Fan Fiction

This is about the characters of Mars Attacks! watching their own film and learning how to not be so naive and gullible enough to befriend a hostile alien race.


  • Rated PG-13 for the same reasons as the film.
  • Everyone blames themselves for being naive and gullible enough.
  • Jason Stone decides to let Natalie be happy, despite still not liking the professor.
  • Richie and his grandma still love their family, despite the audience hating the family for being mean to them.

Prologue: Intro[]

Everyone from the film was gathered and informed of everything.

The United States were still interested in this.

However, General Decker still didn't trust the Martians, which BrandonKR didn't blame him for and knew he was right.

After a while, they started the viewing.

(The film starts with the farm that is 4 miles outside of Lockjaw, Kentucky on Tuesday, May 9 - 6:57 P.M.)

Everyone already knew why that opening scene was important.

However, BrandonKR knew that was actually a hint at something.

Other than that, nobody had a reaction to that.

(As usual, a farmer is taking out the trash and a tractor driver is making conversation with him, which would sadly come across as offensive at first.)

Everyone flinched at that part.

BrandonKR sighed at this, wishing discrimination would end for good.

(However, the conversation turns out to be actual curiosity as the driver was smelling a possible feast but the farmer was also confused because he wasn't cooking anything.)

Everyone did smell it due to the host giving them scent from the film, except for the Martian's atmosphere.

"They're right, I smell smoke." said a worried Richie.

(Suddenly, they hear something and see some light coming from ahead, which doesn't seem to be a sunset.)

Everyone got worried about that, knowing about the timing of that place.

"I sadly don't think that's a sunset." said a worried Richie.

"Because it isn't, not around that time." said an also worried Taffy, earning nods from her parents.

(As the farmer's family run outside the house too him in a panic, the light is later shown to be burning cows running past them as they then see a UFO fly away from there.)

Everyone got worried about that part.

However, General Decker now saw proof that the Martians might not be friendly after all.

(We then show the opening theme, which the title is obviously a warning to the audience.)

Everyone got worried about the title.

However, General Decker glared at this, recognizing the title as him being right about the Martians

BrandonKR hoped that they were prepared for what happens.

Chapter 1: White House Talk[]

After a break, they went back to the theater.

However, Taffy was taking a liking to Richie's kindness towards her as he was giving her some delicious sweets from his job at the donut shop and this is obviously leading to more.

Florence was smiling at this moment, so did James and Marsha Dale.

Billy smiled in respect for his brother, still loving him.

However, his parents sadly had greedy needs, which BrandonKR noticed and glared at them.

Jason just watched with rolled eyes as Natalie flirted with the professor.

After this, they went back to the viewing.

(We then cut to the White House and the text says, "Washington, D.C. May 10 - 11:25 A.M.")

Everyone wasn't surprised by this.

"I can see why, this alien stuff usually would get the president's attention." said a nodding Richie.

"Yeah, Richie. The government needs to get involved into this." said a serious Billy.

"Looks like this will get dad's attention." said a bored Taffy, being used to this.

"Now, come on, dear. It could be fun." said a smiling James.

Richie just smiled at James' behavior but seemed to want that kind of attention from his parents.

Billy Glen and Florence noticed and got worried for Richie.

(Inside the White House, President James Dale was just looking at the photos of UFOs with a confused look on him.)

Everyone could understand his confusion.

"I've just never seen anything like this." said a sighing James.

"We understand, Mr. President." said a nodding Richie, having been raised to respect him.

(When he asks his secretary Jerry Ross about his opinion, he claims that the people are going to love it and their only concern is that they hold up the 6:00 news for prime time.)

Everyone noticed BrandonKR looking annoyed to see Jerry.

"It will be shown why I dislike him." said a sighing BrandonKR.

(However, General Decker disagreed by wanting this to be kept top secret and thinking that they should move in right away with Defcon Four, not trusting the aliens at all.)

Everyone couldn't blame him because they can't trust the aliens too easily and it needs to be a secret to avoid panic.

"General's right, this should be top secret." said a nodding BrandonKR, knowing how governments work and keeping it that way.

(After the short argument is stopped by Dale, he asks General Casey for his opinion and the said pacifist just asks if they know they're hostile, much to Decker's annoyance and claims that the Martians have their planet surrounded with thousands of warships.)

Everyone did sigh at Casey's pacifist behavior.

"Always the pacifist, Casey." said sighing Decker.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." said a smiling Casey.

"Sadly, no disrespect to you or anything but it could get you in trouble." said a worried BrandonKR.

Billy nodded in agreement, having seen such things happen.

Jason knew that's why he wasn't soft, knowing such behavior is bad for you and shows weakness.

(Correcting himself, Casey still asks if they know that they are warships but then President Dale asks Anatomy Professor Donald Kessler on his opinion, which the professor thought that the advanced technology might make them peaceful because of their advanced civilization not looking barbaric and thinks that this is a great day as his colleagues are extremely excited.)

Everyone still nearly facepalmed at this, even the professor sighed at how dumb that sounded.

(After this, President Dale seems interested in the new extra-terrestrial life form and agreed with Jerry that the people are going to love it, declaring it as a momentous occasion.)

Everyone sighed at the president's nice side.

"That's dad for you." said a smiling Taffy.

(However, Decker tries to warn him but the president ignores him and decides to go global media about this, preparing to wear a blue Cerruti suit and asks Jerry to help him prepare a good speech that is historical yet warm and neighborly.)

Everyone got interested in the speech.

However, Taffy just sat back, getting used to her dad's speeches.

(Outside the office, Taffy Dale was just watching in boredom as her mother First Lady Marsha Lake was going through decorations with their butler, even joking about her husband being the leader of the free world.)

Everyone got amused by this scene.

However, Taffy just sighed at her mother's antics and James chuckled at his wife fondly, still loving her.

(When Marsha asks Taffy for her opinion on the decorations, Taffy asks back on why she doesn't leave the Roosevelt room where the Roosevelts wanted it, which Marsha laughs at and claims that it's because of chintz.)

Everyone did found this exchange funny.

Taffy rolled her eyes fondly at this.

(As Taffy claims to her that this isn't her house, Marsha sternly tells her that she's going to ignore her is she's going to be a pest but then a photographer comes in and Marsha takes her picture.)

Everyone frowned at hearing her say that.

Marsha felt bad for that remark and apologized to Taffy, who was fortunately not offended by this.

However, Richie was still worried at this but Taffy calmed him down, despite smiling at his concern.

James just sighed at this, hoping his wife and daughter weren't upset with each other too badly.

Billy and Florence sighed in sympathy for this, considering their family.

BrandonKR then had them take a break.

Chapter 2: Las Vegas Call[]

After a short break, they went back to the viewing.

Richie and Taffy were bonding even more, much to Billy and Florence's proudness.

Jason was getting his hair ready for the perfect shot, which Natalie and Donald just roll their eyes at.

When they calmed down, they went back to the viewing.

(We then switch to a pyramid casino in Las Vegas, Nevada on Wednesday, May 10 at 1:43 P.M.)

Everyone took an interest in why this was shown.

However, Byron and his family knew why.

The kids looked interested but were given stern looks to lose interest.

(Inside the casino, we see Byron Williams taking a picture with 2 nuns, which they are excited about.)

Everyone instantly recognized him.

"Holy shit, is that who I think it is?" asked a shocked Billy.

"It is, that's Byron Williams." said an also shocked Jason.

(After the picture is taken, the nuns talked about seeing his fight in 69' and he asks if they were nuns back then, which one of them confirms it and admits that they've always been fight fans.)

Everyone chuckled at hearing nuns being fight fans.

"I guess even Christians like fighting." said a chuckling Richie, making Taffy giggle in agreement.

(However, he hears that there's a telephone for him and he decides to go take that but has to ask the nuns to please excuse him, which they kindly do so.)

Everyone was curious on who's calling him.

However, Byron knew who was calling them.

(As he reaches the telephone, he finds that the call is from his ex-wife Louise Williams, who informs him that the boys haven't been home in over 2 nights and that she doesn't know what to do.)

Everyone could understand a mother being worried.

However, Richie felt like he wanted attention like that, much to Taffy's worry.

(However, Byron assures her that she's doing the best she can and that the boys are at that age, making Louise sigh at this.)

Every parent just got amused at the conversation.

"Oh, Byron." said a sighing Lousie.

Byron just chuckled at this, still loving her and the boys.

(Upon noticing the manager glaring at him, Byron decides to end the call but assures her that he'll call her later and asks her if she's fine with him going back to Washington, which she does seem to want to but still hangs up and Byron is shown to be sad too.)

Everyone got worried at that, making Byron sigh at this.

"I'll tell you guys later." said a sighing Byron.

(At the palace bar, the casino's owner Art Land is drinking in front of his trophy wife Barbara Land, who is obviously miserable and even complains about him drinking in front of her.)

Upon noticing something familiar, BrandonKR quickly explained the reason for that.

However, they noticed him glaring at Art Land in hatred, wondering why he hated him.

'Why does he hate the guy so much?' thought the worried audience.

'It must be for good reason.' thought an also worried Richie.

'Well, this guy doesn't seem like the pleasant type at all.' thought a frowning Taffy.

'He doesn't seem very friendly.' thought a worried James.

(When Art reminds her that she's an adult and should just cope with it, she still complains that all they do is just sit around in bars but he defends himself by claiming this to be work, even thinking that he's at least studying the lightning, the decor, and the traffic flow.)

Everyone sighed at him calling this work.

"Sadly, he's not wrong as he's the owner of the casino." said a sighing Barbara.

"That explains everything." said a deadpanned Richie, now seeing the get up and him looking rich.

"He sure seems like a charmer." said a sarcastic Taffy, making Richie chuckle at her sarcasm.

James was not liking his look-a-like one bit.

(However, Barbara now believes that he's a crook and wishes to have never married him but Art claims to not be a crook and is just ambitious, declaring a difference and thinking that she just doesn't know about good business while promising Galaxy about to be the best hotel in Vegas.)

Everyone snorted at the place being ironically called Galaxy, despite the casino being Egypt themed.

"He's an investor as well?" asked a curious Richie.

"Yes, he is." said a nodding Barbara.

"Some owners might invest in stuff." said a shrugging Taffy, much to Richie's understanding.

All owners agreed with that, still having to invest in business.

(Despite this, she also complains that his money and greed is destroying the Earth, looking like she's unhappy with her marriage to him and his sleazy attitude doesn't help at all.)

Everyone felt bad for her, starting to dislike Art for how much of a sleazebag he is.

'Poor Barbara.' thought a sympathetic Byron, knowing how bad Art can be.

'I still can't believe I married him.' thought an upset Barbara.

'It's just business.' thought a shrugging Art.

'He seems worse than my own parents.' thought an annoyed Richie.

'Ugh, I already hate this guy.' thought a glaring Taffy.

(While Art does try to calm her down, it's because they've got "friends" here and doesn't help the situation by calling the waitress "sugar" when asking for another drink, causing Barbara to scold him for flirting with the waitress.)

Everyone rolled their eyes at his uncaring attitude.

'What a creep.' thought the disgusted audience.

(Unfortunately, he's able to bribe her with casino money as a gift for their anniversary and jokingly advises her to not land on black, which she sadly took them and kissed him.)

Everyone sighed in disappointment at her reason for staying with that guy.

Even Barbara looked down in shame for that horrible reason.

'Oh god, what is wrong with me?' thought an embarrassed Barbara, not liking her greedy side.

However, Art was smug at calming his wife down, much to everyone's annoyance.

'We still hate that guy.' thought the annoyed audience.

Fortunately, a break was ordered and they quickly agreed to it.

Chapter 3: President's Speech[]

During the break, there was still sympathy for Barbara's loveless marriage.

Richie still felt sympathy for her but Taffy was also worried about why Richie desired a loving family.

However, Billy and Florence knew why and still didn't like the favoritism at all.

After the short break, they went back to the viewing.

(We then cut to New York City on Wednesday, May 10 at 5:26 P.M.)

Everyone thought that the city still looked beautiful.

Jason and Natalie both smiled in pride at their city.

Poppy barked happily, much to Natalie's amusement.

(Inside a station, one of the staff got a call about the cutting in from the White House, which their hostess Natalie Lake decides to call her boyfriend about it.)

Everyone realized it's time to hear the speech.

James hoped he was prepared for it, much to his family's amusement.

(At the news station, anchorman Jason Stone was admiring himself on the screens, complimenting his own hair as one of his staff just smiles at her boss in amusement.)

Everyone nearly chuckled at the guy's behavior, which he just shrugged off.

However, Donald just rolled his eyes in annoyance at the sight of that reporter, seeing him as an arrogant man-child.

(Upon hearing his phone ring, he puts it on speaker and greets the caller, which Natalie lets him know who it is.)

Everyone turned to her and she answers that he's her boyfriend, which they nod in understanding.

Jason just smiled fondly at remembering this.

However, Donald still frowned at hearing that she's dating that guy.

(Upon recognizing her, he suddenly asks if she's wearing a bra, much to her annoyance.)

Everyone frowned at that question, finding it rude and inappropriate.

Unsurprisingly, Natalie tapped Jason on the head for that, making him wince and apologize for that.

However, Donald just only glared at the guy for saying that, not liking that remark one bit.

(Ignoring that, she still informed him about the president cutting in on her show, much to his shock about this.)

Everyone already had a hint at why he's so shocked.

Natalie just smirked at Jason, who was indeed jealous of this.

Donald had to hide a smirk at this.

(As he questions this, she does point out that he's doing the same with every T.V. screen but he's more upset that the president isn't talking to his station, making Natalie scoff in amusement at his ego being damaged.)

Everyone chuckled at this, thinking he had it coming.

However, Donald mostly smirked at this, which Jason noticed and rolled his eyes at the guy in annoyance.

(After one of Jason's colleagues informed him about the speech, he still complied and just listened to the president's speech, which I sadly can't write because of reactions overshadowing it but the audience are still listening to it.)

Everyone paid attention to it.

"How do I look? Good?" asked a worried James, hoping he didn't embarrass himself.

"You look great, dad." said a giggling Taffy, finding her dad funny.

"It will be fine, honey." said a smiling Marsha, earning a nod from her husband.

Richie smiled at this scene, glad that Taffy has a loving family.

Billy and Florence looked at Richie in concern, hoping to talk with him soon.

(As he was talking, there were many reactions: Marsha smiling fondly at how she met her loving husband and Jerry chuckling at that,)

Everyone smiled kindly

James and Marsha smiled at each other in true love, remembering those days.

Taffy pretended to be disgusted but still smiled, loving her parents very much.

Richie was still impressed at the mention of Harvard, something that presidents might do.

Billy chuckled fondly at Richie's impressed look.

All fellow graduates smiled fondly as well at the mention of their old university.

'Maybe we should keep in touch, once in a while.' thought the smiling graduates.

(Taffy sarcastically thanking her dad for mentioning her and also kindly thanking the caretaker for bringing her pizza,)

Everyone chucked at her reaction but also liked the pizza.

However, Richie frowned since he couldn't afford it, especially due to his family's lack of funds.

Noticing this, Taffy kindly invited him and didn't take no for an answer, which shocked Richie but he still accepted it.

Billy and Florence both smiled at this, the latter being amused by the girl giving that order.

James and Marsha also smiled proudly at their daughter, not minding Richie at all.

However, his parents were still getting greedy, which the hosts noticed and still glared at the couple.

After that moment, they continued the speech.

(Donut World employee Richie Norris getting tapped on the back by his boss for focusing on the T.V. instead of work,)

Everyone was amused by Richie's first appearance but didn't like what the boss did.

However, Richie took this in good stride and understood why his boss was mad, despite that he was merely listening to the president.

Despite this, Taffy still didn't like that part and the boss herself apologized for that.

Nonetheless, Taffy was worried about why Richie was working on a school day, which he would explain later.

Billy and Florence sighed at this, knowing why he was working so much.

However, his parents still thought that he should be like his brother, which is irritating the hosts.

Byron got worried for the kid, having a feeling why he's not at school.

(everyone in the casino listening but the casino's lawyer Joe Weinberg is staying true to his title as the "Rude Gambler" by only focusing on his gambling and getting annoyed by everyone ignoring him,)

Everyone frowned at the man's rudeness and disrespect towards the president.

"What a rude gambler." said a frowning Richie, earning a laugh from BrandonKR.

"Sorry for laughing but that's ironically the title he goes by." said a smiling BrandonKR, earning laughs at this.

"However, he does have a real name and it's Joe Weinberg, my lawyer." said a sighing Art, earning nods at that information but he did glare at the guy, "But Joe, I advise you to please stop and listen to our nation's leader."

Joe just grumbled but paid attention, earning rolled eyes for his childish attitude.

(Barbara doing meditation on a floatie and happily liking the word "Martians,")

Everyone also agreed with calling them that because they're from Mars.

BrandonKR confirmed that's the official name of that alien race.

However, Barbara knew better from the film's title and was now worried about this alien race.

(Art happily calling someone on his phone about this at his hotel and seeming to like the idea of Martians visiting,)

Everyone frowned at Art wanting to use this for his business.

Barbara sighed in annoyance at her husband.

Even Art fortunately realized how bad this idea was.

(and Taffy was shown once again eating her pizza and commenting on how she's glad that they have intelligent life out there somewhere, obviously being her usual self.)

Everyone chuckled at her joke.

Richie snickered at this, making Taffy smile at him in gratitude for liking her joke.

Billy had to resist the urge to laugh to avoid offending his president.

Florence smiled at the girl's attitude, being reminded of her own younger years.

However, James took the joke in good stride and smiled fondly at his daughter.

Marsha shook her head in amusement at Taffy's joke.

(At the end of his speech, he still kindly gives a good night to everyone and hopes that God blesses them all, ending his speech.)

Everyone then respectfully clapped for their president, who nodded at them in gratitude.

"Thank you, Mr. President." said a smiling BrandonKR.

Taffy and Marsha were praising him, much to his embarrassment.

However, they had to take another break after the speech, which they nodded in understanding.

Taffy then held Richie's hand and started taking him to the cafeteria to get pizza, making him laugh at her.

Art took Joe to reprimand him for disrespectfully their president, much to the gambler's protests.

Jason and Donald were just glaring at each other and even having an argument, much to Natalie's annoyance.

Chapter 4: Normal Lives[]

In the cafeteria, there was some interesting conversations.

Richie enjoyed the pizza but tried to act professional about it, much to Taffy's amusement as she ate one of his donuts for her.

Billy and Florence sat with them and also enjoyed the food, secretly being amused by this.

Natalie could only just watch on as Jason and Donald glared at each other, which was upsetting her.

Byron was bonding again with his family, being glad to spend more time with them.

Barbara was able to eat some vegan food and drink healthy shakes while her husband Art was yelling at a scared Joe.

Jerry was flirting with Cindy, who was understandably irritated with him while his co-workers felt bad for her.

James and Marsha were having a private dinner to themselves, finally some peace for a while now.

After they were done, they went back to the viewing.

Fortunately, Richie and Taffy got to sit together, having bonded during the whole viewing.

However, Natalie made sure that Jason and Donald behave, causing them to feel embarrassed at their own behavior.

After that, they went back to the viewing.

(We then cut back to New York City on Thursday, May 11 at 5:26 A.M., where a news truck is dropping off newspapers about the Martians and the headlines read: "Existence of Interplanetary Life Confirmed.")

Everyone weren't surprised that news travels fast.

Jason smiled in pride at this, making Donald and Natalie roll their eyes at the guy's ego.

(At Jason and Natalie's apartment, they were reading the newspapers and Jason calls this intense, which he's not wrong about.)

Everyone didn't blame his remark.

Donald reluctantly agreed with him, despite their differences.

Richie also found this intense.

(When the phone starts ringing, Poppy barks at it and Jason just keeps telling the dog to shut up as he answers it but once he gives it to Natalie, he just looks on in disbelief as Natalie kindly calms Poppy down.)

Everyone chuckled at how even the dog doesn't listen to the guy.

However, Natalie glares at him for being rude to Poppy, which Jason sighed in annoyance and still hated that dog.

(Once Natalie was done using the phone, Jason got curious about it and she informs him that they are having her interview Kessler, much to Jason's shock at this.)

Everyone was curious about this.

However, the White House knew better and looked at Donald, who was very happy at this.

(Upon Jason getting upset in jealousy at this, Natalie made a funny comeback about how it can't be their fault that his people are so boring, much to Jason's dismay and Poppy's obvious agreement.)

Everyone nearly laughed at that wicked burn.

Jason just gave deadpanned look at a smug Natalie and Poppy while Donald tried not to laugh.

(We then cut to a trailer park in Perkinsville, Kansas at 9:37 A.M., where Richie is shown driving a red truck there.)

Everyone now understood why Richie might not be in school, due to possible lack of funds.

However, Taffy still liked Richie and wasn't prejudice towards him, making him smile at her.

Despite this, he sadly confirmed that this was why he wasn't in school, much to everyone's sympathy.

(Inside the trailer, Richie's mother Sue Anne and grandma Florence were watching the news while his father Glenn was timing the older brother Billy on assembling the gun blindfolded, which the latter did so in 1 minute and 57 seconds by the time Richie came inside with pink milk and a box of donuts.)

Everyone looked at Richie, who introduced his family.

The military recognized his brother as a soldier in the military and they were impressed by how he assembled a gun.

However, Taffy noticed BrandonKR glaring at the parents, being worried about why.

Richie, Billy, and Florence noticed as well but knew why.

However, his parents shrugged it off.

(When Richie offers a donut, Sue Anne complains about it being 6 days ago but still accepts it, which Richie doesn't seem to mind her brief ungratefulness towards him.)

Everyone frowned at that attitude, getting worried about it.

However, Richie seemed to be used to it, which Taffy noticed and got worried about it.

Billy and Florence frowned at Sue Anne's ungratefulness, knowing that Richie is working hard.

However, Sue Anne thought that it wasn't her fault that the donuts were 6 days old.

Glenn Norris still dotted on the eldest son.

Noticing this, the audience had a feeling what's going on.

(As Richie compliments the news about the Martians, Florence calls them traitors and asks if they have seen her "muffy," which the family seems to be used to.)

Everyone was both amused and confused at this.

Noticing this, Richie explained that his grandmother is amnesic, which they nod in understanding.

However, Taffy like the lady and found her funny, much to Richie's gratitude.

Billy also chuckled fondly at this, still loving his grandmother.

Florence just smiled, always finding her condition funny.

However, Gleen and Sue Anne rolled their eyes in annoyance, which Taffy noticed and frowned at that kind of behavior.

(However, Glenn brags about Billy going to volunteer and Billy explains that it's for Martian detail, which Richie found cool.)

Everyone paid attention at hearing this.

"Yeah, my brother is a member of the military and would volunteer for this." said a smiling Richie, idolizing his brother.

However, Billy frowned at being called "Billy-Glenn," knowing it's out of favoritism.

(Other than that, Glenn arrogantly believed that if any Martians come around here, he's going to kick their butts.)

Everyone rolled their eyes at that, not believing him.

Richie and Billy rolled their eyes as well at their father's arrogance while Taffy facepalmed and Florence shook her head at this.

However, Glenn was still prideful at this and Sue Anne easily believed it.

(In Washington D.C., Louise was driving a tour bus but as she does so, her sons Cedric and Neville Williams were at an arcade and playing some of violent video game.)

Everyone went eye wide and turned to look at the kids, who shrugged at this.

"Shouldn't they be in school?" asked a confused Richie.

"Shouldn't you be at work?" asked a smirking Cedric, making Neville laugh.

Richie just rolled his eyes at that kid's smart mouth while Taffy glared at the kid's rudeness.

However, Byron and Louise glared at their kids for that rudeness.

Of course, this won't last long.

(However, Louise notices this and apologizes to the people on board for this but angrily decides to make an unscheduled stop, which her sons were now scared because they knew why she's stopping.)

Everyone then gasped and went "oh" in amusement at this.

"Looks like I was right." said a smirking Richie, glad to see them get karma.

"Uh oh, you are both so busted." said an also smirking Taffy.

"And don't try to fight it, it's a mother's wraith." said an also smirking Billy.

Cedric and Neville gulped in fear.

Indeed, Byron and Louise both glared at their kids.

(As their mother approaches them, Cedric tries to lie about class being cancelled but Louise angrily reminds them that class was not cancelled, which makes the lie pointless.)

Everyone shook their heads at that pathetic attempt to lie.

"Don't lie to your mother, it won't do good at all." said an amused Taffy, much to every mother's agreement.

(As she promises to not hurt Neville, he asks her to please let go of Cedric and she pretends to do so but as soon as he comes close to her, she grabs both of them and continues scolding them as the other gamers and bus patrons look at the scene.)

Everyone was laughing at that motherly trick happening.

Richie was holding his stomach, Taffy was covering her mouth in amusement, and Billy slapping his knee in amusement.

(After forcing them on the bus, the patrons clap for her as she also reprimands Cedric for claiming to hate school, which she also seems to nod in gratitude at the cheering and continues her job.)

Everyone also clapped in respect for her good parenting.

"Not to mention, you 2 are going to apologize to Richie, right now." said a glaring Louise.

"But mom-" said a pleading Cedric and Neville only to be cut off by a stern Byron.

"No buts, kids. Listen to your mother and apologize to Richie." said a stern Byron.

"Yes, sir." said a sighing Cedric and Neville.

They then walk to Richie and apologized to him.

"Richie, I'm sorry for my rude remark earlier." said a sighing Cedric.

"And I'm sorry too for laughing at that." said an also sighing Neville.

"Will you please forgive us?" asked the pleasing boys.

"Sure thing, apology accepted and besides, that scolding was punishment enough." said a smiling Richie, happy at this.

"Thanks for the reminder, you 2 are grounded for 2 weeks and if you dare make a complaint, we'll double it to 4 weeks." said a stern Byron, knowing that the boys need to be punished.

"Listen to your father, go back to your seat and behave yourselves." said an also serious Louise.

They just stayed silent and walked back to their seat.

Richie smugly smirked at this and Taffy liked that smirk, also enjoying this too.

All parents nodded in approval at such scoldings.

Marsha Dale had respect for that couple, so did James.

Once that was settled, they continued the viewing.

(As the bus leaves, Jerry is driving a limo and parks it to flirt with some prostitutes, revealing his weakness.)

Everyone frowned at this, now seeing why BrandonKR disliked Jerry.

"Is this why you dislike him?" asked a frowning Richie, not being amused by this scene.

"Yeah and it's for more bigger reasons." said a sighing BrandonKR, still not liking that kind of behavior.

Taffy was still angrily offended by this and Marsha wanted to slap Jerry for this.

The Government facepalmed at Jerry's womanizing behavior.

Even Art and Jason didn't look amused at this and rolled their eyes in annoyance.

However, they all had a feeling why Jerry's weakness would be bad.

(At the casino, Byron talks with the manager about getting a raise since he still has to support his family after his divorce but his uncaring boss refused to it and just told him that he's on in 5 minutes, much to Byron's dismay.)

Everyone glared at the manager for his uncaring attitude and lack of sympathy.

However, they got worried to hear about the divorce and Byron explained why, revealing his other past as a former addict.

Richie felt bad for Byron and knew the guy was a good man who needed to be paid more.

Taffy was upset that Byron's boss wasn't even bothering to pay him.

Byron sighed in sadness at being unable to pay for his family.

After that, they decided to take another break.

Chapter 5: Alien Contact[]

During the break, they still talk about stuff.

Taffy was worried for Richie's obviously bad life, which he decided to let her know what his own life is like.

Byron was talking with his family about the problem they have right now.

Nonetheless, they continued the reaction to the film.

(In space, the flying saucers were coming closer to Earth.)

Everyone paid attention at seeing this.

However, a few people still wisely didn't trust this.

Decker still planned on having an army to combat these possible threats.

(Back on Earth, Kessler has arrived at Natalie's show and one of the staff happily considers this as "one hell of a rating," much to colleague's amused agreement.)

Everyone chuckled at hearing this.

Donald tried his best not to break out in happiness upon being on the show.

(However, Donald seems to be more like enjoying his conversation with Natalie, even to the point of wanting to address each other by their first names and admitting that he's always admired her show.)

Everyone now realized why he wanted this and looked like they wanted to laugh.

Jason glared at Donald, who smugly smirked at him.

(However, Natalie doesn't seem to mind and actually also shows gratitude towards him for liking her show.)

Everyone could tell why she was grateful for that.

Jason looked down at this, realizing that his jealousy might be very rude to her.

'No wonder she likes him over me.' thought a remorseful Jason, now seeing how rude his behavior is.

(Once they go online, she introduces the professor and seems to reveal what he studies or teaches, which could be why he was called for this job.)

Everyone now understood the reason why he was hired.

Donald nodded, having always been interested in space or intergalactic lifeforms.

(As they are talking about the Martian thing, the president and his wife were just eating their meals on the couch while Jason's noticing that there is obvious flirting in this, much to his colleagues' obvious amusment.)

Everyone had to chuckle at Jason's obvious jealousy.

Jason rolled his eyes at everyone's reaction to his jealousy, not seeing anything wrong with disliking the flirting.

(However, the monitors start acting funny and the crew can't cut to other cameras, which got Natalie and Donald's attention but the latter also took the chance to put his hand on her leg.)

Everyone took this part seriously but deadpanned at the professor's bold move.

However, Jason just merely shook his head at him and silently told him 'Not now,' which Donald nodded at.

(Of course, Jason only pays attention to the hand part and pointed at it but also takes notice of the monitors buzzing, even tapping one of them in annoyance and wondering what the problem was now.)

Everyone shook their head at Jason also not taking this seriously.

Donald also gave the same look back, which Jason nodded in understanding and took this seriously.

(As they unsuccessfully try to fix the monitor, the Martian Ambassador appears on screen, much to everyone's shock at what the Martians look like.)

Everyone got surprised and looked at BrandonKR, who confirmed this appearance to be very accurate.

"Fascinating." said a shocked Donald.

(The reactions were various: Marsha is scared of them and refuses to let them in the house but James isn't fazed by this and still wants to kindly welcome the Martians,)

Everyone didn't ask why the president wasn't fazed.

"I've seen worse." said a shrugging James.

(Taffy shows shock at seeing one for the first time,)

Everyone couldn't blame her.

"It's my first time seeing something so mysterious." said a shrugging Taffy.

Richie could understand.

(Richie is amazed at the brain and considers the Martian to be really smart while claiming that it's making the donut sign but his boss is merely surprised at this,)

Everyone chuckled at Richie's reaction.

"Oh Richie." said a smiling Taffy.

(Natalie and Donald were holding each other close in shock but the latter believes that they might look equally gross to the species instead while Jason and his crew were merely shocked,)

Everyone didn't comment on the obvious hug as well.

Even Jason ignored the possible flirting to focus on the matter at hand.

(and the people at the casino just stare at the screen with Byron being the one to identify the Martian.)

Everyone couldn't blame that reaction either.

They also decided to break to process on this.

However, BrandonKR knew that reaction will turn into fear soon.

Chapter 6: Talk and Preparation[]

During the break, there was a lot of talk about what's going on.

Richie and Taffy were still getting used to it while Billy was excited to meet a Martian.

However, Decker was still worried about this and knew that they couldn't trust it too easily.

They then went back to the viewing.

(In a meeting, Kessler deduced that the Martians are carbon-based life forms that breathe nitrogen and have telepathic protection, which they could guess that the Martians could also read thoughts.)

Everyone nodded at that information.

BrandonKR confirmed that to be true, which they thanked him for the information.

(However, the president also wants to know about their intentions and if they are friendly, which the professor believes that their advanced culture could make them peaceful and enlightened.)

Everyone facepalmed at that logic, including the professor himself.

"Future me, even people with advanced culture could be an enemy." said a sighing Kessler, scolding his nativity.

(Despite this, he does point out that the human race can also be a dangerous species as well, suspecting that they have more to fear from the humans than from them.)

Everyone couldn't refute that statement.

Even Decker knew that was an excellent argument.

(Once Kessler then has his friend Dr. Zeigler come up, Zeigler reveals a translation device to translate the Martians and the Martian's message is translated to talking about a possible backstory on how they might've gotten created.)

Everyone was interested to hear that the Martians might be crossbreeds.

'That explains everything.' thought a curious BrandonKR, knowing most Martians to be declared green.

(After Decker expresses confusion at the message, Taffy is wondering the halls of the White House and is about the enter a room but Mitch blocks her because of a tour currently going on, much to her obvious dismay.)

Everyone sees this scene as her probably wanting to be like the other kids.

Richie felt bad for her but Taffy gave him an assuring look.

(Also, Barbara is at a church talking with an audience and expressing her desire to invite the Martians to save them and the environment, leading the crowd to clap for her beautiful speech.)

Everyone still kindly clapped for her as well with warm smiles.

"Thank you." said a giggling Barbara.

(At the trailer park, Billy is shown about to be leaving and sharing a goodbye with his girlfriend Sherona.)

Everyone realized that this was the day that he's leaving.

Richie wished his brother good luck, much to his gratitude.

However, the Norris couple were taking this too seriously.

(After sharing a goodbye with his parents and girlfriend, he then shared a goodbye handshake with Richie but returned his brother's kindness with joking calling him the r-word and asking him not to touch his stuff, even lightly pushing him away but Richie doesn't seem offended and still cares for him.)

Everyone frowned at the rude goodbye.

Billy apologized to Richie for that, which the younger brother took it in good stride but was hurt by the nickname.

Taffy and Florence held Richie's hands in sympathy and glared at Billy in disappointment.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne didn't even call out the remark, much to everyone's disgust.

BrandonKR knew why and still didn't like it.

(However, he does kindly say goodbye to his grandmother, who calls him Thomas and he tries correcting her but she still says it with a laugh and he just decides to get on the bus after one last hug from his mother and one last kiss from his girlfriend.)

Everyone got over the insult and chuckled at the said goodbye.

Richie and Taffy chuckled at Billy, who just rolled his eyes but understood that he deserved that.

Florence just smirked at Billy, who also realized that she probably did that on purpose as a punishment.

'Okay, I deserve that.' thought an amused Billy.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne nearly scoffed rudely at Florence for getting their favorite son's name wrong, which the people that noticed got annoyed at the rudeness.

(After saluting the family goodbye and the bus leaves with him on it, Richie comments on Billy being gone for a while but this leaves his mother to complain about him not being like his brother and his father to rudely claims that they only got lucky with Billy while not lucky with Richie, revealing them to be committing favoritism.)

Everyone was appalled by how the parents talked about Richie like that.

However, Richie just sighed and was used to it but Taffy was still mad at this and comforted Richie over this.

Billy and Florence glared at Glenn and Sue Anne for how they keep treating Richie like that.

With Richie's permission, Taffy angrily told the audience what Richie's parents are like, which left them appalled at such horrible parenting and sympathetic towards Richie.

'Poor kid.' thought a sympathetic James and Marsha, knowing child neglect when they see it.

'That is no way to treat your own child.' thought a glaring Byron and Louise, not liking favoritism.

'They're even worse than Art.' thought an upset Barbara, not liking the couple at all.

'How is he still a nice person from that?' thought a worried Jason, Natalie, and Donald.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne just shrugged at this, not seeing anything wrong with wanting a perfect strong child.

Upon noticing this, the audience were appalled by the lack of remorse.

'Oh my god, I hate them.' thought a glaring Taffy, not liking the couple at all.

'They can't really change their ways.' thought a disappointed Billy and Florence.

(Even worse, Glenn abusively orders Richie to make himself useful and take Florence back to the retirement home, showing they don't respect her either by not even wanting to take good care of her.)

Everyone was angered even more that they don't respect the grandmother either.

Richie and Billy glared at their parents for disrespecting their grandmother while Taffy growled at this.

However, Florence nearly cried in heart break at this, which her grandsons noticed and comforted her.

'Sue Anne, your father would be very ashamed of you.' thought a heartbroken Florence, knowing her husband's reaction to this.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne rolled their eyes, not seeing this as their problem.

Despite this, they still continued, even if they were still angry.

(Despite seeming to be upset at their attitude, he still complies and drives his grandmother back to the retirement, possibly to help her get away from his abusive parents.)

Everyone just sighed in sympathy, wishing that he would stand up to those abusers.

However, the most sympathetic ones were Taffy, Billy, and Florence, knowing why Richie complied.

Richie just sighed at this and put his face in his hands at how him and his grandmother can't have a loving family with awful parents' irritating tyranny.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne nodded in approval at Richie complying, starting to show signs of treating him like a slave.

The ones who noticed were beyond pissed at this.

(During the drive, Richie starts talking with his grandma about the Martians and commenting on missing all the crazy things she's seen in her lifetime by jokingly betting that people were scared when they invented the train, which Florence reminds him that she's not that old but still goes back to her amnesic self and declaring Richie as the best one.)

Everyone calmed down from this and smiled at this sweet scene with a few chuckles.

However, Richie and Florence just laughed fondly at this, knowing they still have each other.

Taffy and Billy smiled warmly at this, glad that the duo have each other for comfort.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne shook their head in annoyance at this, not seeing what's so great about it.

After that, they took a break but some will be talking about learning all of this.

Chapter 7: Press Conference[]

During the break, there were mixed conversations, mostly about what they've seen from the Norris family.

Taffy was still worried for Richie and talking about her concerns with Billy and Florence, who also showed concern.

Barbara was still worried about the Martians but also worried about Richie's home life.

Byron and Louise were angrily scolding the parents' behavior, choosing to never commit favoritism.

James and Marsha knew their daughter would still try to help Richie out, which they themselves were sympathetic.

Even Art had nothing to say about this other than being shocked that the couple are worse than him.

However, Glenn and Sue Anne still don't see the big deal and still saw Richie as useless, much to everyone's disgust.

Eventually, they calmed down and went back to the viewing.

However, Taffy sat with Richie and stayed close to him, much to his gratitude.

Billy and Florence also stayed with them, wishing to be away from the toxic couple.

They all took a few moments to calm down before continuing the viewing.

However, they still hated the couple and wanted them to receive karma.

(Back to Washington, D.C. on Friday, May 12 at 4:03 P.M., a press conference is happening and is being led by Jerry.)

Everyone wasn't surprised at this, knowing a conference would happen.

Jason knew he would definitely be attending.

However, there were opinions on Jerry leading the conference.

(As Jerry is making a speech to them, they then raise their hands for questions and Jerry picks Jason first, which he asks if the press will have access when the Martians land.)

Everyone chuckled at the question, knowing how desperate that is.

However, Jason shrugged and wasn't ashamed to ask it, being curious about interviews.

(After Jerry declares that it depends on what happens, he then sees the president arriving and everyone stands up for attention as he walks in the room, greeting them all but only having a few minutes of their questions and they immediately got started.)

Everyone could see how much attention this was getting.

However, James still had time for their questions.

(After calming the crowd down, one civilian just asked if the Martians have 2 sexes like they do, which James and Jerry just respond with silence and doesn't seem to know how to answer that.)

Everyone also didn't know how to answer that.

However, Butterman nearly joked at it before being tapped on the head by a glaring Judette, making him shut up.

(Back to Richie and Florence, he arrives there and strolls her to her room, where she pets "Muffy" but the cat is revealed to have been taxidermied.)

Everyone flinched at this.

However, Florence still kindly petted the cat, making everyone decide to not tell her to avoid hurting her.

(After a funny conversation about cats, Richie helped her with turning on the music and letting her know that he'll come to help her if she needs anything, despite that she's too busy listening to her music.)

Everyone still smiled at this sweet family moment.

However, BrandonKR secretly smiled at the music, knowing why it's so important later on.

(Back in Vegas, Byron is jogging in black sweats until Art's car comes along and Art invites him for a ride, which Byron sighs at but still accepts it.)

Everyone didn't trust this part.

However, Art thought it would be fine.

(During the ride, Art does admit to betting on Byron in 1973 but does finally admit offering Byron the deal to roughen up a man that owes him money, no doubt trying to use Byron as a thug.)

Everyone frowned at what Art was doing.

Barbara and Louise both glare at Art, who wasn't fazed by this.

(However, Byron honorably rejects the deal by pointing out how he found Allah, gave up pork, and became a better man, wanting to change for the better and for his family while not wanting to face that demon again.)

Everyone smiled proudly at Byron for rejecting the deal.

However, Louise was the most one proud of her beloved Byron, still loving him.

(Of course, Art hilariously misses the point and all he got out of that was Byron giving up pork, much to Byron's obvious annoyance.)

Everyone collectively facepalm at this.

"Is that all he got from that?" asked a deadpanned Richie.

"Yeah, pretty much." said an also deadpanned Taffy.

(In space, the saucers are getting closer to Earth.)

Everyone paid attention again, knowing this was important.

The United States paid close attention to this.

However, they needed to take action just in case.

(On Earth, one of the scientists answer the signal and informs Decker that the Martians are giving coordinates, which the general takes seriously and looks at it.)

Everyone wondered where the location is.

Jason was ready to write this down, so was Natalie.

(When the president wakes up at 4:58 in the morning, he still takes this seriously and asks about the landing location, which the professor reveals to location to be at the abandoned desert of Pahrump, Nevada.)

Everyone nodded at that information.

The others wrote this down and prepare to pack up sunscreen.

(Of course, Decker ends up in an argument with Kessler after suggesting bringing troops there in 0800 hours but the president closes the argument by both agreeing with Decker's idea and assigning Casey to this, which the latter agreed to it.)

Everyone understood why they should close the argument due to the timing.

However, the other still wrote that down and Casey saluted at the order.

(Despite this, it didn't calm Decker's mood down and he angrily calls them idiots for their peaceful attitude, which a tired Taffy tells him to keep it down because people live there and he just watches in stunned silence as she went back to sleep.)

Everyone laughed at Taffy's tired response.

However, they did wonder the time and BrandonKR did check it but let them know that they'll go to sleep after the next one.

They all agreed to it.

However, Richie and Taffy wonder why they feel like it's important for them, making the hosts smirk.

They might've set those 2 up to get to know each other more.

Nonetheless, everyone took a break after this.

Chapter 8: Aggressive Negotiations[]

During the break, everyone was interested in this development.

Jason tried to look good for the camera, making Natalie and Donald sigh at him.

Richie was worried for his brother but Taffy assured him that he'll be fine, sadly unaware of what will happen.

After a while, they continued the film.

(In the desert, military jeeps and choppers arrive for the event, which Casey has a loving call with his wife before hanging up with some air kisses to her and staying professional while his driver doesn't even react.)

Everyone chuckled at seeing this.

Casey smiled fondly, still loving his wife.

(Meanwhile, many cars were waiting to get entry, one of them having Barbara as the driver.)

Everyone could see why Barbara was going there.

However, Barbara didn't trust it anymore.

Even Art got worried for his wife going there, having a feeling that it won't be great.

Other Stories[]

  • Watching Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow: I also would like the characters to react to this.