Fan Fiction
Fan Fiction

Timmy and Martin's Adventures are segments from 100 Acre Wood Chronicles.


For Timmy Brisby (Elizabeth Daily) and Martin Brisby ('N Sync's Justin Timberlake) - They had adventures in their imagination. But Sometimes They both traveled to Thorn Valley with Jeremy the Crow.

Timmy and Martin discovered that Jenner returns to have his revenge on the brisby family. So - They visited him at Pete's basement and foiled his wicked plans. Timmy and Martin sometimes argued with each other. Unless - Martin wished to be the mayor of the forest. But When He changed his mind - He returned to be with the ones he loved.

In the Winter - Jeremy flew to Miss Right's home only to find out that She laied eggs (her children). Jeremy was thrilled to be a father.

As Spring arrives - Timmy Jeremy and Martin encountered Sullivan who told them his story of when He Jenner Cholena Yoda Nicodemus and Justin fought in the Clone Wars.
