Fan Fiction

Shantae and Samus: Bounty Hunters is a fanfiction crossover short written by MarioFan65. It is a crossover with Shantae and Metroid. It was released on March 29, 2020.


  • Shantae
  • Samus Aran


(In outer space, on a gunship, a lady in a blue suit is piloting the ship with bounty hunters on it for a mission)

  • Samus: There is a serious crisis on the planet of Zebes. A hidden treasure is discovered on the dungeon of the land. This is the only treasure we can find and bring it back into our base.
  • Bounty Hunter #1: Sources are saying that there's a curse inside of it. What if we grab it and the smoke just come right out of it? What should we do?
  • Samus: All we gotta do is grab the treasure to prevent from Ridley from getting it.
  • Bounty Hunter #2: Got it. Once we grab it, we'll store in into the vault.
  • Samus: No one will ever touch it when we grab the treasure out of the planet. This is going to be a risky task to do on our planet to the distant planet.
  • Bounty Hunter #3: It seems we're already heading over to the dangerous planet in the universe.
  • Samus: We are now arriving at Zebes. The worst planet we always travel to where we met one of our worst nemesis, Ridley.

(Samus' gunship land on the planet of Zebes as they walk out of the gunship and arriving on the wasteland of the planet)

  • Bounty Hunter #1: We're here.
  • Samus: Alright. All we gotta do is find the treasure and reclaim it into the base.
  • Bounty Hunter #1: Got it. No one will get left behind.

(The bounty hunters walk into the cave where the treasure is hidden)

  • Bounty Hunter #2: There it is.
  • Samus: Alright. Go ahead. Pick it up and let's go.
  • Bounty Hunter #2: *hear a sound of a beast* Uh...i don't think it's a good idea to grab the treasure.
  • Samus: Grab the treasure and let's go. Don't stand here like you don't know what to do.
  • Bounty Hunter #2: I'm gonna grab it no matter what. *grab the yellow stone* I got it.
  • Samus: Good. Now let's head back before someone get caught.

(The beast use it's tail to kill most of the bounty hunters)

  • Bounty Hunter #3: Samus, the tail is killing one of our members.
  • Samus: Don't tell me the beast is-
  • ???: *land down and roar at the bounty hunters*
  • Samus: Ridley!
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Bounty Hunter #2: I got the stone! I got the stone! *get killed by Ridley's tail*
  • Samus: Son of a tail. Shoot the beast and evacuate! *shoot Ridley*
  • Bounty Hunters: *shoot at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *grab the stone and fly around*
  • Samus: Oh no you won't get away with this. *power blast at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *dodge* Ha ha ha.
  • Samus: Monster. *throw gadget bombs, but miss as the bombs boom at the rocks* Drat.
  • Bounty Hunter #4: We better head back to the ship!
  • Samus: Not without my stone! *use a flying board to fly over to Ridley*
  • Ridley: *see Samus with a flying board and growls*
  • Samus: I got you now, dragon. *shoot at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *fly around by getting hurt*
  • Samus: *plasma blast at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *doge the plasma blast*
  • Samus: You're not leaving! The stone is ours!
  • Ridley: *roar at Samus*
  • Samus: You didn't hear me the first time, didn't you? Now i'm going to get it myself. *jump on Ridley*
  • Ridley: *fighting over the stone*
  • Samus: It's not yours! It's the universe!
  • Ridley: *hit Samus' hand*
  • Samus: Knock it out.

(The yellow stone started to curse)

  • Samus: Scrap. There's a curse inside.
  • Ridley: *confused*
  • Samus: What's happening? We're gonna warp!

(Samus and Ridley suddenly warped with the stone out of nowhere)

  • Bounty Hunter #5: Samus!
  • Bounty Hunter #6: Oh no, she disappear.
  • Bounty Hunter #5: What have she done?
  • Bounty Hunter #6: She warped with Ridley. We need to inform the boss about this.
  • Bounty Hunter #7: Guys, we need to help out. Most of our hunters are injured and won't make a move into the ship.
  • Bounty Hunter #5: Don't worry, we'll help out while Samus is gone.

(Meanwhile in another dimension, Ridley crash land with the stone on Spiderweb Island at Ghost Forest as Ridley is stuck in roots of the forest with the stone dropping and landing into the mud of the swamp. Far from the island at Scuttle Town at the lighthouse, Samus crash into the lighthouse from the second floor to the first floor, waking the female girl with purple hair up.)

  • Shantae: Can you keep it down? I'm trying to- Whoa, what happen in here?
  • Samus: *get up from the crash as her suit is damaged* Not again.
  • Shantae: *check on Samus* What the? *land on the first floor to confront Samus* Alright, show yourself.
  • Samus: Hold it. I'm not going to hurt anyone.
  • Shantae: How did you get into my lighthouse? Also, there's a hole on the top and outside.
  • Samus: I crashed.
  • Shantae: You crashed? How did it happen?
  • Samus: I was trying to reclaim the stone when this dragon-like monster came and trying to cut me off. The stone is cursed and warp the two of us into your world.
  • Shantae: You warped into my world? Then where did the other guy warped to?
  • Samus: *get up* He could be here around your house. Maybe it's behind your back.
  • Shantae: Ah! There's no monster on my back!
  • Samus: *kneel down* Darn it. Every time i use a suit, it damage to my knees.
  • Shantae: I can help you. Maybe i can take you to the doctor. A doctor came to my town once.
  • Samus: I'm fine. I don't need any help. *cough*
  • Shantae: Are you okay? Are you catching a cold or a flu?
  • Samus: I'm not sick. What does it look like to you? A weakling?
  • Shantae: You need medical help.
  • Samus: I can't move at all.
  • Shantae: Get out of your suit and maybe, you'll feel better.
  • Samus: *take her helmet off*
  • Shantae: You're a girl?
  • Samus: I still can't move.
  • Shantae: Get off your suit and you'll move.
  • Samus: *get off her suit and slip down*
  • Shantae: Oh no, i think you're hurt. I'm gonna have to take you to Uncle Mimic.
  • Samus: *in deep pain*
  • Shantae: You're injured. How i am going to move these things out?

(At Mimic's workshop, Samus is laying on the table with Mimic checking on Samus with Shantae)

  • Mimic: Where does this lady come from?
  • Shantae: I never seen her before. She only crashed into my lighthouse. I don't know where her origins came from.
  • Mimic: Maybe this would help her to wake up. *use his potion to pour it on Samus*
  • Shantae: What will your potion do?
  • Mimic: It will reheal her. You will have to wait and see.
  • Samus: *wake up* Where am i?
  • Mimic: You're fully awake?
  • Samus: What happen? Why are you still here?
  • Shantae: We just wanted to check if you're in pain or not.
  • Samus: What was this special liquid like? Why did you pour it on me?
  • Mimic: I actually did. That potion reheal people if hurt or injured. We healed you up.
  • Samus: Thanks a lot. Tell your daughter that she is responsible for bringing me here and my suit.
  • Mimic: That's my niece. Also, my niece place your suit with the other inventions.
  • Samus: It's all damaged. How am i going to get back home?
  • Shantae: We're going to have to fix the suit.
  • Samus: Well great. Look like i will only use the guns to shoot the aliens out. By the way, i'm Samus Aran.
  • Shantae: Shantae the Half-Genie.
  • Samus: You're half human and half genie, right?
  • Shantae: Well, my dad was a human warrior while my mom was a guardian genie from the Genie Realm. This is how i looked on my birth.
  • Samus: Nice. We came from other planets of the solar system and fight against aliens from other worlds around the universe.
  • Shantae: Are you half human, half alien?
  • Samus: I'm a human being like your uncle.
  • Mimic: That's me.
  • Samus: Listen kid, if you're going to face stronger monsters, you're going to have to come with me.
  • Shantae: Where are we going?
  • Samus: Come with me and i'll show you.

(At Lilac Fields, Shantae and Samus walk into the training grounds to see a scarecrow of a Tinkerbat)

  • Samus: You want to get tough, you want to shoot like a actual bounty hunter, all you gotta do is shoot. *shoot at the scarecrow*
  • Shantae: I didn't know you can use blasters.
  • Samus: Now try it yourself.
  • Shantae: Alright. *shoot at the scarecrow*
  • Samus: That was weak. Let's get real serious on business. *load up the blaster and shoot at the whole scarecrow*
  • Shantae: Wow, amazing.
  • Samus: That's how real bounty hunters shoot. Killing objects and other source of aliens.
  • Shantae: Why do you have to worry about aliens so much?
  • Samus: That's part of my problem. There are big dangers around the galaxy. Maybe you can test it again.
  • Shantae: Alright. I'm Ret-2-Go. *shoot at the whole scarecrow*
  • Samus: Well done. Let's go somewhere else where the beasts are hiding.

(The two orcs are communicating while Samus and Shantae hide on the rock)

  • Samus: We don't like those big beasts. What are they called again?
  • Shantae: They're orcs.
  • Samus: Orcs. I never seen an orc before on another place. Try shooting at them.
  • Shantae: I don't wanna hurt them.
  • Samus: They could be enemies. Do it.
  • Shantae: Alright. There it goes for nothing. *shoot at the two orcs*
  • Samus: That's how you hide and shoot.
  • Shantae: There's a lot of enemies i faced in the past. Most of them are big beasts and some of them are small.
  • Samus: It doesn't matter what size they are. You gotta put your strength to the test. Are you listening?
  • Shantae: Yes.
  • Samus: You know what? Let's go hunt for food.

(Meanwhile, a pirate ship sail to Spiderweb Island as the pirate ship dock in the beach with the Tinkerbats coming out with their captain Risky Boots)

  • Risky Boots: Well well well. This look like a nice spot to search for treasure.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: M'lady, we caught in a trap. This look dangerous to search for treasure.
  • Risky Boots: This is a spooky island. There's no creeps on the island.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: But we never sail to that island before.
  • Risky Boots: I sail there once to drop Shantae off to search for her friend during a crisis going on at Sequin Land.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Are the zombies dead in this island?
  • Risky Boots: Who cares? Let's go already.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: This place is giving me the creeps.

(The Tinkerbats search at Ghost Forest while they use the swords to cut off the roots and shocked when they saw Ridley stuck in the roots)

  • Tinkerbat Captain: What is going on?
  • Risky Boots: That beast is stuck with roots. The tree is choking him with weeds. Cut the beast out of here.
  • Tinkerbats: *cut off the roots in the trees*
  • Ridley: *open eyes and roar*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: The beast woke up!
  • Risky Boots: Don't tell me it's a humanoid Pterodactylus trying to get off by itself.
  • Ridley: *fly off the roots and attack the Tinkerbats*
  • Tinkerbats: *hold their swords to fight*
  • Ridley: *slash the Tinkerbats*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: The monster is fighting our crew!
  • Risky Boots: We need to get out of here.
  • Ridley: *fly fast to the pirate ship*
  • Risky Boots: The beast is going to my ship!
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Come back here!
  • Ridley: *destroy the ship with a super dash*
  • Risky Boots: Brat! He destroy the ship with the super speed.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: How are we going to get out?
  • Ridley: *land down, growing at Risky Boots and Tinkerbat Captain*
  • Risky Boots: *hold her gun to Ridley* Stand back, do not move.
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: *shoot at Ridley* I got the beast.
  • Ridley: *grab Tinkerbat Captain and roar at him*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: It scream at me!
  • Risky Boots: It's a boy. I can feel it.
  • Ridley: *open his claws*
  • Risky Boots: Stop! Leave my henchman alone!
  • Ridley: *drop Tinkerbat Captain down*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Thanks a lot.
  • Risky Boots: Don't eat my henchman. We're in a hurry of looking for treasure.
  • Ridley: *sense the stone*
  • Risky Boots: What are even doing?
  • Ridley: *fly over to the swamp and grab the stone*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Gross, he just grab the rock into the mud.
  • Risky Boots: I'm not looking at it.
  • Ridley: *hold the stone to Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: It's wet. It's all covered in mud. Yuck.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: You need to clean it. How about the water clean up the rock for you.
  • Ridley: *drop the stone to the water and pick it back up*
  • Risky Boots: Much better.
  • Ridley: *sense*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: What are you sensing?
  • Risky Boots: He's sensing for trouble. How about we hop on to you and get rid of your enemies. How about that?
  • Ridley: *shook head as yes*
  • Risky Boots: With you being on my team, we will rule all of Sequin Land and cut people heads off with your tail. How do you like the idea?
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Hop on.
  • Risky Boots: *hop on to Ridley with Tinkerbat Captain* Make way to the skies!
  • Ridley: *roar and fly to the sky*

(At Mermaid Falls, Shantae and Samus hang out on the temple area)

  • Shantae: This is the Mermaid Falls, right?
  • Samus: Yes. There are predators around this area and they kill other animals for a living.
  • Shantae: That's part of the life system. It goes around and around in a circle.
  • Samus: Ew, what is that?
  • Shantae: That's a Naga. You know, most of them has sharps in their bodies and they clash with the mermaids. Like look.
  • Samus: *see a naga and a mermaid clashing* They shouldn't fight each other around.
  • Shantae: See? This is how they don't get along with other creatures in the world.

(Risky Boots, Tinkerbat Captain and Ridley arrives with Ridley roaring with the mermaids swimming back in the ocean with the nagas moving back into the jungle)

  • Samus: He's here.
  • Shantae: Who's here? Bolo?
  • Samus: No. It's the beast.
  • Risky Boots: *riding on Ridley's back* Ho ho ho. I knew we would find you Shantae.
  • Samus: Look like Ridley brought his friends to the fight.
  • Ridley: *land down with Risky Boots and Tinkerbat Captain getting down*
  • Shantae: Whoa, he's big.
  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Samus: I know you got the stone. Take us back to Zebes now!
  • Ridley: *throw the stone away*
  • Samus: Great. Now i'm stuck in this universe forever.
  • Risky Boots: You brought a friend with you? How embarrassing.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: She look like she's trained for some zumba lessons.
  • Samus: Excuse me? What kind of rat think you can judge a bounty hunter by it's look?
  • Shantae: Pick on somebody your own size?
  • Risky Boots: My size? What don't you ask him. He got wings on you.
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Samus: Time to kill this monster. *shoot at Ridley*
  • Shantae: *run and whip her hair at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *roars*
  • Risky Boots: Ridley, you fight back.
  • Ridley: *hit Shantae*
  • Samus: *shoot at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *whip tail at Samus*
  • Samus: *grab Ridley's tail* Not today, demon bird.
  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Shantae: *fight Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: I'm gonna haunt you to the end of the edge!
  • Shantae: Not til you give me a pinkie swear.
  • Risky Boots: I don't live on a farm. I live in a factory. *kick Shantae*
  • Shantae: *punch Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: Ah! *slap Shantae*
  • Shantae: *jump and fire blast on Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: *dodge the fire blast*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: Shoot. They're hot like magic balls.
  • Shantae: Water blast! *water blast on Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: You wet me.
  • Shantae: You like cold showers, do you?
  • Risky Boots: Not at all.
  • Samus: *still shooting at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *smash Samus*
  • Shantae: Samus!
  • Risky Boots: Oh no, your poor Samus got hurt.
  • Shantae: You're a monster. And this beast.
  • Ridley: *growl and laugh*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: What does Samus got to do with the fight?
  • Shantae: I hope you rot in the ground. *form herself as a spirit and goes into Samus' body*
  • Samus: *power up with the power of Shantae*
  • Risky Boots: What the?
  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Tinkerbat Captain: You got to be kidding me.
  • Samus: I won't let down. I will fight this fight and save this planet for nothing. *run and punch Ridley high*
  • Ridley: *roar in pain*
  • Samus: *load up the blasters and shoot fast at Ridley*
  • Ridley: *cover his face*
  • Risky Boots: Go cut her, you imbecile dwarf.
  • Tinkerbat Captain: I'm gonna cut you.
  • Samus: *shoot at Tinkerbat Captain*
  • Risky Boots: My henchman. How could you?
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Samus: *jump high and punch Ridley*
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Samus: *slam Ridley down on the tail*
  • Ridley: *grab rock*
  • Samus: Ah! *spin around and throw Ridley to the wall*
  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Samus: This isn't over yet you son of a wing.
  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Samus: Let's do some kung pow. *punch fast on Ridley*

(Back at Mimic's workshop, Mimic finally finish on repairing Samus' suit)

  • Mimic: All done. I need to get Sky to take me to where the girls are.

(At the hatchery, Sky is feeding the bird seeds to the birds)

  • Sky: One seed at a time, you gotta go big like mommy. Right Wrench?
  • Wrench: Caw!
  • Mimic: Sky, take me to the girls.
  • Sky: What girls? You mean Twitch and Vinegar?
  • Mimic: No. I mean Shantae and the other blonde girl.
  • Sky: I am the blonde girl you're looking for and that's me.
  • Mimic: I can't remember her name. I have to take this suit back to her.
  • Sky: I see what you mean. Wrench, turn big.
  • Wrench: *turn big*
  • Sky: Get in.

(At the beach, Bolo and Rottytops are playing checkers on a stand)

  • Rottytops: Oh, which piece should i pick?
  • Bolo: Can you hurry up already? You been standing for like five minutes and haven't move a single piece yet.
  • Rottytops: I'm trying, but this game is really hard to play.
  • Bolo: I'm in the middle of winning. Do it or the game is over.
  • Rottytops: I'll see.

(Mimic and Sky arrives with Wrench to pick up Bolo and Rottytops)

  • Sky: Guys, hop on.
  • Bolo: Time's up. The game is over. I really won.
  • Rottytops: No fair. I didn't even move my piece yet.
  • Mimic: I saw trouble going on at the jungle. I also saw smoke on the way. I can't hold this stuff for so long.
  • Rottytops: Ooh, is the suit for me?
  • Mimic: No, you don't even use armor suits to fight in wars.
  • Sky: Just get in already.
  • Rottytops: Fine bird brain.

(Bolo and Rottytops hold on to Wrench as Wrench start flying to Mermaid Falls. Back at Mermaid Falls, Samus grab Ridley and throw him to the pillars.)

  • Ridley: *growls*
  • Samus: It ain't over yet. *jump and smash Ridley*
  • Risky Boots: Ooh, i'm scared.
  • Samus: You're next.
  • Risky Boots: You can't deal with a Pirate Queen. You're a bounty hunter.
  • Samus: I was always a bounty hunter. My family were bounty hunters once. And i beat bigger bads like you.
  • Risky Boots: I'm the bigger bad? How pathetic.
  • Samus: Wait til you get this! *dash and punch Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: Ow. What's wrong with you?
  • Samus: One punch! *magic punch on Risky Boots*
  • Risky Boots: *hold her sword* Say goodbye!
  • Samus: *break Risky Boots' sword*
  • Risky Boots: What the?
  • Samus: See you later crocodile. *kick Risky Boots high*
  • Risky Boots: I hate you! You'll pay for your bullets! *crash into the tree*
  • Samus: *throw the Tinkerbat Captain out*
  • Ridley: *stand up and growls*
  • Samus: Not you again.

(Mimic, Bolo, Rottytops and Sky arrives with Wrench flying back as Wrench land down on the ground)

  • Mimic: Hello! Your suit is fixed.
  • Samus: My suit. Give it to me.
  • Sky: *hold the suit* How do you get on this thing.
  • Ridley: *roar*
  • Mimic: *water spray on Ridley* You get on to that suit and kill the dragon.
  • Samus: *get on to her suit* It's time to blast on. *use the zero laser on Ridley*
  • Ridley: *land on the ground, defeated at last*
  • Samus: You're done. *release Shantae out of her body*
  • Shantae: Poof! That was a close one.
  • Everyone: Shantae?
  • Samus: That's my girl.
  • Shantae: Guys, you won't believe me. I was a spirit.
  • Mimic: You were a spirit the whole time?
  • Shantae: I can form into a spirit anytime since i have genie powers.
  • Bolo: That's crazy. I thought a full genie has the power to shapeshift into anything.
  • Shantae: They do. As a half-genie, we can transform into anything.
  • Samus: That's good. Shantae, do you think where the stone is?
  • Shantae: The stone? What stone?
  • Samus: Didn't i tell you back at the lighthouse? It has magic inside and warp people into one world from another.
  • Shantae: I don't see any stone around here.
  • Samus: Feel your powers. Use the force to lift things on you.
  • Shantae: *use the force and grab the stone*
  • Rottytops: Why do you need the stone for?
  • Samus: I need to go back to my world. This thing is like cursed. I have other tasks to work on with my group.
  • Mimic: Do you have a ship?
  • Samus: My ship is in another planet. But thank you for your help. Shantae, we did well on training. One day when you become an adult, you gotta act tough and fight big enemies like Ridley.
  • Shantae: I promise i will follow your orders.
  • Bolo: Wait, we never introduce to ourselves.
  • Samus: We just met. *grab the stone* Thank you for saving the world.
  • Shantae: Well, we did save the land.
  • Samus: So long Shantae. Back to my world. *warp with Ridley to Zebes*
  • Shantae: That Samus is really a nice girl.
  • Mimic: She's far away from our planet. That big beast almost kill us to death.
  • Sky: So she does has blonde hair like me.
  • Mimic: That's what i was trying to tell you earlier.
  • Shantae: You know what? Let's go home.
  • Mimic: Let's go have some breakfast.
  • Bolo: I'm starving.
  • Rottytops: A morning game really give us a jump-start.
  • Shantae: Back to the basics.

(Back in another world at the planet of Zebes, the surving bounty hunters place all the injured bounty hunters back in the gunship)

  • Bounty Hunter #1: We lost Samus. Now how are we going to get out of this planet?
  • Bounty Hunter #2: I had no idea. We can't be stranded on this planet forever.
  • Bounty Hunter #3: Nether do us.

(Samus and Ridley arrives from warping with the stone as Samus hold Ridley and throw him off the cliff. Samus then unite with the bounty hunters.)

  • Bounty Hunter #1: Samus, you're back! God bless the universe.
  • Bounty Hunter #2: What happen? Where were you?
  • Samus: It was strange. I trained this young lady to fight Ridley and two bad guys at the Mermaid Falls.
  • Bounty Hunter #3: We were suppose to pilot the ship, but we don't know how.
  • Samus: Don't worry. I can pilot the ship. Get on.

(Samus later pilot the gunship as they got off the planet and fly to outer space)

  • Samus: With the stone stored, we're going to give it to a base and hide it on the vault forever so no one can get warped out of the world like i did.
  • Bounty Hunter #1: This planet is dangerous. We are never coming back here ever again.
  • Samus: There are other planets we need to explore. They're much worse.
  • Bounty Hunter #2: You won't believe me. There are so many flying beasts like the one you just defeated.
  • Samus: They're much worse flyers than Ridley.

(As the gunship flies, the Metroids float around with the rocks as they get along together and unite into the planet of SR388)



  • The idea of the short was based on the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate story mode World of Light, where Samus has the spirit of Shantae for a battle.