Fan Fiction

When war broke out, the duel is on.

Episode 1: Warring Beginning[]

Vector Gundam is once like many duelists. But after a nuclear explosion made by a race of militaristic anti-duelists known as the Dutronics. Things changed and his close friend, Seá, was gone.

35 years later, the war continues and the open rebellion was declared calling forth the Rebel Force.

General Gram Keyes is configuring the plan of attack.

"Nothing," said General Keyes, "but we must save those POWs."

"Wake up Project Avenger," General Keyes ordered.

As he was referring to Vector Gundam, the cyrotube engineers woke him up.

"Ok, maximum heating waking at 100%," said the engineer.

Then Vector woke up and the cyrotube was opened.

"Where am I," Vector said with a yawn.

"You're in the rebel's kilo base, at the seaside station of Underground City," said the engineer.

"Where are those rust buckets, the Dutronics," said Vector.

"What?" said the engineer.

"Where are those Dutronic monsters," said Vector.

In the training facilit
