Fan Fiction

This is about the Justice Squad watching their own rewrite film.


  • Rated R for foul language, nudity, bloody deaths, scary violence, toilet humor, and tragic backstories.
  • The squad are now a mixture of the Crime Syndicate and Suicide Squad that were just given the abilities of the Justice League to complete their mission and to even look like the said hero team themselves for the government.
  • Ultra-Man is the true main protagonist and Owl-Man is the true main antagonist.
  • Ultra-Man and Fury have a one-night stand only and don't ever have a relationship.


  • A-Squad: Lor-Zod/Ultra-Man, Aresia Lowell/Fury, Lincoln March/Owlman, Lawrence Bolatinsky/Bolt, Sara Cruz/Power Ring IV, and Jedd Jarkus/Malefic.
  • B-Squad: Malcolm Merlyn/Dark Archer, Silver Banshee, Orm Marius/Ocean Master, Major Force, Silver Swan, and Grid.

Prologue Part 1: The Squad[]

The said squad was gathered for this moment and finally agreed to see their own film.

(Attention: The Justice Squad aren't the famous heroes but just criminals with similar powers.)

"You have all been given the abilities of the famous Justice League but you are actually criminals that are lethal and just hired by the government." said a serious BrandonKR.

(Anyways, let's introduce A-Squad:)

Everyone paid attention to this.

(Lor-Zod a.k.a. Ultra-Man: Son of Zod and counterpart of Superman. Almost has the same abilities as him but is claimed to instead be powered by green Kryptonite and his enemy just have to find the right Kryptonite to hurt him. He is a young man in his 20s or 30s wearing the Justice Lords version of the Superman suit but it has his father's symbol on it. Crimes: Possible allegiance with his father, tasked to defeat Superman, and sent Deadshot to the ICU via beating him brutally after a one-sided fight with him in self-defense. Sentence: 30 years in Belle Reve Penitentiary and transferred from Stryker's Island. Mugshot: Wearing Kryptonian handcuffs and showing a calm expression.)

"Deadshot?" asked a confused Bolt, not knowing how to believe this.

"He tried to shoot Ultra-Man with a Kryptonite bullet." said a sighing BrandonKR.

"Looks like he failed at that and paid dearly for it very much." said a wincing Power Ring.

"Rumor has it that the guy is still in the ICU pretty badly." said a nervous BrandonKR.

"All he did was power him up and got on his nerves." said a serious Waller.

Owlman kept that in mind and swore to steer clear of the guy's anger.

Fury smirked lustfully at Ultra-Man, who somehow ignored her.

'You can't ignore me for too long, darling~' thought a smirking Fury.

Ultra-Man just stayed quiet, not bothering to talk to anyone in the room due to not seeing them as very powerful but promises not to be arrogant about it right now.

(Aresia Lowell a.k.a. Fury: Self-Proclaimed daughter of the Amazon Princess Wonder Woman and Apokoliptan general Steppenwolf but she is definitely from the planet Apokolips and part-time member of the Furies before defecting. She is a young lady in a possible older age but still looks young with brownish orange hair in a ponytail, a purple and silver version of Wonder Woman's outfit, silver tiara, and wield whip-like blade called the "Blade of Submission." Crimes: Multiple accounts of war crimes, treason against the Amazons, and for torturing men. Sentence: Life in Belle Reve Penitentiary. Mugshot: Showing a cold stare and looking like she can kill you if you dare go near her.)

Everyone gulped at her look.

However, Owlman was interested to hear about her heritage.

(Lincoln March a.k.a. Owlman: COO of March Ventures and self-proclaimed brother of Bruce Wayne. He is the opposite of Batman and also claims to run the Court of Owls, which he is confirmed to be a former member of that group. He is a Caucasian male with brown hair and wearing an Owl-themed version of a bat suit and wielding guns, owl-rangs, explosives, a detonator, and other various gadgets. Crimes: Suspected of contracting assassinations, various accounts of terrorism, supplying dangerous weapons, and money-related schemes. Sentence: Death penalty in Belle Reve Penitentiary and transferred from Blackgate Correctional Facility. Mugshot: Showing a stoic look and not even caring whatsoever.)

Everyone didn't trust him for some reason and they want to know why.

"Money-Related schemes? Like tax evasion and money laundering?" asked a confused Power Ring.

"Yeah, exactly that. I was found to be accused with my employees of also committing embezzlement and some other illegal business." said a sighing Owlman, remembering that incident.

"You probably got a lot of life sentences for this and you need to do the mission to get their sentence reduced or even be bailed out of trouble." said a shrugging Bolt.

(Lawrence Bolatinsky a.k.a. Bolt: Former special effects artist and street racer turned assassin and criminal for-hire. Government has injected with energy from the speed force to act as the new flash for the team. He is an immature man-child with a black haircut and goatee wearing orange goggles and orange jumpsuit with grey lightning bolts on it, black sleeves on the arms and legs, and orange boots. Crimes: 10 robberies and 20 accounts of street racing. Sentence: 25 years in Belle Reve and was transferred from Iron Heights Penitentiary. Mugshot: Showing a cocky grin and giving the double bird.)

Half of the squad groaned in annoyance and the other half laughed at his mugshot while Ultra-Man remained silent.

"He's just a cocky and arrogant man-child who is a disgrace to speedsters everywhere." said a scoffing Owlman, hating that guy.

Fury also rolled her eyes at meeting that irritating flirt that's been bugging her.

(Sara Cruz a.k.a. Power Ring IV: Sister of Jessica Cruz and the first female Power Ring, which she's also the fourth wielder of the ring. Nothing about her except that she is the opposite of her sister and they most likely hate each other in a sibling rivalry. She is a young lady on her possible 30s with long dark brown hair and wearing a green lantern like suit but with a glowing green circular x on her chest. Crimes: Treason against the Green Lantern Corps, impersonating a Green Lantern, and various crimes. Sentence: Life in Belle Reve Penitentiary and was transferred from the Sciencells. Mugshot: Showing a nervous look and her right hand is contained because the ring can't be removed.)

Everyone got interested.

"She's somewhat similar to Green Lanterns." said a shrugging BrandonKR.

"And she is the first female Power Ring. Interesting." said a curious Owlman.

"Sadly, she's just as nervous as her 1st predecessor." said a sighing Fury.

Power Ring couldn't help it, the ring's power both hurts her and scares her.

(Jedd Jarkus a.k.a. Malefic: Brother of Martian Manhunter and traitor of Mars. He is the most brutal member of the team and not trustworthy at all. Crimes: Multiple accounts of murder, attempted murder, treason, and even mind-r**e. Sentence: Death in Belle Reve Penitentiary and transferred from Mars. Mugshot: Showing a scary look and shivering from the heated lamp.)

Everyone jumped at this, seeing a Martian for the first time.

Prologue Part 2: Belle Reve Visit[]

During the break, the team were talking with each other, mostly doing gossip.

Ultra-Man still didn't say anything nor react at all.

Others have been invited and it's both heroes and villains.

They got themselves situated.

(The story starts in Lor-Zod's cell where he's sitting quietly and wouldn't seem dangerous to you but many people outside knew better, he's a hidden bomb about to go off.)

The newcomers didn't see him as a threat.

However, Deadshot paled at seeing him, remembering what happened last time.

(However, he secretly got bored with being quiet and played with a bocce ball but was surprisingly using it as a bouncy ball to great success, even when it's clearly heavy.)

Everyone was shocked to see this.

However, this made Fury even more lustful.

(Despite this, he wasn't doing wrong right now and was just being normal via sitting quietly, eating meals, working out, doing chores, and etc., which he knows is boring but doesn't care and wants to be let out on good behavior.)

All villains feel the same way.
