
  • Abu: *get up* Ooh.
  • Genie: *deform back to his original form* Woo. What a trip.
  • Rottytops: Way a go, Genie. *high five Genie*
  • Risky Boots: No. How could this be?
  • Jafar: *get up* They were too strong to beat us.
  • Feather God: *float* Paperweights. They're just a bunch of silly fighters with special abilities.
  • Squid Baron: Oh my. What did I miss?
  • Risky Boots: *walk up to Risky Boots* Shantae... please forgive me. I didn't meant... to do all of this.
  • Shantae: It's over, Risky Boots.
  • Risky Boots: Please, don't kill us. We swear.
  • Jafar: How many last words will we say before we go?
  • Aladdin: You're done for, Jafar.
  • Genie: Oh boy. This isn't going to end well.
  • Squid Baron: What a snoozefest of a sheet show. And no, I didn't swear cause, this is a kids' movie.
  • Hypno Baron: Slience! Listen!
  • Shantae: You don't stand a chance against Sequin Land and Agrabah.
  • Risky Boots: You will pay for everything you caused. I am worthy of a queen and my parents prove it best.
  • Aladdin: When you tried to take over Agrabah over a wish, you didn't even try to take over Agrabah and my people.
  • Jafar: Agrabah isn't a place. It's a people.
  • Aladdin: Well, we are people after all. Whenever you like it or not.
  • Cassim: My son said it best.
  • Tuki: He is worthy of a prince.
  • Iago: Still a king to me.
  • Shantae: And now, you guys step aside.
  • Aladdin: Go away.
  • Risky Boots: Please, forgive us. One more last.
  • Jafar: God, have mercy.
  • Ammo Baron: We regret our fight.
  • Twitch: We lost.
  • Vinegar: There's no way to win.
  • Techno Baron: We really stink.
  • Hypno Baron: They outnumbered us.
  • Squid Baron: Gosh, we were roasted like turkeys.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: We're screwed.
  • Feather God: You learn your lesson well. We will be back for another fight.
  • Shantae: Hmm.
  • Iago: What a wuss.
  • Cassim: We take this as a win.
  • Tuki: You guys need to get lost or else.
  • Iago: Yeah, show’s over! Everybody go home and sleep through your beds!
  • Feather God: I declare your battle as a win. You done well, young fighters. We will return and set up another fight soon when we strike into your homes soon.
  • Cassim: You better go now. My kid is watching you.
  • Aladdin: As prince. You're banished. Leave.
  • Risky Boots: Adios, my sweet nightmares. You know, we will return when we begin striking your homes soon. *laugh and leave*
  • Jafar: Retreat back to the base!
  • Ammo Baron: Come on.
  • Techno Baron: This stinks.
  • Hypno Baron: I hate losing like a orc.
  • Squid Baron: Man, I didn't even get my spin-off game yet.
  • Shantae: With Risky Boots and Jafar out, we have finally won the fight against them.
  • Aladdin: Alright! We did it!
  • Genie: Everyone deserve a high five. High five! *high five everyone*
  • Bolo: Bingo!
  • Sky: We rock the world.
  • Wrench: Caw!
  • Rottytops: We are like kings and queens.
  • Cassim: Well deserved, young fighters.
  • Genie: Rotty-brain, listen. I'm sorry for being rude to you earlier for what I said. I thought you were a weak trainee, a dummy, or not paying attention by the way. Didn't know the moment when we broke into song about fighting from yesterday.
  • Rottytops: It's okay. I will always learn to pay attention and be smart like you. Also, I owe you a nickel.
  • Genie: Aw, how can you learn your lesson by accepting constructive criticism?
  • Rottytops: Cause you are my best bud!
  • Genie: Come here you little rascal. You deserve a hug! *hug Rottytops*
  • Rottytops: Best friend forever!
  • Aladdin: Hey! That's my best friend!
  • Shantae: Nah, you owe me since the fall to the Cave of Wonders.
  • Bolo: That was awesome. My favorite part when he fight against the shards in battle.
  • Shantae: Yeah! So does turning into a monkey.
  • Jasmine: Hey Shantae and Bolo. You guys are good people. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. You guys should stay out of trouble and take care.
  • Shantae: We forgive you.
  • Bolo: Teaming up with the best people is like working together as team work.
  • Jasmine: You are just one smart student, Bolo.
  • Bolo: You can say that again if you want.
  • Jasmine: Good guy.
  • Cassim: What a family reunion. I've always been thinkg about hanging out in a flea market one of these days.
  • Tuki: I've got a shop to prepare.
  • Sky: And watch a lot of birds.
  • Wrench: Caw!
  • Iago: Aladdin and Jasmine, just to let you know that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for working with Jafar again.
  • Aladdin: It's okay. We didn't know that you were brainwashed by the sorcerer earlier.
  • Jasmine: Never trust bad people again and please, stay out of trouble from strangers. Next time you guys, let me know when you're leaving before you fall into some sort of trouble down the street.
  • Genie: I always pay attention by the rules, miss.
  • Rottytops: That's like when Risky Boots tricked me and my brothers to set up a trap on Shantae the first time we met her.
  • ???: *voice* Shantae.
  • Shantae: What? Who's calling from above?
  • Aladdin: It's calling from you.
  • ???: Hello Shantae. We saw what you did in the Dark Dimension.
  • Shantae: That's me alright.
  • ???: Congrautulations on defeating Feather God and his army. All of your friends did well and know what's coming.
  • Shantae: I did my best to protect the Genie Realm from invaders like Risky Boots.
  • ???: You also defeated Risky Boots as well. It won't be the last time you guys will face her as she is planning to set up her next attack on Sequin Land.
  • Shantae: You know, we'll be ready.
  • ???: Our world is protected after all. We got something for you guys that you will love. *open a portal* Come on.
  • Shantae: Ooh, a portal.
  • Aladdin: What are you waiting for? Let's go in.
  • Jasmine: What leads to mysteries inside?
  • Bolo: I don't know. A clue?
  • Genie: Let's find out!
  • Sky: I believe we're going to the Genie Realm. Walk to the hole.


Next: Shantae and Aladdin: Arabian Dreams (Epilogue)

Previous: Shantae and Aladdin: Arabian Dreams (Chapter 13)
